Capillary Anywhere Commerce APIs are RESTful APIs that can be used to configure merchant data, handle customer activities, and manage orders. Anywhere Commerce APIs can be used for various in-house products and 3rd party integrations.
This document provides detailed information about each Anywhere Commerce API with appropriate sample codes.
Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal)
Capillary Anywhere Commerce APIs can be authenticated in two ways and the Authentication Headers differ based on the type you choose.
OAuth 1.0 Authentication
OAuth protocol authenticates users via tokens (a unique string that identifies a user), that is, instead of sending actual credentials to the server on every request, you can first exchange your user credentials for a ‘token’, and then authenticate the user based on this 'token’. The frequency of users passing credentials over the network will be less.
To use Anywhere Commerce Developer APIs, you need to include your application’s Authorization
in the header in every request. However, you might require additional headers for few APIs which are mentioned in the respective sections.
Accept | application/json |
Content-Type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Authorization determines what permissions an authenticated identity has. To obtain access, you first need to obtain customer key and consumer secret of the app from the MartJack’s Control Panel > Apps > App Store and configure the header.
Authorization Type | OAuth 1.0 |
PublicKey | ${PublicKey} |
Consumer Secret | {app’s secret value} |
APIVersion | 3 |
JWT Authentication
JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication is a new standard for creating token also called Token Based Authentication. This standard basically provides a set of rules for creating tokens in a very specific way, which makes tokens more useful for you in general.
The developer APIs provide sample code to create oAuth authentication token which contains Merchant Secret Key, Public Key and a few other parameters. For each data request, you need to pass the query string parameter with new oAuth signature along with other input parameters to the REST API.
To enable JWT for a merchant API integration app, you need to set the column EnableJWT
=1 in the 'martjack.tblmerchantaddons` table for a specific merchant and public key combination.
** Back-end configuration required** To obtain access, you first need to add the app in the control panel and generate the Auth token (public key) for that app.
To generate Auth token use the API
Authorization Header
Accept | application/json |
Content-Type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
PublicKey | ${PublicKey} |
AuthToken | ${AuthToken} |
MerchantId | ${merchantId} |
languagecode | The language of the application chosen by the end user in case on multilingual application. For example: en or ar |
Request Information
Entry | Description |
URL | {host}/developerapi/{resource}/. We recommend using secure HTTPS requests instead of http for all your calls |
Host | The server to which the API calls are made. This should be the URL of the respective cluster from where the calls are made. - India: - YUM: - PH India: - Walmart: - Staging: - Nightly: |
Resource | Resource for which you want to perform an action. Supported resources: Banners, Brand, Carts, Category, Customer, CustomerGroups,GiftVoucher, Location, MailList, Merchant, Navigation, Order, PickList, Post, Pricelist, Product, ProductTags, ShoppingList, Store, and Voucher |
Response Format | JSON |
How to pass POST body?
You always need to pass the POST body in the format specified below:
For example:
InputData={ “customer”:{ “MobileNo”:“917411639xxx”, “UserName”:“917411639xxx”, “merchantId”:“98d18d82-ba59-4957-9c92-3f89207auyf6 ”}}&InputFormat=application/json
Generating Signature for Developer APIs
An API signature is a credential that consists of consumer key along with nonce, timestamp, oauth version and signature associated to the specific app. You can create API signature to authenticate your merchant app and access Anywhere Commerce APIs instead of the app’s consumer key and password. The signature allows our servers to verify whether a request generated using the API key is authorized. In an API call, signature is validated first followed by app permissions.
The following process guides you how to to generate and use signature.
What parameters are required for signature?
Following are the different parameters required to generate signature.
- oauth_consumer_key
- oauth_nonce
- oauth_signature_method
- oauth_timestamp
- oauth_version
- oauth_signature
How to generate the parameters required for signature?
The following steps guide you how to generate each parameter required for generating signature. The value of oauth_signature_method
is HMAC-SHA1 and oauth_version
is 1.0.
The following sub-sections provide the process for generating values of other parameters.
You can generate Nonce using the following API
Generating TimeStamp
Use the following API to generate TimeStamp
Generating Outh Signature
To generate Outh Signature use the following
Once you get the oauth_signature, you can make API calls. For example:
How to pass the signature?
You can pass the signature either as Headers or directly in the URL as explained below.
Passing as headers:
oauth_consumer_key:{consumer key}
oauth_nonce:{Value generated from the nonce API}
oauth_signature_method: HMAC-SHA1
oauth_timestamp:{value generated from the timeStamp API}
oauth_signature:{generated through OAuth/Signature}
Passing directly in the request URL:
{API Request}?oauth_consumer_key=QFTBNOUC&oauth_nonce={oauth_nonce}&oauth_signature_method={HMAC-SHA1{&oauth_timestamp={timeStamp} &oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature={oauth_signature}
For example: oauth_consumer_key=QFTSEOUC &oauth_nonce=jREyWynNuaKAy3IA7s6l &oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHB1 &oauth_timestamp=1548658766 &oauth_version=1.0 &oauth_signature=AeBXqh%2BfPmuVmUdksCAJ%2FyxNv3c%3D
OAuth SDKs
Alternatively, you can also use SDKs for authentication. Here you can see SDK and the installation process for different environments. Click here for the list of available OAuth SDKs
Click here to access the PHP OAuth SDK.
Install pecl OAuth packages as mentioned below:
yum install pecl
sudo apt-get install php7.2-dev
pecl install oAuth
Go to examples and run
php7.2 ./request_signing.php
Java SDK
Click here to access the Java OAuth SDK.
Java 8 minimal library to create tailor-made OAuth-1.0a signatures (weights 24.5 KB).
Java 7 or above
Run the java code in a compatible platform.
` public static void main(String[] args) {
OAuthConfig oauthConfig = new OAuthConfigBuilder(“myApiKey”, “myApiSecret”) .setTokenKeys(“myAccessKey”, “myAccessSecret”) .build();
OAuthSignature signature = oauthConfig.buildSignature(HttpMethod.GET, “http://serviceUrl”) .addQueryParam(“aParam”, “aValue”) .addFormUrlEncodedParam(“myParam”, “anotherValue”) .create();
System.out.println(signature.getAsHeader()); } `
This code will generate the value for a ready-to-be-used “Authorization” Header:
Authorization: OAuth oauth_nonce="1906386233", oauth_signature="sQYmuXQV2ROJS3ukvpeaNNl2Jp8=", oauth_token="myAccessKey", oauth_consumer_key="myApiKey", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1461291933"
Javascript SDK
The following process guides you in generating OAuth 1.0a signature for node and the browser. Click here to access the Javascript OAuth SDK.
Install with npm:
npm install oauth-signature
To generate the OAuth signature call the following method:
oauthSignature.generate(httpMethod, url, parameters, consumerSecret, tokenSecret, options)
The default options parameter is as follows. The following code will encode the signature following the RFC 3986 Spec by default
var options = {
encodeSignature: true
The example on the right shows how to generate the signature for the reference sample
var httpMethod = 'GET’, url = '’, parameters = { oauth_consumer_key : 'dpf43f3p2l4k3l03’, oauth_token : 'nnch734d00sl2jdk’, oauth_nonce : 'kllo9940pd9333jh’, oauth_timestamp : '1191242096’, oauth_signature_method : 'HMAC-SHA1’, oauth_version : '1.0’, file : 'vacation.jpg’, size : 'original’ }, consumerSecret = 'kd94hf93k423kf44’, tokenSecret = 'pfkkdhi9sl3r4s00’, // generates a RFC 3986 encoded, BASE64 encoded HMAC-SHA1 hash encodedSignature = oauthSignature.generate(httpMethod, url, parameters, consumerSecret, tokenSecret), // generates a BASE64 encode HMAC-SHA1 hash signature = oauthSignature.generate(httpMethod, url, parameters, consumerSecret, tokenSecret, { encodeSignature: false}); `
The encodedSignature
variable will contain the RFC 3986 encoded, BASE64 encoded HMAC-SHA1 hash, ready to be used as a query parameter in a request: tR3%2BTy81lMeYAr%2FFid0kMTYa%2FWM%3D
The signature
variable will contain the BASE64 HMAC-SHA1 hash, without encoding: tR3+Ty81lMeYAr/Fid0kMTYa/WM=
OAuth Generator is a .NET project written in C#. Click here to access the .NET SDK.
Visual Studio should be installed and .NET packages installed.
Open OAuth.sln using Visual Studio and run directly to get a console window. The user will be prompted to enter the consumer key and consumer secret. The option for entering other values will be provided.
A customer is an individual who buys products from a merchant’s online store. This resource consists of APIs to create new customer accounts and manage their details and preferences.
Create Customer Account
This API lets you create a new user account on the Capillary’s Anywhere Commerce Platform for a specific merchant.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"PostalAddress":"100, Santa Plaza",
"Street":"MG Road",
"BirthDate":"1/1/1994 12:00:00",
"AreaName":"Area Name",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Customer": {
"UserProfiles": null,
"UserInfoId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"UserId": "9b0df0ca-101c-4525-ac55-33829319085a",
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800cxxxx",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "Tom",
"LastName": "Sawyer",
"PostalAddress": "100, Santa Plaza",
"AlternateEmail": "",
"City": "3451",
"Pin": "560001",
"State": "KA",
"Country": "IN",
"Street": "MG Road",
"MobileNo": "917000000000",
"BirthDate": "1/1/1994 12:00:00 PM",
"Gender": "M",
"Occupation": "Job",
"Industry": "Private",
"OtherArea": "otherArea",
"CountryName": "India",
"StateName": "Karnataka",
"CityName": "Bangalore",
"AreaName": "Area Name",
"OtherCity": "OtherCity",
"IsReceiveOffers": false,
"Password": null,
"ConfirmPassword": null,
"Countries": null,
"States": null,
"CommunicationType": "nochannel",
"MarketingNotificationType": "sms|email|push",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | Customer/{merchantId}/Create |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Method | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserName* | string | The username of the customer’s account on the merchant’s Anywhere Commerce platform. It could be email, mobile, or any other identifier |
merchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant in which you want to register customer |
Password* | string | Password of the customer account. Password policy is as configured for the merchant on the Merchant Panel |
CommunicationType | enum | The preferred communication channel(s) of the customer. Possible Values: SMS, EMAIL |
City | int | Unique code of the city (as saved in the system) of the customer’s billing address. Example, 0562 (for Agra), and 250 (Victoria) |
CityName | string | Full name of the city. Example: Bangalore, Delhi, Tokyo, Singapore and Paris |
State | string | State’s postal abbreviation. Example: KA (for Karnataka), CA (for California), IN (for Indiana) |
StateName | string | Full name of the state. Example: Karnataka, California, and Indiana |
Country | string | Alpha-2 code of the country as per the customer’s billing address. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
CountryName | string | Full name of the country. Example: India, Australia, and Brazil |
IsReceiveOffers | boolean | Used by merchants with CRM enabled. Specify true subscribe customer’s mobile number/email id in CRM to receive offers, else speify false |
PreferredLanguage | string | Specify the preferred language of the customer in ISO code. For example, en for English, ar Arabic |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserProfiles | array | Customer level custom field details |
UserInfoId | string | Internal GUID generated for the customer. UserInfoId is used along with the userId in APIs like customer update |
MarketingNotificationType | enum | Channel used for marketing communications. Supported value: SMS , Email |
Update Customer Details
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Updates the details of a registered customer except unique identifier.
Resource Information
URI | Customer/{merchantId}/Update |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserId* | string | Unique GUID of the customer that you want to update details |
City | string | Unique code of the customer’s billing city (as saved in the system) Example: 0562 (for Agra), 250 (Victoria) |
CityName | string | Full name of the city. Example: Bangalore, |
State | string | State’s postal abbreviation. Example: KA (for Karnataka), CA (for California), IN (for Indiana) |
StateName | string | Full name of the state such as Karnataka, California, and Indiana |
Country | string | Alpha-2 code of the country of the customer. Example, IN (for India), AU (for Australia), BR (for Brazil) |
CountryName | string | Full name of the country. Example, India, Australia, and Brazil |
PreferredLanguage | string | Specify the preferred language of the customer in ISO code. For example, en for English, ar Arabic |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
IsReceiveOffers | boolean | Whether the user is subscribed to receive offers from the merchant or not |
Customer Login (with OTP)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"OTP": "2222",
"UserName": 599999999
Sample Response
"Message":"Logged In successfully",
Authorizes an existing user account through OTP for an existing customer; registers a new customer first and then authorizes the account through OTP for a new customer.
Resource Information
Parameter | Description |
URI | /Customer/{merchantId}/LoginWithOTP/true?username={username}&oTP={OTP} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Headers Required
Header | Description |
AccessToken | Access token of the current session (generate using GET AccessToken API) |
otptoken | OTP token of the issued OTP (Generated in the SendOTP API response) |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
username* | string | Username of the customer account |
oTP* | int | Unique verification code received to the customer’s registered mobile number or email id (through SendOTP API) |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccessToken | string | An object or string that identifies the current user. Access token is required to make customer related API calls such as validate token, update customer details, update profile attributes, and so on |
issued_at | date-time | The date and time when the access token was generated for the user |
Customer Login (with Credentials)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"Message":"Logged In successfully",
Authorizes login of a registered customer on the merchant’s Anywhere Commerce store based on the username and password passed. A unique user id is shown for the logged in user in response which is required to make customer related API calls.
Resource Information
Parameter | Description |
URI | /Customer/{merchantId}/login |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
username* | string | Username of the customer account |
password* | string | Password of the customer account |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccessToken | string | An object or string that identifies the current user. Access token is required to make customer related API calls such as validate token, update customer details, update profile attributes, and so on |
issued_at | date-time | The date and time when the access token was generated for the user |
Customer Login (with Third Party Authentication)
Authenticates customer login with a third-party provider such as Gmail, and Facebook.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Logged In successfully",
"Token": {
"AccessToken": "50p2yjcmiizlfyltl3vrltvj",
"issued_at": "/Date(1543483006985+0530)/",
"UserId": "5820c36d-7148-4154-afa7-32b0798f21f6",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{merchantId}/LoginWithThirdPartyProvider |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
provider* | string | Name of the third party service provider through which the customer wants to login |
profileId* | string | Unique profile id of the service provider |
string | Email id of the user registered with the third-party provider | |
firstName | string | First name of the user |
lastName | string | Last name of the user |
gender | string | Customer gender. Value: M for male and F for female |
loginId | string | Login username (as per the third party) |
mobileNo | string | Registered mobile number of the user that is registered with the provider |
subscribeToOffers | enum | Specify true to subscribe the user to the merchant offers, specify false not to subscribe |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccessToken | string | An object or string that identifies the current user. Access token is required to make customer related API calls such as validate token, update customer details, update profile attributes, and so on |
issued_at | date-time | The date and time when the access token was generated for the user |
Customer Login (with Third Party Async)
Authenticates customer login with a third-party provider - Google and Facebook - through access token. This API works only for merchants having registration setting email or email/mobile provided the login id and/or email is email value.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Logged In successfully",
"Token": {
"AccessToken": "50p2yjcmiizlfyltl3vrltvj",
"issued_at": "/Date(1543483006985+0530)/",
"UserId": "5820c36d-7148-4154-afa7-32b0798f21f6",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{merchantId}/LoginWithThirdPartyProviderAsync |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
provider* | string | Name of the third party through which the customer wants to login. Currently supported values: google , facebook |
profileId* | string | Unique profile id of the third-party provider |
email** | string | Email id of the user registered with the third-party provider. Either email or loginId is mandatory. |
firstName | string | First name of the user |
lastName | string | Last name of the user |
gender | string | Customer gender. Value: M for male and F for female |
loginId** | string | Login username (as per the third party - usually, email ID). Either email or loginId is mandatory. If this is left blank, it considers the value of the email param. |
Token* | string | Unique object or string generated for the current user |
mobileNo | string | Registered mobile number of the user that is registered with the provider |
subscribeToOffers | enum | Specify true to subscribe the user to the merchant offers, specify false not to subscribe |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccessToken | string | An object or string that identifies the current user. Access token is required to make customer related API calls such as validate token, update customer details, update profile attributes, and so on |
issued_at | date-time | The date and time when the access token was generated for the user |
Start Customer Session
Starts a new customer session and generates access token which is required to make customer related API calls.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"Message":"Logged In successfully",
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{MerchantId}/StartCustomerSession |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user that you want to logout |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique id (GUID) of the merchant |
username | string | Registered login username of the customer |
operatorid | string | Unique GUID of the back-end operator or current CP user id. The generated access token will be associated to both the user and operator |
password | string | Password of the operator account |
locationid | int | Location id associated to the operator |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccessToken | string | An object or string that identifies the current user. Access token is required for making customer related API calls such as validate token, update customer details, update profile attributes, and so on |
issued_at | date-time | Date and time of generation of the access token |
Change Password
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Message":"Your Password changed Successfully",
Lets you change password of the current customer account.
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{merchantId}/{UserId}/ChangePassword?password={newPassword} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST (No POST body required) |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant associated to the user account |
UserId* | string | Unique GUID of the user to change the password |
newPassword* | string | New password that you prefer |
Change Password (V2)
Lets you change the password of an existing customer account.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"Message":"Your Password changed Successfully",
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/v2/changePassword/{merchantId}/{userId} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
AccessToken* | Access token of the logged in user whose password needs to be changed |
APIversion* | 1 |
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
userId* | string | Unique GUID of the current user |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
OldPassword* | string | Current password of the customer account |
NewPassword* | string | New password of the customer account |
Generate Reset ID (V2 - ResetPassword)
Generates unique reset id to the provided email id to reset password.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"ResetPasswordRequest": {
"UserName": "",
"Url": ""
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{MerchantId}/v2/resetPassword |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
AccessToken* | Access token of the logged in user |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
UserName* | string | Unique login username of the customer. For example, email id |
Url | string | Link to reset password that you want to send to the customer’s email id. Reset id generated automatically and is appended to the URL you specify |
Validate Reset Request
Validates the mobile number or email id of the customer to process reset password request.
- OTP is sent to the customer’s registered mobile number in case of mobile number validation
- An URL with reset id is sent to the registered email id in case of email id validation
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (for mobile number validation)
"ResetPasswordDetails": {
"UserName": "9876000000",
"Resettype": "mobile",
"otp": "3423"
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"UserId": "3aed9e45-65d8-4b21-8ec1-b25134499744"
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{MerchantId}/ValidateResetRequest |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
AccessToken* | Access token of the logged in user |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
UserName* | string | Username of the customer account - mobile number or email id |
Resettype* | enum | Specify mobile for mobile number validation, email for email id validation |
resetid | string | Unique reset id generated when resetting the password through email id. Required when Resettype is email (generated through ResetPassword API when username is email id) |
OTP | int | OTP sent to the customer’s mobile number when Resettype is mobile (generated through ResetPassword API when username is mobile number) |
Customer Logout
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Logout Successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Logs out the current user account. No POST body is required for this API.
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{MerchantId}/Logout |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST (No POST body is required) |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user that you want to logout |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Get Access Token
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Logged In successfully",
"Token": {
"AccessToken": "gmah4uer4x5clfm1pxczhxxx",
"issued_at": "/Date(1534759560943+0530)/",
"UserId": "f72da7b6-9566-4c99-b0e6-aa882e7acxxx",
"MerchantId": "6c57599f-2c43-4c82-806a-e07c3410xxx"
"ErrorCode": 0
Creates a dummy access token for the current user who did not logged in to the merchant Anywhere Commerce store. No POST body is required for this API.
Resource Information
URI | Customer/GetAccessToken/{MerchantId} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST (No POST body is required) |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | The unique GUID of the merchant |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccessToken | string | An object or string that identifies the current session |
issued_at | date-time | Date and time of generation of the access token |
Validate Access Token
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"SessionValid": "true",
"ErrorCode": 0
Verifies if the provided access token is valid or invalid.
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{merchantId}/{accesstoken}/ValidateToken |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | The unique GUID of the merchant where to validate access token |
accesstoken* | string | The access token generated for the current user session (use /Customer/GetAccessToken/ to get access token of a user session) |
Activate User Account
Activates a deactivated user account.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/Activation/{MerchantId}/{UserId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
UserId* | string | Unique GUID of the user that you want to activate |
Deactivate User Account
Deactivates an active user account.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/DeActivation{MerchantId}/{UserId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
UserId* | string | Unique GUID of the user that you want to deactivate |
Search Customers
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Customers": [
"UserProfiles": [],
"UserInfoId": "4370d39c-d5e6-44e3-8fa3-2e3caf9432bf",
"UserId": "07e8f0eb-8c5d-4ad7-ab6e-ca7a72687d63",
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62xxxx",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "Tom",
"LastName": "Sawyer",
"PostalAddress": "silkboard",
"AlternateEmail": "",
"City": "32",
"Pin": "560068",
"State": "KA",
"Country": "IN",
"PhoneNo": "91-",
"Street": "",
"MobileNo": "91-7411639213",
"BirthDate": "1/1/1900",
"Gender": "",
"Occupation": "",
"Industry": "",
"OtherArea": "silkboard",
"CountryName": "India",
"StateName": "Karnataka",
"CityName": "Bangalore",
"AreaName": "",
"OtherCity": "",
"IsReceiveOffers": false,
"Password": null,
"ConfirmPassword": null,
"Countries": null,
"States": null,
"CommunicationType": null,
"MarketingNotificationType": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves customers matching the specified search keyword in either username, mobile number or email id.
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{merchantId}/Search |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserName** | string | Fetches all customers matching the specified keyword in the username. For example, if you specify tom , you will get all customers whose username start with tom |
mobile** | string | Fetch customers whose registered mobile number contains the specified keyword. For example, you can get all customers whose mobile numbers contain 9945 |
email** | string | Search customers whose registered email id contains a specified keyword. For example, you can get all customers whose email ids contain john |
SearchType** | CreateDate, UserName |
FromDate:“2019/04/25”, ToDate:“2019/04/25”
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserProfiles | array | Customer level custom field details |
UserInfoId | string | GUID generated for the customer internally. UserInfoId is used in APIs like customer update along with the UserId |
CommunicationType | string | The preferred communication channel(s) of the customer. Possible Values: SMS, EMAIL |
MarketingNotificationType | enum | Channel used for marketing communications. Values: SMS/Email |
Get Customer Details
Sample Request
Sample Response
"ProfileAttributeName":"Favorite Game",
"Street":"MG Road",
"AreaName":"MG Road",
"PreferredLanguage": "en",
"IsActivated": true
Retrieves the details of a specific customer based on the user id passed.
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{merchantId}/{UserId} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | The unique GUID of the merchant associated to the customer account |
UserId* | string | The unique GUID of the customer to fetch details |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserProfiles | array | Customer level custom field details |
UserInfoId | string | GUID generated for the customer internally. UserInfoId is used in APIs like customer update along with the UserId |
CommunicationType | string | The preferred communication channel(s) of the customer. Possible Values: SMS, EMAIL |
MarketingNotificationType | enum | Channel(s) used for marketing communications. Value: SMS, Email |
PreferredLanguage | string | Preferred language of the customer in ISO code. For example, en for English, ar Arabic |
IsActivated | boolean | Flag that specifies if the customer is active (true ) or inactive false |
Get All Customers
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Customers": [
"UserProfiles": [],
"UserInfoId": "f017da55-32fe-4ce4-966b-fe38be1965af",
"UserId": "4a9cab14-36d2-4326-a4e4-9b3f5b216adc",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "Tom",
"LastName": "Sawyer",
"PostalAddress": "321/1, MG Road",
"AlternateEmail": "",
"City": "",
"Pin": "560076",
"State": "KA",
"Country": "IN",
"PhoneNo": "",
"Street": "",
"MobileNo": "919050000000",
"BirthDate": "1/1/1900",
"Gender": "",
"Occupation": "",
"Industry": "",
"OtherArea": "",
"CountryName": "India",
"StateName": "Karnataka",
"CityName": "",
"AreaName": "",
"OtherCity": "",
"IsReceiveOffers": false,
"Password": null,
"ConfirmPassword": null,
"Countries": null,
"States": null,
"CommunicationType": "sms|email|push",
"MarketingNotificationType": "sms|email|push",
"PreferredLanguage": "en",
"IsActivated": true
"UserProfiles": [
"UserId": "4ae38f81-f459-41f5-bddd-4115bd726d2c",
"ProfileAttributeId": 972,
"ProfileAttributeValueId": 0,
"ProfileAttributeName": "Ser",
"ProfileAttributeValue": ""
"UserId": "4ae38f81-f459-41f5-bddd-4115bd726d2c",
"ProfileAttributeId": 974,
"ProfileAttributeValueId": 0,
"ProfileAttributeName": "test",
"ProfileAttributeValue": ""
"UserInfoId": "a1caa9d8-585b-47bd-866c-96f599f35256",
"UserId": "4ae38f81-f459-41f5-bddd-4115bd726d2c",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "Bhaarat",
"LastName": "",
"PostalAddress": "",
"AlternateEmail": "",
"City": "554",
"Pin": "",
"State": "",
"Country": "",
"PhoneNo": "",
"Street": "",
"MobileNo": "91-9533000000",
"BirthDate": "1/1/1900",
"Gender": "M",
"Occupation": "",
"Industry": "",
"OtherArea": "",
"CountryName": "",
"StateName": "",
"CityName": "",
"AreaName": "",
"OtherCity": "",
"IsReceiveOffers": true,
"Password": null,
"ConfirmPassword": null,
"Countries": null,
"States": null,
"CommunicationType": "sms|email|push",
"MarketingNotificationType": "sms|email|push",
"PreferredLanguage": "en",
"IsActivated": true
"UserProfiles": [],
"UserInfoId": "0b059921-adbc-4443-ab41-e06e90f836c5",
"UserId": "4ca92fd6-6a48-4f83-984f-b794670ba812",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "James",
"LastName": "",
"PostalAddress": "",
"AlternateEmail": "",
"City": "554",
"Pin": "",
"State": "",
"Country": "",
"PhoneNo": "",
"Street": "",
"MobileNo": "0-",
"BirthDate": "1/1/1900",
"Gender": "M",
"Occupation": "",
"Industry": "",
"OtherArea": "",
"CountryName": "",
"StateName": "",
"CityName": "",
"AreaName": "",
"OtherCity": "",
"IsReceiveOffers": false,
"Password": null,
"ConfirmPassword": null,
"Countries": null,
"States": null,
"CommunicationType": "sms|email|push",
"MarketingNotificationType": "sms|email|push",
"PreferredLanguage": "en",
"IsActivated": true
"UserProfiles": [],
"UserInfoId": "a0d51fd9-8522-45c4-bd21-4ba76eab97ec",
"UserId": "4cbc4ce9-53d6-48c0-86b5-50de737faacd",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "tyg",
"LastName": "erd",
"PostalAddress": "fggb",
"AlternateEmail": "",
"City": "554",
"Pin": "560076",
"State": "Chhattisgarh",
"Country": "IN",
"PhoneNo": "",
"Street": "",
"MobileNo": "915656565656",
"BirthDate": "1/1/1900",
"Gender": "",
"Occupation": "",
"Industry": "",
"OtherArea": "",
"CountryName": "India",
"StateName": "Chhattisgarh",
"CityName": "Other",
"AreaName": "",
"OtherCity": "",
"IsReceiveOffers": false,
"Password": null,
"ConfirmPassword": null,
"Countries": null,
"States": null,
"CommunicationType": "sms|email|push",
"MarketingNotificationType": "sms|email|push",
"PreferredLanguage": "en",
"IsActivated": true
"UserProfiles": [
"UserId": "4d32b17d-5f36-4849-8d83-e17f17597efa",
"ProfileAttributeId": 972,
"ProfileAttributeValueId": 0,
"ProfileAttributeName": "Ser",
"ProfileAttributeValue": ""
"UserId": "4d32b17d-5f36-4849-8d83-e17f17597efa",
"ProfileAttributeId": 974,
"ProfileAttributeValueId": 0,
"ProfileAttributeName": "test",
"ProfileAttributeValue": ""
"UserInfoId": "3a412fe0-2b47-450b-8beb-16ec634df913",
"UserId": "4d32b17d-5f36-4849-8d83-e17f17597efa",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "test",
"LastName": "asv",
"PostalAddress": "test&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;",
"AlternateEmail": "",
"City": "554",
"Pin": "500033",
"State": "TG",
"Country": "IN",
"PhoneNo": "",
"Street": "",
"MobileNo": "91-9422996500",
"BirthDate": "1/1/1900",
"Gender": "M",
"Occupation": "",
"Industry": "",
"OtherArea": "",
"CountryName": "India",
"StateName": "Telangana",
"CityName": "Other",
"AreaName": "",
"OtherCity": "Hyderabad",
"IsReceiveOffers": true,
"Password": null,
"ConfirmPassword": null,
"Countries": null,
"States": null,
"CommunicationType": "sms|email|push",
"MarketingNotificationType": "sms|email|push",
"IsActivated": true
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves the details of all registered customers of the merchant.
Resource Information
URI | Customer/{MerchantId}/All |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserName* | string | The login username of the customer. It could be email, mobile, or any other identifier |
PostalAddress | string | Customer address |
City | int | Unique code of the city (as saved in the system) associated to the address. Example, 0562 (for Agra), and 250 (Victoria) |
CityName | string | Full name of the city. Example: Bangalore, Delhi, Tokyo, Singapore and Paris |
State | string | Postal abbreviation of the state associated to the address. Example: KA (for Karnataka), CA (for California), IN (for Indiana) |
StateName | string | Full name of the state. Example: Karnataka, California, and Indiana |
Country | string | Alpha-2 code of the country associated to the address. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
CountryName | string | Full name of the country. Example: India, Australia, and Brazil |
IsReceiveOffers | boolean | Applicable for merchants where CRM is enabled. States whether the customer has subscribed his mobile number or email id to receive offers |
CommunicationType | enum | The preferred communication channel(s) of the customer. Possible Values: sms, email, push |
PreferredLanguage | string | Preferred language of the customer in ISO code. For example, en for English, ar Arabic |
IsActivated | boolean | Flag that specifies if the customer is active (true ) or inactive false |
Get Saved Cart Items
Retrieves the details of cart items saved for a specific user. Cart abandoned items will be saved in the cart automatically.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"SavedCartItems": [
"CartItemId": 13222238,
"ProductId": 11000246,
"VariantProductId": 6752012,
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"StockAvailability": true,
"LastUpdated": "/Date(1474022999000+0530)/"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/SavedCart/{merchantId}/{UserId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
user* | string | Unique GUID of the user to fetch saved cart items |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CartItemId | int | Unique cart id |
ProductId | long | Unique id of the product in cart |
VariantProductId | long | Unique id of the variant product |
StockAvailability | boolean | Whether the product is in stock or not |
LastUpdated | date | Date (in UST) when the cart is recently updated |
Get Customer Count
Retrieves the count of all registered customers of the merchant.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Count": 100,
"Message": "Successful",
"messageCode": "1004"
Resource Information
URI | Customer/{MerchantId}/Count |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Resource Information
URI | Customer/{MerchantId}/Count |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Update Profile Attributes (Custom Fields)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Updated Successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Adds new custom field details or updates existing custom field details of a customer. These are customer level custom fields and are configured as per the merchant’s requirement. You need to know the configured fields and its datatypes before adding/updating.
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{merchantId}/UpdateUserProfile |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ProfileAttributeId* | string | ID of the attribute that you want to add or update |
ProfileAttributeValue | string | Respective attribute value preferred by the customer |
Add/Update Shipping Address
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"address1":", plot.31, ECIL",
"AddressType":"Home Address"
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ShippingAddresses": [
"shippingaddressid": 1714453,
"userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"firstname": null,
"lastname": null,
"address1": null,
"address2": null,
"state": null,
"pin": null,
"countrycode": null,
"citycode": null,
"phoneno": null,
"mobileno": null,
"email": null,
"othercity": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Adds a new shipping address to a customer’s account or updates an existing shipping address.
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/AddShippingAddress/{merchantId} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ShippingAddressId* | int | Unique id of the order shipment that you want to update. Pass 0 to create a new shipping address |
userId* | string | Unique GUID of the customer to add or update shipping address |
firstname* | string | The first name of the customer |
lastname* | string | The last name of the customer |
address1*, address2 | string | Specify the customer’s shipping address related information |
state | string | Postal abbreviation of the state of the current shipping address. Example: KA (for Karnataka), CA (for California), IN (for Indiana) |
pin | string | Specify the PIN of the current shipping address |
countrycode | string | Alpha-2 code of the country of the current shipping address. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
citycode | string | Unique code of the city (as saved in the system) such as 0562 (for Agra), and 250 (Victoria) |
phoneno | string | The landline number of the customer associated to the shipping address |
mobileno | string | The mobile number of the customer associated to the shipping address |
string | The email id of the customer associated to the shipping address | |
addressType | string | Type of address. For example Home, Office |
Get Customer’s Shipping Address
Sample Request
Sample Response
"address1":", plot.31, ECIL",
"address1":"Door: 12, 4th Floor, #12",
"address2":"3rd cross, Roopena agrahara",
Retrieves all shipping addresses of a specific customer.
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/GetShippingAddress/{merchantId}/{UserId} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Additional Header Required
Header Name | Value |
apiversion | 4 |
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | The unique GUID of the merchant associated to the customer |
UserId* | string | The unique GUID of the user to fetch all shipping addresses |
Delete Shipping Address
Sample Request
Sample Response
Deletes a specific shipping address of a customer for the current login session.
Resource Information
URI | Customer/DeleteShippingAddress/{MerchantId}/{UserId}/{ShippingAddressId} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique GUID of the merchant associated to the customer account |
UserId* | string | The unique GUID of the customer whose shipping address needs to be deleted |
ShippingAddressId* | string | Unique id of the shipping address that you want to delete |
Get Store Operators
Retrieves the details of store operators of a specific role in a particular location or all locations.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"StoreOperators": [
"FirstName": "Jim",
"LastName": "karpet",
"Email": "",
"OperatorId": "03b3a81d-c168-4cbc-ae9d-c79ccee5adb9",
"StoreIDs": [
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/GetStoreOperators/{merchantId}/{locationId}/{roleid} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
locationId* | int | Pass the location id to get operators of that specific location. If you want to fetch from all the locations, pass ‘0’ |
roleid* | string | Pass the unique role id to get operators of that specific role |
Agent Login
Lets agents of the merchant login to the merchant’s Anywhere Commerce site.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
"Message":"Logged In successfully",
"RoleName":"Order Manager"
Resource Information
URI | /Customer/{merchantId}/AgentLogin |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant associated to the agent account |
username* | string | Username of the agent’s login account |
password* | string | Password of the agent account |
Customer Groups
Customer grouping is a classification of customers into different segments based on a similar attribute or rule. You can provide discounts or special prices to customer groups.
Customers can be added to a group manually or using rules. This resource contains APIs related to accessing group details and managing group members.
Add User to a Customer Group
Adds a user to a specific customer group.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Customer Created Successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /CustomerGroups/Consumer/{merchantId}/{userGroupId}/{userId}/Add |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchantId |
userGroupId* | int | Unique id of the customer group to which you want to add a customer |
userId* | string | Unique GUID of the customer that you want to add |
Get Group Details
Retrieves the details of a specific user group based on the user group id passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"CostumerGroup": [
"UserGroupId": 8714,
"UserGroupName": "NewUser",
"GroupDescription": "NewGroup",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1498093383000+0530)/",
"IsActive": false,
"MessageDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"UpdatedDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"MemberCount": 0
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /CustomerGroups/{merchantId}/{userGroupId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
userGroupId* | int | Unique id of the customer group that you want to fetch |
Get Users of a Group
Retrieves the details of all members of a specific group based on the group id passed.
Sample Request{userGroupId}
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Customers": [
"UserProfiles": null,
"UserInfoId": "0597c6ee-eb13-42a2-bbdf-38690b272cc1",
"UserId": "31a7d819-e4ab-4c2d-985a-5ee9a003d694",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "Tom",
"LastName": "Sawyer",
"PostalAddress": "",
"AlternateEmail": "",
"City": "32",
"Pin": "560001",
"State": "KA",
"Country": "IN",
"PhoneNo": "",
"Street": "MG Road",
"MobileNo": "917400000000",
"BirthDate": "1/1/1993 12:00:00 AM",
"Gender": "male",
"Occupation": "",
"Industry": "",
"OtherArea": "",
"CountryName": "India",
"StateName": "Karnataka",
"CityName": "Bangalore",
"AreaName": "MG Road",
"OtherCity": "OtherCity",
"IsReceiveOffers": false,
"Password": null,
"ConfirmPassword": null,
"Countries": null,
"States": null,
"CommunicationType": null,
"MarketingNotificationType": null
"UserProfiles": null,
"UserInfoId": "9f39c75e-ca82-4284-a1a8-05668a3a9941",
"UserId": "0025fc54-a2d2-4ba8-800f-3c0ac91e9385",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "Jim",
"LastName": "Carvan",
"PostalAddress": "",
"AlternateEmail": "",
"City": "554",
"Pin": "",
"State": "TG",
"Country": "IN",
"PhoneNo": "-",
"Street": "",
"MobileNo": "91-9898000000",
"BirthDate": "1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM",
"Gender": "M",
"Occupation": "",
"Industry": "",
"OtherArea": "",
"CountryName": "India",
"StateName": "Telangana",
"CityName": "Other",
"AreaName": "",
"OtherCity": "554",
"IsReceiveOffers": false,
"Password": null,
"ConfirmPassword": null,
"Countries": null,
"States": null,
"CommunicationType": null,
"MarketingNotificationType": null
"UserProfiles": null,
"UserInfoId": "6fa05537-c88e-4339-833e-45fd0eb2e67b",
"UserId": "0cdaacfc-b705-4803-9864-56d169d9c65b",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "fn",
"LastName": "ln",
"PostalAddress": "zs",
"AlternateEmail": "",
"City": "554",
"Pin": "560076",
"State": "Bihar",
"Country": "IN",
"PhoneNo": "",
"Street": "",
"MobileNo": "919843111111",
"BirthDate": "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
"Gender": "",
"Occupation": "",
"Industry": "",
"OtherArea": "",
"CountryName": "India",
"StateName": "Bihar",
"CityName": "Other",
"AreaName": "",
"OtherCity": "",
"IsReceiveOffers": false,
"Password": null,
"ConfirmPassword": null,
"Countries": null,
"States": null,
"CommunicationType": null,
"MarketingNotificationType": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /CustomerGroups/Consumer/{merchantId}/{userGroupId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchantId |
userGroupId* | int | Unique id of the user group |
Get Customer Groups by User ID
Retrieves the list of groups in which a specific user is available based on the user id passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"CostumerGroup": [
"UserGroupId": 8714,
"UserGroupName": "NewUser",
"GroupDescription": "NewGroup",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1498093383000+0530)/",
"IsActive": false,
"MessageDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"UpdatedDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"MemberCount": 2
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /CustomerGroups/Group/{merchantId}/{userId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchantId |
userId* | string | Unique GUID of the user by which you want to fetch user groups |
Get All Groups of the Merchant
Retrieves all customer groups of the merchant.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"CostumerGroup": [
"UserGroupId": 7990,
"UserGroupName": "Group1",
"GroupDescription": "Default",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1457510943000+0530)/",
"IsActive": false,
"MessageDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"UpdatedDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"MemberCount": 143
"UserGroupId": 8188,
"UserGroupName": "Group2",
"GroupDescription": "Testing Purpose",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1465542242000+0530)/",
"IsActive": false,
"MessageDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"UpdatedDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"MemberCount": 32
"UserGroupId": 8496,
"UserGroupName": "Group3",
"GroupDescription": "hi",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1488417120000+0530)/",
"IsActive": false,
"MessageDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"UpdatedDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"MemberCount": 2
"UserGroupId": 9313,
"UserGroupName": "Group3",
"GroupDescription": "Testing",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1547103219000+0530)/",
"IsActive": false,
"MessageDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"UpdatedDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"MemberCount": 0
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /CustomerGroups/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CreatedDate | date | Date when the group is created |
IsActive | enum | States whether the group is in active state (true) or inactive state (false) |
MessageDate | date | -NA- |
UpdatedDate | date | Date when the group is updated, i.e., either an user added or removed |
MemberCount | int | Total members in the group |
Remove User
Removes a specific user from a group.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Deleted Successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /CustomerGroups/Consumer/{merchantId}/{userGroupId}/{userId}/Remove |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
userGroupId* | int | Unique group id from which you want to remove a user |
userId* | string | Unique GUID of the user that you want to remove |
A product is an item that a merchant sells on the Anywhere Commerce platform. You can use this resource to create and manage inventory items and its groups across channels.
Update Location wise Stock & Price
Sample Request
Sample POST Body
"products": {
"product": {
"product": {
Sample Response
"Message":"Data update added to task queue. You can view the status of update in control panel. Also email will be send to merchant registered email after task completion.",
Updates stock and price of an item for a specific location.
Resource Information
URI | /product/UpdateLocationWiseStock |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
sku* | string | SKU of the product for which you want to update stock and price |
variantsku* | string | The variant SKU to update variant product |
stock | int | Number of available items of the current SKU. Specify NA if product needs to be dissociated with the location, 0 for out of stock |
locationrefcode* | string | Location reference code of the location for which product stock/price update is made (physical store or warehouse) |
Quantity** | int | The quantity of the item for which you want to update the price. This is required to update prices. |
MRP | float | Retail price of the item |
WebPrice | float | Selling price of the item |
TokenPrice | float | Minimum amount required for the customer to reserve the item and purchase later on (prebooking price) |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Taskid | int | Unique id generated for the current update location task |
Update Product Information (normal product)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"ProductTitle":"Capillary Mens Jeans",
"ShortDescription":"Mens jeans blue denim",
"ProductDescription":"Example description",
"DeliveryTime":"2-5 business days",
"PageTitle":"Mens Trousers",
"StockAvailableMessage":"Stock will be available in 2 days",
"ProductNote":"Mens blue jeans",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1018",
"Message": "Data update added to task queue. You can view the status of update in control panel. Also email will be send to merchant registered email after task completion.",
"Taskid": "2718747",
"ErrorCode": 0
Updates the details of a normal product.
Resource Information
URI | /Product/UpdateProductInfo |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CategoryReference* | string | Unique category reference code |
SKU* | string | Unique SKU of the product |
VariantSKU | string | Unique SKU of the variant product to update |
VariantProperty | string | The property of the variant product such as size, color, and weight. *Required for a Variant Product update |
VariantValue | string | The value of the specified variantProperty. *Required for a Variant Product |
BrandID* | string | Brand id associated to the product |
ProductTitle* | string | Title of the product to appear on the product’s page of the storefront |
ProductType* | string | Type of the product. Values: P for a normal product, A for an add-on product, and B for a bundle product or deal product |
CategoryRefCode | string | Reference code of the product category |
Inventory | int | New stock count of the current product |
MRP | float | Retail price of the product |
Webprice | float | Selling price of the product to show up on the storefront. Cannot be more than MRP |
Availability | string | Specify Y if the product is in stock, N if unavailable |
BarCode | string | Bar code of the product |
SmallImage | string | Name (with extension) of the product’s small image (100*100) shown in the product showcase. This param is required if the Custom Type of the image is not defined and the Extended Properties section of that product showcase is not configured accordingly. Supported formats: .png, jpg,jpeg, .svc, and .gif |
LargeImage | string | Name (with extension) of the product’s large image (300*300) shown on the product details page of the storefront. Supported formats: .png, jpg,jpeg, .svc, and .gif |
ShortDescription | string | Brief description of the product within 500 characters. This will appear on the product details page |
ProductDescription | string | Detailed description of the product which will appear in the Description tab of the product page. Supports up to 50000 characters |
PaymentOptionOnline | enum | Specify Y if the product can be purchased online through options such as Credit Card,Debit Card, and Net Banking, N if not supported |
PaymentOptionChequeOrDD | enum | Specify Y if payment through cheque or DD is supported for the product; N if not supported |
PaymentOptionBankTransfer | enum | Specify Y if payment through online bank transfer is supported for the product; N if not supported |
PaymentOptionCOD | enum | Specify Y if cash on delivery is supported for the product; N if not supported |
DeliveryOptionShip | enum | Specify Y if the product is available for shipping, N if cannot be shipped |
DeliveryOptionOffline | enum | Specify Y if the product can be ordered offline such as ‘Call for actions’ |
DeliveryOptionOnline | enum | Specify Y for online delivery products such as such as movies, music, ringtones, donations, mobile recharges, gift cards, softwares etc, else specify N |
DeliveryOptionInStorePickup | enum | Specify Y if store pick up is supported for the product, else specify N |
LocationBased | enum | Specify Y if the product inventory needs to be considered as per the shipping location or store, else specify N |
ShippingCode | enum | The code of the the type of shipping charges. Most commonly used: flat, india, international, surfaceways, airways |
TaxCode | string | The tax code applicable for the product. Tax code have configured in the CP first. You can associate the relevant value here. For example, CSST, IGST, SGST, USST, SGI18 |
DeliveryTime | string | The estimated delivery time to be shown on the product page. Example: This product will be delivered in 7 days from the date of order |
CatalogSequence | int | Sequence of the product to show up on the storefront |
ProductWeight | float | Weight of the product as per the UOM mentioned |
BankProductId | string | System generated id for the product source |
OfferProductDescription | string | .xml file name related to the product offer. Use for sale items |
OfferProductImage | string | Preferred image of the offer product (supported formats: .png, jpg,jpeg, .svc, and .gif) |
PageTitle | string | Title of the product you prefer to appear in the search results for SEO |
Keywords | string | Preferred meta tag search keyword for the product |
KeywordDescription | string | Description of the specified search keyword |
SEOURL | string | The redirect URL when searched on Google |
SmallImageAltText | string | The mouse hover text for small image |
LargeImageAltText | string | The mouse hover text for large image |
StartDate | date | The date when you want to begin showing the product on the storefront in DD/MM/YY format |
EndDate | date | The date when you want to end showing the product on the storefront in DD/MM/YY format |
StartTime | time | The time (on the specified StartDate) from when you want to show the product on the storefront. Format: HH:MM:SS |
EndTime | time | The time (on the specified EndDate) when you want to stop showing the product on the storefront on the specified end date. Format: HH:MM:SS |
PeriodicityType | enum | The recurring interval when you want to show the product on the storefront. Values: Monthly, Weekly, oneTime |
PeriodicityRange | string | The days of the recurring interval (PeriodicityType) that you want to show the product. For example: in Monthly recurring interval, if you set PeriodicityRange 1-30, you will see products on all 30 days of a month. Similarly, in a weekly PeriodicityType , if you set 1, 3, 5 in PeriodicityRange, you will see the product on Sun, Tue, and Thu respectively. No value is required for oneTime . To pass multiple days, use comma separated values. For example, 1,2,5,10. You can either pass as 1-5, or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on. Not required for onetime |
ShowExpired | enum | Y, N. To show if the product has to be displayed irrespective of the periodicityRange |
UOM | enum | Unit of measurement of the product. Values: ltrs, kgs, gms, pieces |
LBH | string | Dimensions of the product (Length*Breadth*Height) or the product volume |
BuyingWeight | float | Weight of the product as per the specified UOM. For example, if UOM is kgs then it will consider the specified value in kilo grams |
PkgQty | int | Lot size (package quantity) of the product that can be purchased. Customer can buy the product only in multiples of the specified PkgQuantity |
MinimumOrderQuantity | int | Minimum allowed product quantity per order |
MaximumOrderQuantity | int | Maximum allowed product quantity per order |
PreOrder | enum | Preorder facilitates booking or reserving an item in advance, usually prebooking new products even before it is launched. Specify Y to allow the product booking in advance, else, specify N |
BackOrder | enum | Backorder lets users to place an order even if the product is out of stock. Specify Y if you want to allow users to place orders even in no stock (0). Specify N to disable ordering in case of out of stock |
StockAvailableMessage | string | Specify the stock availability message to show on the product page when it goes out of stock. For example, “Stock will be available in 2 days” |
ProductCondition | enum | Current condition of the product. Value: New, Used |
Warrantybearer | enum | Warranty bearer. Value: No Warranty, Manufacturer, Dealer |
WarrantyInMonths | int | Warranty period in months (if Warrantybearer is Manufacturer or Dealer) |
ReserveQuantity | int | Quantity of items the merchant needs to reserve for special purposes. For example, merchant could reserve some products to fulfill for loyalty customers |
StockAlertQuantity | int | Sends an alert when the quantity of the product is less than this value |
BarCode | string | Barcode of the product. You can pass comma separated values in case of multiple bar codes |
ModelNumber | string | Model number of the product (if applicable) |
CatalogCode | string | Catelogue code of the product (if any) |
PurchaseDate | date | Required for the used product. Date when the used product is purchased in MM:DD:YY format |
ProductNote | string | Additional information to mention about the product for internal reference |
FormCode | enum | Predefined form codes for deal products. Ad-hoc Forms allow you to create customised web forms with a number of custom fields and you can use them to receive customized orders from end-users. |
CheckoutWithTokenPrice | enum | Specify Y to enable checkout with token price (preorder amount) |
TokenPrice | float | The token amount required for preorder (if CheckoutWithTokenPrice is enabled) |
CostPrice | float | The cost price of the product |
HidePrice | enum | Specify Y to hide the price on the storefront, N to show the product price. You can show 'Price on Request’ Call for Action to reveal the price on customer requests |
StdProductCode | int | For international standard product, specify the HSN (Homogeneous Serial Number) of the product as per the chosen standard product type |
MPN | string | Manufacturer’s part number - A unique part number given by the manufacturer of the product |
Vendor | enum | Vendor name associated to the measurement for the product (Predefined vendor) |
VendorSKU | string | SKU of the product in the vendor system for supplier product |
StdProductType | enum | For international standard products, specify the type of identification or HSN of the product type. Values: UPC (Universal Product Code), EAN (European Article Numbering), GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), ASIIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number), ISBN10 , ISBN13 (International Standard Book Number) |
FulfillmentServiceRefCode | string | Reference code of the order fulfillment service. These services are required for the fulfillment of a deal or online product deliveries such as music, ringtones, movies. It’s mandatory for Local Deals |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Taskid | int | Unique id generated for the current update task |
Update Product Information (Variant)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"ProductTitle":"Capillary Mens Jeans",
"ShortDescription":"Mens jeans blue denim",
"ProductDescription":"Example description",
"DeliveryTime":"2-5 business days",
"PageTitle":"Mens Trousers",
"StockAvailableMessage":"Stock will be available in 2 days",
"ProductNote":"Mens blue jeans",
"ProductTitle":"Capillary Mens Jeans",
"ShortDescription":"Mens jeans blue denim",
"ProductDescription":"Example description",
"DeliveryTime":"2-5 business days",
"PageTitle":"Mens Trousers",
"StockAvailableMessage":"Stock will be available in 2 days",
"ProductNote":"Mens blue jeans",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1018",
"Message": "Data update added to task queue. You can view the status of update in control panel. Also email will be send to merchant registered email after task completion.",
"Taskid": "2718747",
"ErrorCode": 0
Lets you update variant product details.
Resource Information
URI | /Product/UpdateProductInfo |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CategoryReference* | string | Unique category reference code |
SKU* | string | Unique SKU of the product |
VariantSKU* | string | Unique SKU of the variant product |
VariantProperty* | string | The property of the variant product such as size, color, and weight |
VariantValue* | string | The value of the specified property. *Required for Variant Product |
BrandID* | string | Unique id of the brand associated to the product |
ProductTitle* | string | Title of the product to appear on the product’s page |
ProductType* | string | Type of the product. Values: P for a normal product, A for an add-on product, and B for a bundle product or deal product |
CategoryRefCode | string | Reference code of the product category |
Inventory | int | The number of available stock of the current SKU (quantity) |
MRP | float | Retail price of the product |
Webprice | float | Selling price of the product on the storefront. Cannot be more than MRP |
Availability | string | Specify Y if the product is in stock, N if unavailable |
BarCode | string | Bar code of the product |
SmallImage | string | Name (with extension) of the product’s small image (100*100) shown in the product showcase. This param is required if the Custom Type of the image is not defined and the Extended Properties section of that product showcase is not configured accordingly. Supported formats: .png, jpg,jpeg, .svc, and .gif |
LargeImage | string | Name (with extension) of the product’s large image (300*300) shown on the product details page of the storefront. Supported formats: .png, jpg,jpeg, .svc, and .gif |
ShortDescription | string | Brief description of the product within 500 characters. This will appear on the product details page |
ProductDescription | string | Detailed description of the product which will appear in the Description tab of the product page. Supports up to 50000 characters |
PaymentOptionOnline | enum | Specify Y if the product can be purchased online through options such as Credit Card,Debit Card, and Net Banking, N if not supported |
PaymentOptionChequeOrDD | enum | Specify Y if payment through cheque or DD is supported for the product; N if not supported |
PaymentOptionBankTransfer | enum | Specify Y if payment through online bank transfer is supported for the product; N if not supported |
PaymentOptionCOD | enum | Specify Y if cash on delivery is supported for the product; N if not supported |
DeliveryOptionShip | enum | Specify Y if the product is available for shipping, N if cannot be shipped |
DeliveryOptionOffline | enum | Specify Y |
DeliveryOptionOnline | enum | Specify Y for online delivery products such as such as movies, music, ringtones, donations, mobile recharges, gift cards, softwares etc, else specify N |
DeliveryOptionInStorePickup | enum | Specify Y if store pick up is supported for the product, else specify N |
LocationBased | enum | Specify Y if the product inventory needs to be considered as per the shipping location or store, else specify N |
ShippingCode | enum | The code of the the type of shipping charges. Most commonly used: flat, india, international, surfaceways, airways |
TaxCode | string | The tax code applicable for the product. Tax code have configured in the CP first. You can associate the relevant value here |
DeliveryTime | string | The estimated delivery time to be shown on the product page. Example: This product will be delivered in 7 days from the date of order |
CatalogSequence | int | Sequence of the product to show up on the storefront |
ProductWeight | float | Weight of the product |
BankProductId | string | System generated id for the product source |
OfferProductDescription | string | .xml file name related to the product offer. Use for sale items |
OfferProductImage | string | Preferred image of the offer product (supported formats: .png, jpg,jpeg, .svc, and .gif) |
PageTitle | string | Title of the product you prefer to appear in the search results for SEO |
Keywords | string | Preferred meta tag search keyword for the product |
KeywordDescription | Description of the specified search keyword | |
SEOURL | string | The redirect URL when searched on Google |
SmallImageAltText | string | The mouse hover text for small image |
LargeImageAltText | string | The mouse hover text for large image |
StartDate | date | The date when you want to begin showing the product on the storefront in DD/MM/YY format |
EndDate | date | The date when you want to end showing the product on the storefront in DD/MM/YY format |
StartTime | time | The time (on the specified StartDate) from when you want to show the product on the storefront. Format: HH:MM:SS |
EndTime | time | The time (on the specified EndDate) when you want to stop showing the product on the storefront on the specified end date. Format: HH:MM:SS |
PeriodicityType | enum | The recurring interval when you want to show the product on the storefront. Values: Monthly, Weekly, oneTime |
PeriodicityRange | string | The days of the recurring interval (PeriodicityType) that you want to show the product. For example: in Monthly recurring interval, if you set PeriodicityRange 1-30, you will see products on all 30 days of a month. Similarly, in a weekly PeriodicityType , if you set 1, 3, 5 in PeriodicityRange, you will see the product on Sun, Tue, and Thu respectively. No value is required for oneTime . To pass multiple days, use comma separated values. For example, 1,2,5,10. You can either pass as 1-5, or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on. Not required for onetime |
ShowExpired | enum | Y, N. To show if the product has to be displayed irrespective of the periodicityRange |
UOM | enum | Unit of measurement of the product. Values: ltrs, kgs, gms, pieces |
LBH | string | Dimensions of the product (Length*Breadth*Height) or the product volume |
BuyingWeight | float | Weight of the product as per the specified UOM. For example, if UOM is kgs then it will consider the specified value in kilo grams |
PkgQty | int | Lot size (package quantity) of the product that can be purchased. Customer can buy the product only in multiples of the specified PkgQuantity |
MinimumOrderQuantity | int | Minimum allowed product quantity per order |
MaximumOrderQuantity | int | Maximum allowed product quantity per order |
PreOrder | enum | Preorder facilitates booking or reserving an item in advance, usually prebooking new products even before it is launched. Specify Y to allow the product booking in advance, else, specify N |
BackOrder | enum | Backorder lets users to place an order even if the product is out of stock. Specify Y if you want to allow users to place orders even in no stock (0). Specify N to disable ordering in case of out of stock |
StockAvailableMessage | string | Specify the stock availability message to show on the product page when it goes out of stock. For example, “Stock will be available in 2 days” |
ProductCondition | enum | Current condition of the product. Value: New, Used |
Warrantybearer | enum | Warranty bearer. Value: No Warranty, Manufacturer, Dealer |
WarrantyInMonths | int | Warranty period in months (if Warrantybearer is Manufacturer or Dealer) |
ReserveQuantity | int | Quantity of items the merchant needs to reserve for special purposes. For example, merchant could reserve some products to fulfill for loyalty customers |
StockAlertQuantity | int | Sends an alert when the quantity of the product is less than this value |
BarCode | string | Barcode of the product. You can pass comma separated values in case of multiple bar codes |
ModelNumber | string | Model number of the product (if applicable) |
CatalogCode | string | Catelogue code of the product (if any) |
PurchaseDate | date | Required for the used product. Date when the used product is purchased in MM:DD:YY format |
ProductNote | string | Additional information to mention about the product for internal reference |
FormCode | enum | Predefined form codes for deal products. Ad-hoc Forms allow you to create customised web forms with a number of custom fields and you can use them to receive customized orders from end-users. |
CheckoutWithTokenPrice | enum | Specify Y to enable checkout with token price (preorder amount) |
TokenPrice | float | The token amount required for preorder (if CheckoutWithTokenPrice is enabled) |
CostPrice | float | The cost price of the product |
HidePrice | enum | Specify Y to hide the price on the storefront, N to show the product price. You can show 'Price on Request’ Call for Action to reveal the price on customer requests |
StdProductCode | int | For international standard product, specify the HSN (Homogeneous Serial Number) of the product as per the chosen standard product type |
MPN | string | Manufacturer’s part number - A unique part number given by the manufacturer of the product |
Vendor | enum | Vendor name associated to the measurement for the product (Predefined vendor) |
VendorSKU | string | SKU of the product in the vendor system for supplier product |
StdProductType | enum | For international standard products, specify the type of identification or HSN of the product type. Values: UPC (Universal Product Code), EAN (European Article Numbering), GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), ASIIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number), ISBN10 , ISBN13 (International Standard Book Number) |
FulfillmentServiceRefCode | string | Reference code of the order fulfillment service. These services are required for the fulfillment of a deal or online product deliveries such as music, ringtones, movies. It’s mandatory for Local Deals |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
taskid | int | Unique id generated for the current update task |
Attach Product Images
Associates images to a parent product, variant product and variant properties & values.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"sku": "sku42134125",
"variants": [
"variantsku": "sku4113231",
"images": [
"filename": "filnemae.jpg",
"sequence": 1,
"deepzoom": "file.xml(deprecated",
"zoom": "filename.png",
"smallimage": "filename.jpg",
"thumbnail": "filename.jpg",
"alttext": "product image text",
"viewport": "Front"
"documents": [
"type": "Specifications",
"seoinfo": "specifications of the product ",
"filename": "filename.Doc",
"sequence": 1
"videos": [
"type": "Youtube",
"seoinfo": "video description of the product",
"filename": "filename.etxn",
"sequence": 1
"view360": [
"type": "Local_flash",
"seoinfo": "desc of the product",
"filename": "filename.png",
"sequence": 0
"images": [
"variantproperty": "Color",
"variantvalue": "Yellow",
"filename": "Filename.png",
"sequence": 1,
"deepzoom": "file.xml",
"zoom": "filename.xml",
"smallimage": "filename.jpg",
"thumbnail": "filename.png",
"alttext": "test of the image",
"viewport": "Back"
"swatchimages": [
"variantproperty": "color",
"variantvalue": "Red",
"filename": "filename.png"
"documents": [
"type": "Specifications",
"seoinfo": "specifications of the product ",
"filename": "filename.Doc",
"sequence": 1
"videos": [
"type": "Youtube",
"seoinfo": "video description of the product",
"filename": "filename.etxn",
"sequence": 1
"view360": [
"type": "Local_flash",
"seoinfo": "desc of the product",
"filename": "filename.png",
"sequence": 0
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1018",
"Message": "Data update added to task queue. You can view the status of update in control panel. Also email will be send to merchant registered email after task completion.",
"Taskid": "2718747",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/AttachImages/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Value |
content-type* | Pass this as application/json |
Request Body Parameters
PageTitle | Type | Description |
sku | string | SKU of the item for which you want to add images |
images | json obj | Image details to be attached based on the variant property and value |
filename | string | Name of the image file |
deepzoom | string | .xml file regarding the zooming effects on mouse hover or product clicks |
zoom | string | The large image that you need to show when clicked on the product ((supported formats: .png, jpg,jpeg, .svc, and .gif)) |
smallimage | string | The small image that appears on the product quick view - showcase (supported formats: .png, jpg,jpeg,.svc, and .gif) |
thumbnail | string | Thumbnails of the product images that appears on the product view page (supported formats: .png, jpg,jpeg,.svc, and .gif) |
alttext | string | The alternative text or mouse hover text for the image |
viewport | enum | The view angle of the current image. Values: Front, Back, Left, Right, Bottom |
swatchimages | obj | A swatch image is used to provide an accurate representation of color, and also illustrate a pattern or texture of a product. A swatch is a small image that represents the accurate color or pattern of each variant |
variantproperty | enum | Property name of the current variant. Property names as defined for the merchant |
variantvalue | enum | Property value of the current variant. Supported value as defined for the property for the merchant |
filename | string | File name of the swatch image with extension (supported formats: .png, jpg,jpeg,.svc, and .gif) |
documents | Documents of the product pertaining to the product information | |
type | string | Document purpose. Supported Values: Overview, Product Tour, Specifications, Menu, How it works, Terms and Conditions |
seoinfo | string | Search Engine Optimization of the document |
filename | string | Document type with extension. Supported formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf |
sequence | int | Sequence order of the respective document/picture/video on the product page |
videos | obj | Videos related to the product |
type | string | Source of the video. Supported Values: YouTube, Vimeo, Scribd, |
seoinfo | string | Search Engine Optimization information of the video |
filename | string | Filename of the video with the respective extension |
view360 | obj | 3d images of the product |
type | string | Type of the view 360 degree file name. Value: local_flash |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Taskid | int | Unique id generated for the current task |
Get SKU Price
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"sku": "TEQUILA11547BLK",
"variantsku": "11547BLK",
"usergroupid": 67,
"locationrefcode": "",
"channelrefcode": "string"
Sample Response
"locationrefcode":"Azmi Nagar",
Retrieves the price of a specific item
Resource Information
URI | /Product/Price/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Value |
content-type* | Pass this as application/json |
Request Body Parameters Information
Parameter | Type | Description |
sku* | string | SKU of the item |
variantsku | string | SKU of the variant product (required for variant product) |
usergroupid | int | Specify the user group id associated to the price list |
locationrefcode | string | Location/store code associated to the price list |
channelrefcode | string | Channel reference code to which the price list is associated |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
usergroupname | string | Name of the user group. It can be related to promotions, subscription events, etc. |
tokenprice | float | Minimum amount required for the customer for prebooking the item |
channelrefcode | string | Channel code to which the price list is associated |
Get Product Price and Inventory (LocationStockPrice)
Retrieves the details of inventory and price of a specific product across all locations or a particular location based on the input parameters passed.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"LocationStockPrices": [
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"PriceListId": 0,
"LocationId": 17586,
"UserGroupId": 0,
"ProductId": 14106036,
"VariantProductId": 10178766,
"Quantity": 0,
"MRP": 0,
"WebPrice": 0,
"Inventory": "100"
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"PriceListId": 2838,
"LocationId": 18340,
"UserGroupId": 8402,
"ProductId": 14106036,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"Quantity": 0,
"MRP": 0,
"WebPrice": 0,
"Inventory": "11"
Resource Information
URI | /Product/{merchantId}/LocationStockPrice |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
sku | string | SKU of product for which you want to see inventory and price details |
variantSKU | string | SKU of variant product for which you want to see inventory and price details |
productId | int | Specify the product id for which you want to see inventory and price details |
locationId | int | Retrieves the inventory and product details of a specific location |
Get Product Information (by Location)
Retrieves the details of a product for a specific location.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"ProductTitle":"Mothers Dairy Safal Frozen Vegetables - Mixed Vegetables,",
"DeliveryTime":"Delivered in 5 Working days",
"CategoryName":"Frozen Mixed Vegetable",
"ShippingCodes":"Cart amount",
Resource Information
URI | /Product/Information/{merchantId}/{productId}/{locationId} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | Yes |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productId* | int | Product id of the SKU |
locationId* | int | Location id of the location |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
CatlogSequence | int | Sequence of the product in the respective product category to appear on the storefront |
MarkupPrice | float | -NA- |
MarkupType | string | -NA- |
IsShippingConfigured | boolean | Whether the shipping is enabled for the item or not |
IsTaxConfigured | boolean | Whether tax is enabled for the item or not |
StartDate | date-time | The duration for which the product is shown on the storefront (StartDate - EndDate) |
EndDate | date-time | The duration for which the product is shown on the storefront (StartDate - EndDate) |
SeoURL | string | The SEO friendly URL of the product |
TokenPriceCheckout | float | Minimum amount required for the customer to reserve the item during checkout and purchase later on |
IsReferPrice | boolean | -NA- |
NoofReview | string | Number of reviews received for the product |
UOM | string | Unit of measurement of the product. It could be pieces for the items that are sold in numbers and the respective measure for other items such as kgs, and gms |
Get Product Information with Attributes
Retrieves details of a specific product along with the product attributes based on the product id passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | /Product/InformationNAttr/{merchantid}/{productid} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productid* | int | Unique id of the product that you want to fetch |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
CatlogSequence | int | Sequence of the product in the respective product category (to appear on the storefront) |
CatalogCode | string | Catalog code associated to the product |
BulkQuantity | int | Lot size or batch size of the product. Value will 0 if not applicable |
ProductType | enum | Type of the product. Values: P for a normal product, A for an add-on product, and B for a bundle product, D for deal product |
SmallImageAltText | string | Mouse hover text for small image |
IsTokenPriceCheckout | boolean | For out of stock products, you can sell them as pre-orders allowing customers to book an item with a minimum price (token price) and pay rest when the product is in stock. This parameter states whether the product supports pre-order booking with token price or not. |
TokenPrice | float | Token price for preorder if IsTokenPriceCheckout is enabled |
CategoryId | string | Products are grouped into categories based on the type and each category will have a unique category id |
Inventory | int | The number of products (stock) available |
BackOrder | enum | Whether the order can be placed even when the product is out of stock |
Sellerid | string | Unique GUID of the product seller |
ReserveQuantity | int | Quantity of items reserved for special purposes. For example, merchant could reserve some products for the fulfillment for loyalty customers |
_ProductAttribute | obj | Details of each product attribute in prefex 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on. |
Get Product Details (by SKU)
Sample Request
Sample Response
"ProductTitle":"Mothers Dairy Safal Frozen Vegetables - Mixed Vegetables,",
"DeliveryTime":"Delivered in 5 Working days",
Retrieves the details of a specific product by SKU.
Resource Information
URI | /Product/SKU/{merchantId}/{sku} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | Yes |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
sku* | string | SKU of the product that you want to fetch |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
CatlogSequence | int | Sequence of the product in the respective product category to appear on the storefront |
BulkQuantity | int | Lot size or batch size of the product. Value will be 0 if not applicable |
NoofReview | string | Number of reviews received for the product |
UOM | string | Unit of measurement of the product. The value will be pieces for items that are sold as pieces and the respective measure for other items sold on weight basis -kgs for kilograms, and gms for grams |
Get Products by Product Tag & Location
Retrieves products with a specific product tag in a given location.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"ProductTitle":"TShirt Product 01",
"ProductTitle":"TShirt Product 02",
"SmallImageAltText":"TShirt Product 02",
Resource Information
URI | /Product/{merchantId}/{productTag}/{locationId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productTag* | string | Specify the name of product tag by which you want to fetch products |
locationId* | int | Location id for which you want to fetch products with specified tag |
Get Products (by Type & Page Number)
Retrieves the details of products of a specific category by product type and page number.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Products": [
"ProductId": 11996474,
"ProductTitle": "Y Cook Sweet, Corn Kernels Boiled,African Peri, Peri Seasoning, 100g Pouch",
"MRP": 35,
"WebPrice": 35,
"CostPrice": 0,
"Rating": 0,
"IsParentProduct": false,
"Availability": true,
"BrandId": "298460",
"CatlogSequence": 0,
"CatalogCode": "",
"SKU": "100646952",
"Taxtotal": 0,
"MarkupPrice": 0,
"MarkupType": "",
"BulkQuantity": 1,
"ProductWeight": 0,
"ProductType": "P",
"SmallImageAltText": "Y Cook Sweet, Corn Kernels Boiled,African Peri, Peri Seasoning, 100g Pouch",
"IsShippingConfigured": false,
"IsTaxConfigured": false,
"StartDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"EndDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"SeoURL": "",
"DeliveryTime": "Delivered in 5 Working days",
"TokenPriceCheckout": false,
"IsReferPrice": false,
"ShortDescription": "",
"TokenPrice": 0,
"SmallImage": "",
"Brandname": "Healthy No 1",
"CategoryId": "CU00333414",
"CategoryName": "Fresh Vegetables",
"Fulldescription": null,
"NoofReview": "0",
"BarCode": "",
"ProductSequence": 0,
"UOM": "Pieces"
"ProductId": 11997154,
"ProductTitle": "Y Cook Sweet Corn Boiled - Double, 2 Pieces Pouch",
"MRP": 68,
"WebPrice": 68,
"CostPrice": 0,
"Rating": 0,
"IsParentProduct": false,
"Availability": true,
"BrandId": "298460",
"CatlogSequence": 0,
"CatalogCode": "",
"SKU": "100646951",
"Taxtotal": 0,
"MarkupPrice": 0,
"MarkupType": "",
"BulkQuantity": 1,
"ProductWeight": 0,
"ProductType": "P",
"SmallImageAltText": "Y Cook Sweet Corn Boiled - Double, 2 Pieces Pouch",
"IsShippingConfigured": false,
"IsTaxConfigured": false,
"StartDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"EndDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"SeoURL": "",
"DeliveryTime": "Delivered in 5 Working days",
"TokenPriceCheckout": false,
"IsReferPrice": false,
"ShortDescription": "",
"TokenPrice": 0,
"SmallImage": "",
"Brandname": "Healthy No 1",
"CategoryId": "CU00333414",
"CategoryName": "Fresh Vegetables",
"Fulldescription": null,
"NoofReview": "0",
"BarCode": "",
"ProductSequence": 0,
"UOM": "Pieces"
Resource Information
URI | /Product/Category/{merchantId}/{categoryId}/{productType}/{pageNumber} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
categoryId* | string | Unique id of the category by which you want to fetch products |
productType | enum | Type of the product. Values: P for a normal product, A for an add-on product, and B for a bundle product, D for deal product |
pageNumber | int | Get products of a specific page number based on the pagination set. Supported value: 1-100 |
Get Multiple Parent Products
Retrieves the details of parent products based on the variant product ids you specify. You can pass multiple variant product IDs (batch) in a request.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | /Product/{merchantId}/GetMultipleParentproducts |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
variantProductId* | int | Specify the variant product ids for which you want to fetch parent products |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
VariantProperty | string | Unique id associated to the variant property such as size, color, and weight |
VariantPropertyName | string | Name of the variant property |
VariantValue | string | Value of that specific variant property |
ProductTitle | string | Title of the product that appears on the product’s page on the storefront |
ProductType | string | Type of the product. Values: P for a normal product, A for an add-on product, and B for a bundle product, D for deal product |
BarCode | string | Bar code of the product |
CatalogCode | string | Catalog code associated to the product |
IsDropShipping | boolean | |
ReserveQuantity | int | Quantity of items reserved for special purposes. For example, merchant could reserve some products for the fulfillment of loyalty customers |
ReOrderStockLevel | int | Minimum stock (quantity of the product) level when you want to allow reorder |
StockAlertQuantity | int | Sends an alert to the POCs when the quantity of the product is less than this value |
PreOrderMessage | string | |
PreOrder | boolean | Whether prebooking is available for the product |
BackOrder | boolean | Whether can the product be ordered even when out of stock |
IsStockEnabled | boolean | |
WebPriceWithoutDiscount | float | Price on the storefront excluding discount |
Rank | int | sequence of the variant product in the |
Get Product Variants (by Parent Product ID)
Sample Request
Sample Response
"variantValue":"1kg Box",
"variantValue":"200g Box",
Retrieves all variants of a parent product.
Resource Information
URI | /Product/Varients/{merchantId}/{ParentProductId}/{availability} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | Yes |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productId* | string | Unique id of the parent product for which you want to fetch available variants |
availability | enum | Specify active to get only active variants |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ReferenceProductVariantId | int | Reference id of the product variant |
StartDate | date-time | The duration (between StartDate and EndDate ) for which the product is shown on the storefront |
EndDate | date-time | The duration (between StartDate and EndDate ) for which the product is shown on the storefront |
IsReferPrice | float | -NA- |
ReserveQuantity | int | Quantity of items the merchant needs to reserve for special purposes. For example, merchant could reserve some products to fulfill for loyalty customers |
ReOrderStockLevel | int | Minimum stock (quantity of the product) when you want to allow reorder |
IsDisplaySwatch | boolean | Whether the illustration of accurate representation of color, pattern or texture of the product is shown on the storefront |
Get Product Variants (by Variant ID)
Retrieves the details of all products of a variant (by variant id).
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ProductVarient": [
"variantProductId": "27686",
"productId": 8283282,
"MRP": 70,
"WebPrice": 70,
"SKU": "IN-Veg-Cheese-Rglr-Mdm",
"Inventory": 15540000,
"ReferenceProductVariantId": 0,
"productType": "",
"merchantId": "98d18d82-ba59-4957-9c92-3f89207a34f6",
"BulkQuantity": 1,
"Availability": true,
"StartDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"EndDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"CostPrice": 0,
"BarCode": "",
"CatalogCode": "",
"IsDropShipping": false,
"MarkupPrice": 0,
"MarkupType": "",
"IsReferProductInfo": false,
"IsReferPrice": false,
"TokenPrice": 0,
"Flag": null,
"ReserveQuantity": 0,
"ReOrderStockLevel": 0,
"StockAlertQuantity": 0,
"PreOrderMessage": "",
"PreOrder": false,
"BackOrder": false,
"IsStockEnabled": false,
"WebPriceWithoutDiscount": 0,
"ProductVariantValueViews": [
"valueId": 5008728,
"variantProductId": 27686,
"variantPropertyId": 2108,
"variantPropertyValueId": 24374,
"IsDisplaySwatch": false,
"Rank": 1,
"variantPropertyName": "Size",
"variantValue": "Medium | Serves 2",
"flag": ""
"valueId": 5008730,
"variantProductId": 27686,
"variantPropertyId": 2110,
"variantPropertyValueId": 24378,
"IsDisplaySwatch": false,
"Rank": 1,
"variantPropertyName": "Strength",
"variantValue": "Regular",
"flag": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/ProductVarient/{MerchantId}/{variantProductId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
variantProductId* | int | Unique id of the variant product that you want to fetch |
Get Attributes of Variant Products
Retrieves all attributes of a variant product for a specific location.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"LocationProductAttribute": [
"SKU": "formalshirt-001",
"VariantSKU": "formalshirt-var-001",
"LocationRefCode": "Begur",
"Attributeid": "CU00366338-003",
"AttributeValue": "Cotton_test"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/LocationAttribute/{merchantId}/{sku}/{variantSku}/{locationRefCode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
sku* | string | SKU of the product |
variantsku* | string | SKU of the variant product for which you want to fetch attributes |
locationrefcode* | string | Unique location reference code for which you want to see attributes |
Get Products by Tag
Sample Request
Sample Response
"ProductTitle":"Fresho Pomegranate - Peeled, 200 gm 12",
"SmallImageAltText":"Fresho Pomegranate - Peeled, 200 gm 12",
"DeliveryTime":"2-4 days",
"CategoryName":"Cut & Peeled Fruits",
Retrieves products with a specific product tag.
Resource Information
URI | /Product/{merchantId}/{productTag}/{locationId} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | Yes |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productTag* | string | Associated Tag name by which you want to fetch products |
locationId* | int | Fetch products of a specific location. Pass 0 to choose the default location of the merchant |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
TokenPriceCheckout | float | Prebooking price for the product, i.e., Minimum amount required for the customer to reserve the item during checkout and purchase later on |
IsReferPrice | boolean | -NA- |
UOM | string | Unit of measurement of the product. Value will be pieces for items that are sold in numbers and kgs or gms for items sold in kilograms or grams respectively |
Get Multiple Products Information
Retrieves the details of multiple products based on the product ids passed.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | /Product/{merchantId}/GetMultipleProductInformation |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Rating | int | Rating received for the product from customers |
IsParentProduct | boolean | Whether the product is a parent product or not |
Availability | boolean | Whether the product is in stock or not |
BrandId | int | Unique id of the product brand |
CatlogSequence | int | Sequence of the product in the respective product category as on the storefront |
CatalogCode | string | Catalog code associated to the product |
StartDate | date | The duration for which the product is shown on the storefront (StartDate - EndDate) |
EndDate | date | The duration for which the product is shown on the storefront (StartDate - EndDate) |
SmallImageAltText | string | The mouse hover text for small image |
SeoURL | string | The redirect URL when searched on Google |
BackOrder | enum | Can the product be ordered even when it is out of stock |
NoofReview | int | Number of reviews available for the product |
TokenPriceCheckout | float | Prebooking price - Minimum amount required for the customer to reserve the item during checkout and purchase later on |
UOM | string | Unit of measurement of the product. It could be the pieces for items that are sold in numbers and the respective measure for other items such as kgs, and gms |
Get Products Tags
Retrieves all the product tags associated to a product.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ProductTags": [
"Tag": "Best-Prices",
"TagDescription": null,
"CreateDate": "/Date(1527842767000+0530)/"
"Tag": "FE",
"TagDescription": null,
"CreateDate": "/Date(1527842767000+0530)/"
"Tag": "New Tag 01",
"TagDescription": null,
"CreateDate": "/Date(1525795514000+0530)/"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/GetProductsTagsByProductId/{merchantid}/{productid} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productId* | int | Specify the product id to fetch the product tags associated to it |
Get Products by Category
Retrieves product details based on the category id passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Brandname":"ALDA GRAPHITO",
"CategoryName":"Grill Pans",
"ProductTitle":"Vinod Non Stick Double Griller Zpsgdw",
"SmallImageAltText":"Vinod Non Stick Double Griller Zpsgdw",
"ShortDescription":"Vinod Non Stick Double Griller Zpsgdw",
"CategoryName":"Grill Pans",
Resource Information
URI | /Product/Category/{merchantid}/{CatagoryId}/{availibility} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
CatagoryId* | int | Unique category id by which you want to fetch products |
availibility* | enum | Specify Active to get only active products, All to get all products |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
CatlogSequence | int | Sequence of the product in the respective product category to appear on the storefront |
IsShippingConfigured | boolean | Whether the shipping is enabled for the item or not |
IsTaxConfigured | boolean | Whether tax is enabled for the item or not |
StartDate | date-time | The duration for which the product is shown on the storefront (StartDate - EndDate) |
EndDate | date-time | The duration for which the product is shown on the storefront (StartDate - EndDate) |
SeoURL | string | The SEO friendly URL of the product |
TokenPriceCheckout | float | Minimum amount required for the customer to reserve the item during checkout and purchase later on |
IsReferPrice | boolean | -NA- |
NoofReview | string | Number of reviews received for the product |
UOM | string | Unit of measurement of the product. It could be pieces for the items that are sold in numbers and the respective measure for other items such as kgs, and gms |
Add Review
Sample POST Request
"title": "Title31",
"message": "message75",
"isGoLive": "True"
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Publishes customer review for a specific product.
Resource Information
URI | Product/AddReview/{MerchantId}/{UserId}/{SKU} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Specify the merchant id for which the review has to be associated |
UserId* | string | Specify the unique id of the customer that provided the review |
SKU* | string | Specify the product SKU for which the review has to be associated |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
title* | string | Specify the title of the product review as provided by the customer |
message* | string | Specify the entire review content as entered by the customer |
isGoLive* | boolean | Specify true to show the review on the storefront, false to hide it |
Get Product Reviews
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Reviews": [{
"UserId": "0639f7a6-34cc-48b2-9fd9-a80e2ed8xxxx",
"UserName": "Tom",
"ProductTitle": "Capillary Men's Slim Fit Striped Collar Shirt",
"ReviewTitle": "Special occasion wear",
"ReviewDescription": "Looks semi-formal as per my liking. The shirt is very comfortable and feels really nice for both as a casual wear or occasional wear.",
"CreatedDateTime": "10/9/2018 5:46:25 AM",
"Rating": 1,
"IsGoLive": "True"
"UserId": "0639f7a6-34cc-48b2-9fd9-a80e2ed8xxxx",
"UserName": "James",
"ProductTitle": "Capillary Men's Slim Fit Striped Collar Shirt",
"ReviewTitle": "Nice material and comfortable wear",
"ReviewDescription": "Beautiful color, and material. A very well made shirt",
"CreatedDateTime": "10/9/2018 12:44:00 AM",
"Rating": 1,
"IsGoLive": "False"
Retrieves the user reviews of a specific product.
Resource Information
URI | Product/GetReviews/{MerchantId}/{Sku} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique GUID of the merchant |
Sku* | string | SKU of the product for which you want to fetch reviews |
Update Product Attribute
Lets you update an attribute of a product by SKU or product id.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"ProductAttribute": {
"sku": "Fruits0023",
"variantsku": "Fruits0023-1",
"locationrefcode": "Hyd001",
"AttributeId": "CU00325850-001",
"AttributeValue": "NewValue",
"ProductId": "11631696"
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1018",
"Message": "Data update added to task queue. You can view the status of update in control panel. Also email will be send to merchant registered email after task completion.",
"Taskid": "2718747",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | Product/UpdateProductAttribute/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
sku | string | SKU of the product for which you want to update attributes |
variantsku | string | SKU of the variant product |
locationrefcode | string | Location reference code of the product |
AttributeId | string | Unique id of the attribute that you want to update |
AttributeValue | string | New value of the current attribute |
ProductId | int | Unique id of the product (to update product by product id) |
Get Bundle Items by Bundle Product ID
Retrieves the items of a specific bundle by product id. You can also fetch the details of all default items of each bundle group.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"BundleItems": [
"ProductId": 8284396,
"VariantProductId": "28732",
"ProductSku": "IN-veg-GreenCapsicum",
"VariantSKU": "IN-veg-GreenCapsicum-Rglr-Mdm",
"ProductTitle": "Green Capsicum",
"ProductType": "A",
"MRP": 70,
"WebPrice": 70
"ProductId": 8284396,
"VariantProductId": "28734",
"ProductSku": "IN-veg-GreenCapsicum",
"VariantSKU": "IN-veg-GreenCapsicum-Rglr-Sml",
"ProductTitle": "Green Capsicum",
"ProductType": "A",
"MRP": 50,
"WebPrice": 50
"ProductId": 8284396,
"VariantProductId": "29028",
"ProductSku": "IN-veg-GreenCapsicum",
"VariantSKU": "IN-Veg-GreenCapsicum-GrDip",
"ProductTitle": "Green Capsicum",
"ProductType": "A",
"MRP": 100,
"WebPrice": 100
"ProductId": 8283298,
"VariantProductId": "27750",
"ProductSku": "IN-Veg-Onion",
"VariantSKU": "IN-Veg-Onion-Rglr-Mdm",
"ProductTitle": "Onion",
"ProductType": "A",
"MRP": 70,
"WebPrice": 70
"ProductId": 8283298,
"VariantProductId": "27754",
"ProductSku": "IN-Veg-Onion",
"VariantSKU": "IN-Veg-Onion-Rglr-Sml",
"ProductTitle": "Onion",
"ProductType": "A",
"MRP": 50,
"WebPrice": 50
"ProductId": 8283298,
"VariantProductId": "28984",
"ProductSku": "IN-Veg-Onion",
"VariantSKU": "IN-Veg-Onion-GrDip",
"ProductTitle": "Onion",
"ProductType": "A",
"MRP": 100,
"WebPrice": 100
"ProductId": 8283296,
"VariantProductId": "27742",
"ProductSku": "IN-Veg-Sweet-Corn",
"VariantSKU": "IN-Veg-Sweet-Corn-Rglr-Mdm",
"ProductTitle": "Sweet Corn",
"ProductType": "A",
"MRP": 70,
"WebPrice": 70
"ProductId": 8283296,
"VariantProductId": "27746",
"ProductSku": "IN-Veg-Sweet-Corn",
"VariantSKU": "IN-Veg-Sweet-Corn-Rglr-Sml",
"ProductTitle": "Sweet Corn",
"ProductType": "A",
"MRP": 50,
"WebPrice": 50
"ProductId": 8283296,
"VariantProductId": "29014",
"ProductSku": "IN-Veg-Sweet-Corn",
"VariantSKU": "IN-Veg-Sweet-Corn-GrDip",
"ProductTitle": "Sweet Corn",
"ProductType": "A",
"MRP": 100,
"WebPrice": 100
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/GetBundleItemsbyBundleProductId/{Merchantid}/{Productid}/{isdefault} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
ProductId* | int | Product id of the bundle product that you want fetch |
isdefault | boolean | Specify true to get the details of only bundle default items |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ProductTitle | string | Product title as appears on the product page of the storefront |
ProductType | enum | Type of the product. Values: P for a normal product, A for an add-on product, and B for a bundle product, D for deal product |
MRP | float | Retail price of the product |
WebPrice | float | Selling price of the product |
Get MSMQ Task Details
Retrieves the details of the specific bulk task. Bulk tools could be bulk product upload, bundle upload, product images upload, pricelist upload, stock-price upload and so on.
MSMQ: Microsoft Messaging Queue
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Message": "Successful",
"TaskMsmqDetails": {
"StartDate": "/Date(1550819955000+0530)/",
"Validations": null,
"TaskID": 7374227,
"NoOfRows": 1,
"TaskName": "LctnWiseStocknPriceUploadTask",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1550819985882+0530)/",
"ParamValue": "/mnt/bulkupload/Resources/993c939a-a2e8-4934-bbf5-390f37457a55/Upload/API_LocationWiseStock[22022019124914475].xlsx",
"MerchantId": "993c939a-a2e8-4934-bbf5-390f37457a55",
"LastUpdated": "/Date(1550819985882+0530)/",
"TaskStatus": "C",
"ParamName": " (stock-price) "
"messageCode": "1004",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/MSMQTaskDetails/{merchantid}/{taskid} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
taskId* | int | Unique id of the bulk upload task |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
taskId | int | Unique id generated for the task |
Get MSMQ Error Details
Retrieves error details of a specific bulk upload task. Bulk tools could be bulk product upload, bundle upload, product images upload, pricelist upload, stock-price upload and so on.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Message": "Successful",
"TaskMsmqDetails": {
"StartDate": "/Date(1550819955000+0530)/",
"Validations": null,
"TaskID": 7374227,
"NoOfRows": 1,
"TaskName": "LctnWiseStocknPriceUploadTask",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1550819985882+0530)/",
"ParamValue": "/mnt/bulkupload/Resources/993c939a-a2e8-4934-bbf5-390f37457a55/Upload/API_LocationWiseStock[22022019124914475].xlsx",
"MerchantId": "993c939a-a2e8-4934-bbf5-390f37457a55",
"LastUpdated": "/Date(1550819985882+0530)/",
"TaskStatus": "C",
"ParamName": " (stock-price) "
"messageCode": "1004",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/MSMQErrorDetails/{merchantid}/{taskid} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
taskId* | int | Unique id of the bulk upload task |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
TaskStatus | enum | Status of the task. Values C for completed, U for in progress, F for failed |
ParamValue | string | Path of the file with file name |
Task name | string | Name of the task based on the bulk action. Example, LctnWiseStocknPriceUploadTask, ProductPriceListUpload, and BulkProductTagsUpload |
Add Product Tags
Adds tags to a specific product for a particular location. An email will be sent to the registered email id of the merchant when the task is completed.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"products": {
"product": {
"sku": "100040621",
"locationrefcode": "4702",
"tag": "Discounted"
Sample Response
"Message":"Data update added to task queue. You can view the status of update in control panel. Also email will be send to merchant registered email after task completion.",
Resource Information
URI | /product/AddLocationTagtoProduct/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
sku* | string | SKU of the product for which you want to update tags |
locationrefcode | int | Unique reference code of the product location to update tags if the specific location |
tag* | string | Tag that you want to add to the product. Tags are predefined for the merchant |
Remove Product Tag
Removes a tag of a product for a specific location.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/RemoveLocationTagFromProduct/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
sku | string | SKU of the product for which you want to remove a product tag |
producttag | string | Name of the product tag that you want to remove |
locationid | int | Location id for which you want to remove the product tag |
Search Products
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"merchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631"
Sample Response
"Message": "Successful",
"ProductIds": [
"messageCode": "1004"
Retrieves product ids based on the input parameters
Resource Information
URI | /Product/{MerchantId}/Search |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
keyword | string | Search product by meta tag keyword |
SKU | string | Search product by SKU |
catalogcode | string | Fetch products of a specific catalog code |
category | string | Search by category |
brand | string | Search product ids by brand |
productTag | string | Search product ids by an associated product tag |
pageNumber | int | Page number from which you want to fetch products on storefront |
pageSize | int | Number of results to be shown per page |
Get Product Tags (By ProductId)
Retrieves all the associated product tags based on the product id passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ProductTags": [
"Tag": "Eggtag",
"TagDescription": null,
"CreateDate": "/Date(1522158891000+0530)/"
"Tag": "13.3HF",
"TagDescription": null,
"CreateDate": "/Date(1543886875000+0530)/"
"Tag": "MixTag",
"TagDescription": null,
"CreateDate": "/Date(1544748971000+0530)/"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/GetProductsTagsByProductId/{merchantid}/{productid}/{locationid} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productId* | int | Unique id of the product for which you want to fetch tags |
locationId | int | Location id of the product |
Get Product Attributes
Retrieves the details of all product attributes (custom fields) associated to the product.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | /Product/Attribute/{merchantid}/{productid} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productid* | int | Unique id of the product for which you want to fetch attributes. |
Get Product Comments
Retrieves a specific comment received for a product based on the post id passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ProductComment": [
"Id": "5b09ffb12ac24337b48e3e1e",
"ParentId": "5b09ffb12ac24337b48e3e1e",
"RootParentId": "5b09ffb12ac24337b48e3e1e",
"Type": "C",
"UserName": "Capillary ",
"TargetName": "TShirt Product 01",
"MerchantId": "993c939a-a2e8-4934-bbf5-390f37457a55",
"Title": "Title12",
"Description": "message18",
"ModuleType": "C",
"IsGoLive": false,
"IsAbusive": false,
"HelpfulCount": 0,
"NotHelpfulCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0,
"HelpfulControlId": "5b09ffb12ac24337b48e3e1e_yes",
"NotHelpfulControlId": "5b09ffb12ac24337b48e3e1e_no",
"AbusiveControlId": "5b09ffb12ac24337b48e3e1e_abuse",
"ReplyControlId": "5b09ffb12ac24337b48e3e1e_reply",
"CreatedDateTime": "27-May-2018",
"UpdatedDateTime": "27-May-2018",
"Margin": "margin-left: 0px;",
"Level": 0,
"Rating": 4,
"RatingClass": "rating_result_verygood",
"FacebookScript": "<div class='social_twitter'><fb:like href=\"\" layout=\"button_count\" show_faces=\"false\" action=\"like\" width=\"100\" font=\"verdana\"></fb:like></div><div class='clear'></div>",
"TwitterScript": "<div class='social_twitter'><a href=\"\" class=\"twitter-share-button\" data-url=\"\" data-via=\"\" data-related=\"anywhere:The Javascript API\" data-count=\"horizontal\">Tweet</a></div><div class='clear'></div>",
"ShareScript": "<div class=\"addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style \"><a href=\"\" class=\"addthis_button_compact\">Share</a></div>"
"Id": "5b09faaf2ac24337b48e3e1d",
"ParentId": "5b09faaf2ac24337b48e3e1d",
"RootParentId": "5b09faaf2ac24337b48e3e1d",
"Type": "C",
"UserName": "Capillary ",
"TargetName": "TShirt Product 01",
"MerchantId": "993c939a-a2e8-4934-bbf5-390f37457a55",
"Title": "Title18",
"Description": "message71",
"ModuleType": "C",
"IsGoLive": true,
"IsAbusive": false,
"HelpfulCount": 0,
"NotHelpfulCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0,
"HelpfulControlId": "5b09faaf2ac24337b48e3e1d_yes",
"NotHelpfulControlId": "5b09faaf2ac24337b48e3e1d_no",
"AbusiveControlId": "5b09faaf2ac24337b48e3e1d_abuse",
"ReplyControlId": "5b09faaf2ac24337b48e3e1d_reply",
"CreatedDateTime": "27-May-2018",
"UpdatedDateTime": "27-May-2018",
"Margin": "margin-left: 0px;",
"Level": 0,
"Rating": 2,
"RatingClass": "rating_result_average",
"FacebookScript": "<div class='social_twitter'><fb:like href=\"\" layout=\"button_count\" show_faces=\"false\" action=\"like\" width=\"100\" font=\"verdana\"></fb:like></div><div class='clear'></div>",
"TwitterScript": "<div class='social_twitter'><a href=\"\" class=\"twitter-share-button\" data-url=\"\" data-via=\"\" data-related=\"anywhere:The Javascript API\" data-count=\"horizontal\">Tweet</a></div><div class='clear'></div>",
"ShareScript": "<div class=\"addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style \"><a href=\"\" class=\"addthis_button_compact\">Share</a></div>"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/Comments/{productid}/{postid}/{merchantid} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productid* | int | Product id for which you want to see a specific comment |
postId* | string | Specify the unique post id generated for the actual review (root comment) |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | Unique id of the comment |
ParentId | string | Unique id of the comment to which the current reply is posted. This will be same as the id if no parent comment exists |
RootParentId | string | Unique id of the root of the comment (actual review). This will be same as the id if no parent comment exists |
Type | enum | Type will be C for comment |
UserName | string | Username linked to the customer account who commented |
TargetName | string | Product title to which the comment is posted |
Title | string | Title of the root comment |
Description | string | Actual content of the comment |
ModuleType | enum | Module type will be C for comment |
IsAbusive | boolean | Whether the comment is abusive or not |
HelpfulCount | int | Number of likes (helpful) received to the comment |
NotHelpfulCount | int | Number of dislikes received to the comment |
TotalCount | int | Total helpful and not helpful count |
HelpfulControlId | string | Unique id associated to the action Helpful |
NotHelpfulControlId | string | Unique id associated to the action Not Helpful |
AbusiveControlId | string | Unique id associated to the action Report Abusive |
ReplyControlId | string | Unique id associated to the action Reply |
CreatedDateTime | date | Date when the comment was added |
UpdatedDateTime | date | Date when the comment was recently updated |
Rating | int | Rating provided for the current review |
Get Product Contents
Retrieves additional product information such as images, variant property details, product file repository & groupId.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ProductContent": [
"ProductId": 14106036,
"FileRepositoryGroupId": "51429671",
"VariantValueId": 0,
"VariantValueName": "",
"VariantPropertyId": 0,
"VariantPropertyName": "",
"LargeImage": "//;width=500",
"ThumbNail": "//;width=92",
"LargeIcon": "",
"ZoomType": "Zoom",
"ZoomPath": "//;width=100",
"ZoomContent": null,
"LargeImageSequence": 1,
"FileName": "",
"ProductFileRepositoryId": 0,
"FileType": "AdditionalImage",
"ContentType": "LargeImage",
"Sequence": 0,
"DeepZoomPath": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/Contents/{merchantId}/{productId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productId* | int | Unique id of the product for which you want to see additional content details |
Get Featured Products
Retrieves featured products of the merchant. Featured products are a great way to promote intended products or brands on the ecommerce platform.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Products": [
"ProductId": 11982546,
"ProductTitle": "Amul Kool Milkshake - Badam, 200ml Pack bottle",
"MRP": 15,
"WebPrice": 15,
"CostPrice": 0,
"Rating": 0,
"IsParentProduct": false,
"Availability": true,
"BrandId": "0",
"CatlogSequence": 0,
"CatalogCode": "",
"SKU": "100703792",
"Taxtotal": 0,
"MarkupPrice": 0,
"MarkupType": "",
"BulkQuantity": 1,
"ProductWeight": 0,
"ProductType": "P",
"SmallImageAltText": "Amul Kool Milkshake - Badam, 200ml Pack bottle",
"IsShippingConfigured": false,
"IsTaxConfigured": false,
"StartDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"EndDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"SeoURL": "",
"DeliveryTime": "Delivered in 5 Working days",
"TokenPriceCheckout": false,
"IsReferPrice": false,
"ShortDescription": "",
"TokenPrice": 0,
"SmallImage": "",
"Brandname": "Amul",
"CategoryId": "CU00333530",
"CategoryName": "Flavoured Milk",
"Fulldescription": null,
"NoofReview": "0",
"BarCode": "",
"ProductSequence": 0,
"UOM": "Pieces"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | Product/Featured/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Update Product Stock (of Default Location)
Updates inventory or stock of a product for the default location.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /product/updatestock |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
sku* | string | SKU of the product for which you want to update inventory |
Inventory* | int | New stock count that you want to update with |
Update Product Stock (by Location)
Updates inventory of a product for a specific location.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/UpdateLocationProductStock |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
sku* | string | Unique SKU of the product that you want to update |
locationReferenceCode* | string | Unique location reference code for which you want to update the product inventory |
Inventory* | int | New stock count available for sale or distribution |
Get Similar Products
Retrieves similar products based on the product id passed. Similar products are either mapped manually or automatically in the CP based on the criteria set. These are used for cross selling.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Products": [
"ProductId": 11991732,
"ProductTitle": "Sangam Eggs - Nutri, 6 Pieces Pack",
"MRP": 26,
"WebPrice": 26,
"CostPrice": 0,
"Rating": 0,
"IsParentProduct": false,
"Availability": true,
"BrandId": "284010",
"CatlogSequence": 0,
"CatalogCode": "",
"SKU": "100492832",
"Taxtotal": 0,
"MarkupPrice": 0,
"MarkupType": "",
"BulkQuantity": 1,
"ProductWeight": 0,
"ProductType": "P",
"SmallImageAltText": "Sangam Eggs - Nutri, 6 Pieces Pack",
"IsShippingConfigured": false,
"IsTaxConfigured": false,
"StartDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"EndDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"SeoURL": "",
"DeliveryTime": "Delivered in 5 Working days",
"TokenPriceCheckout": false,
"IsReferPrice": false,
"ShortDescription": "",
"TokenPrice": 0,
"SmallImage": "",
"Brandname": "Sangam",
"CategoryId": "CU00333436",
"CategoryName": "Regular Eggs",
"Fulldescription": null,
"NoofReview": "0",
"BarCode": "",
"ProductSequence": 0,
"UOM": "Pieces"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/Similar/{merchantId}/{productId}/{LocationId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productId* | int | Unique id of the product for which you want to fetch similar products |
LocationId* | int | Fetch similar products by location id of the product |
Get Tier Price Details
Retrieves tier pricing of a product associated to a user group for a specific location. Tier pricing refers to the variation of the product price based on the purchase quantity and user group.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"TierPrice": [
"MRP": 1500,
"Qty": 1,
"Webprice": 1100
"MRP": 1400,
"Qty": 3,
"Webprice": 1000
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/GetTierPriceDetailsbyproductId/{merchantId}/{userId}/{productId}/{locationId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
userId* | string | Unique GUID of the user to get tier price associated to the user group |
productId* | int | Unique id of the product for which you want to see tier pricing details |
locationId* | int | Location id for which you want to see tier pricing |
Check PIN Code Serviceability of a Product
Checks whether a product can be shipped to a specific PIN code.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1027",
"Message": "Service is not available.",
"IsServiceable": "False",
"ServiceableForPostpaid": "False",
"ServiceableForPrepaid": "False",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/PincodeServiceability/{merchantId}/{productId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productId* | int | Product id to check the serviceability |
pincode* | int | Checks the serviceability for the PIN code specified here |
locationid* | int | Specify the location id of the specified PIN code. A location will have multiple PIN codes |
Get Product IDs (Auto Complete)
Retrieves product ids of a specific location matching the search keyword. You can limit the number of results to display.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Suggestions": [
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /ProductAutoComplete/{merchantId}/{keyword}/{limit}/{locationId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
keyword* | string | Search meta tag keyword by which you want to get product ids |
limit* | int | Limit number of results to be displayed |
locationId* | int | Location id from which you want to fetch product ids |
Get Upscale Products
Retrieves all up sale products of a specific location along with the respective product details.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Products": [
"ProductId": 11997154,
"ProductTitle": "Y Cook Sweet Corn Boiled - Double, 2 Pieces Pouch",
"MRP": 68,
"WebPrice": 68,
"CostPrice": 0,
"Rating": 0,
"IsParentProduct": false,
"Availability": true,
"BrandId": "298460",
"CatlogSequence": 0,
"CatalogCode": "",
"SKU": "100646951",
"Taxtotal": 0,
"MarkupPrice": 0,
"MarkupType": "",
"BulkQuantity": 1,
"ProductWeight": 0,
"ProductType": "P",
"SmallImageAltText": "Y Cook Sweet Corn Boiled - Double, 2 Pieces Pouch",
"IsShippingConfigured": false,
"IsTaxConfigured": false,
"StartDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"EndDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"SeoURL": "",
"DeliveryTime": "Delivered in 5 Working days",
"TokenPriceCheckout": false,
"IsReferPrice": false,
"ShortDescription": "",
"TokenPrice": 0,
"SmallImage": "",
"Brandname": "Healthy No 1",
"CategoryId": "CU00333414",
"CategoryName": "Fresh Vegetables",
"Fulldescription": null,
"NoofReview": "0",
"BarCode": "",
"ProductSequence": 0,
"UOM": "Pieces"
"ProductId": 11997156,
"ProductTitle": "Y Cook Sweet Corn Boiled - Single, 1 Piece Pouch",
"MRP": 35,
"WebPrice": 35,
"CostPrice": 0,
"Rating": 0,
"IsParentProduct": false,
"Availability": true,
"BrandId": "298460",
"CatlogSequence": 0,
"CatalogCode": "",
"SKU": "100646950",
"Taxtotal": 0,
"MarkupPrice": 0,
"MarkupType": "",
"BulkQuantity": 1,
"ProductWeight": 0,
"ProductType": "P",
"SmallImageAltText": "Y Cook Sweet Corn Boiled - Single, 1 Piece Pouch",
"IsShippingConfigured": false,
"IsTaxConfigured": false,
"StartDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"EndDate": "/Date(-2209008600000+0530)/",
"SeoURL": "",
"DeliveryTime": "Delivered in 5 Working days",
"TokenPriceCheckout": false,
"IsReferPrice": false,
"ShortDescription": "",
"TokenPrice": 0,
"SmallImage": "",
"Brandname": "Healthy No 1",
"CategoryId": "CU00333414",
"CategoryName": "Fresh Vegetables",
"Fulldescription": null,
"NoofReview": "0",
"BarCode": "",
"ProductSequence": 0,
"UOM": "Pieces"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/UpSale/{merchantId}/{productId}/{locationId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GEY |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productId* | int | Product id for which you want to fetch upscale products |
locationId* | int | Provide the specific location id |
Validate Location
Validates whether a specific inventory of a variant product is available in a specific location.
Sample Request
Sample Response:
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Product/ValidateLocation/{merchantId}/{productId}/{variantProductId}/{pinCode}/{locationId}/{quantity} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productId* | int | Unique id of the parent product |
variantProductId* | int | Unique id of the variant product that you want to validate the stock available |
pinCode* | int | PIN code for which you want to validate the stock availability |
locationId* | int | Specify the location id associated to the specified PIN code |
quantity* | int | Quantity of items that you want to check the availability |
Remove Offer Text
Removes all offer descriptions of the merchant.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | Product/RemoveOfferText/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Product Tags
Product tags are a way of organizing or relating products on the Capillary Anywhere Commerce platform. ProductTags provide APIs to access and manage product tags of a merchant.
Get Product Tags
Retrieves all the product tags of the merchant.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ProductTags": [
"Tag": "Best-deals",
"TagDescription": "Best deals",
"CreateDate": "/Date(1482299299000+0530)/"
"Tag": "Best-Offers",
"TagDescription": "Best Offers",
"CreateDate": "/Date(1482299299000+0530)/"
Resource Information
URI | /ProductTags/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Get Tag Details
Retrieves the details of a specific product tag.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ProductTags": [
"Tag": "Featured",
"TagDescription": "Featured",
"CreateDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /ProductTags/{MerchantId}/{ProductTag} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
ProductTag* | string | Specify the product tag that you want to fetch |
Get Tag Count
Retrieves the count of product tags configured for the merchant.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Count": 50,
"Message": "Successful",
"messageCode": "1004"
Resource Information
URI | ProductTags/{MerchantId}/count |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Cart keeps the record of the items that a customer selects from the merchant store to buy. The carts
resource provides APIs to make modifications to the cart items, shipping modes, coupons; and retrieve cart items, shipping modes, payment options, and online payment types.
Send OTP
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"customer": {
"UserName": "",
"merchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1exxx",
"MobileNo": "917000000000"
Sample Response
Sends OTP to the specified mobile number or email id.
Resource Information
Parameter | Description |
URI | carts/V2/SendOTP/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header
Header | Description |
APISessionRequired* | Pass true to not see OTP in the response. If not passed, you will see OTP sent to the customer in the response |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
UserName* | Username of the customer’s account (mobile number or email id) |
merchantId* | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant associated to the customer account |
MobileNo* | The registered mobile number to which the OTP has to be sent |
Validate OTP
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
Validates OTP sent to a customer’s registered mobile number.
Resource Information
Parameter | Description |
URI | carts/V2/ValidateOTP/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header
Header | Description |
APISessionRequired* | Pass true to not see OTP in the response. If not passed, you will see OTP sent to the customer in the response |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
mobile* | The registered mobile number of the customer to which the OTP has sent |
OTP* | The verification code or OTP received to the mobile number |
Add Items to Cart (Normal/Variant)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"Bill_Address1":"#103, MG Road",
"description":"Seafood Supreme",
"description":"Seafood Supreme Crust",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni Crust",
"SupplierName":"Capillary Pizza",
"RuleDescription":"Product Price",
Lets you add items of normal and variant products to cart.
Resource Information
URI | carts/AddCartItems/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
DelveryMode* | enum | Preferred delivery mode. Values: H for home delivery and S for store pickup |
Status* | enum | Status of the cart item. Specify A to add an item to the cart, D to delete an item from cart |
VariantProductID | int | Unique id of the variant product to add |
LocationId | int | Unique id of the current store location |
CartReferenceKey | string | Unique reference code of a line item added to the cart. It is used in updating item quantity in cart |
ProductID* | int | Unique id of the product generated by the system |
Quantity* | string | Quantity of the items that you want to add the cart |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
CartReferenceKey | string | Unique GUID of the item in the cart |
IsFreeProduct | boolean | Whether the item is a free or gift product |
Por | enum | The portion of the product for which the topping is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
CartPromotionRules | array | The rules that are applied to the cart items |
DemandedDeliveryDate | date | Date and time of delivery as requested by the customer |
RemainTotal | float | -Deprecated- |
ShippingZoneType | string | Dictionary containing merchant id mapping to the payment type. It is used in validations |
ComboSuggestion | array | Suggestions related to deal products based on the cart items |
ConvertedDeals | array | The cart items that are converted to deal items |
PriceCapped | float | Deprecated |
TotalCap | float | Deprecated |
CappedRefKey | string | Deprecated |
Success/Error Codes
Code | Description |
5001 | No Bundle items present for the specified product id |
5002 | Invalid Delivery Mode: {DeliveryMode} for Product as IsShip/IsOnline/Instore Pickup is not set |
5003 | Invalid Delivery Mode: {DeliveryMode} for Location Id: {LocationId} |
5004 | ProductId is not available at the specified locationId |
5005 | Product with the specified ProductId is not available |
5006 | Product with the specified ProductId has type ‘A’ which is not allowed. You cannot add an add-on product directly |
5007 | Invalid variant ProductId |
Add Items to Cart (Default Deal)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"description":"BUY ONE GET ONE FREE- Medium",
"description":"Chicken Supreme",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chicken Supreme",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Sliced Black Olives",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chargrilled Chicken",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Beef Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Calamari Catch",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chicken Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Pizza Sauce",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Green Chillies",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Green Pepper Strips",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Beef Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Pizza Sauce",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
Provides a payload to add non-customized default bundle products to cart.
Resource Information
URI | carts/AddCartItems/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ShipCity | string | Unique code of the shipping city (as saved in the system). Example: 0562 (for Agra), and 250 (Victoria) |
ShipCountry | string | Alpha-2 code of the shipping country. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
ShipState | string | State’s postal abbreviation (shipping state). Example: KA (for Karnataka), CA (for California), IN (for Indiana) |
DelveryMode | enum | Preferred mode of delivery for the current item. Value: H for home delivery, S for takeaway items |
Item | obj | Details of the product with the attributes mentioned below |
ProductID | int | Unique id of the parent product that you want to add to cart |
VariantProductID | int | Unique id of the variant product that you want to add to cart |
Quantity | int | Number of the current item you want to add |
Status | enum | Status of the cart item. Specify A to add item to cart, D to delete item from cart |
LocationId | int | Unique id of the order fulfillment location |
Portion | enum | The portion for which the child product is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
CartReferenceKey | string | Unique reference id of the specific cart item |
ChildItem | obj | Similar to the parent product details, specify the details of child items that you want add to cart |
GroupID | string | The group id of the specific item. Applicable for bundle or deal products |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
CartReferenceKey | string | Unique reference key of the specific item in the cart |
IsFreeProduct | boolean | Whether the item is a free gift item |
Por | enum | The portion of the product for which the topping is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
CartPromotionRules | array | The rules that are applied to the cart items |
DemandedDeliveryDate | date | Customer preferred date and time of delivery |
RemainTotal | float | Deprecated |
ShippingZoneType | string | Dictionary containing merchant id mapping to the payment type. It is being used in validations |
ComboSuggestion | array | Suggestions related the deal items based on the cart items |
ConvertedDeals | array | The cart items that are converted to deal items |
Success/Error Codes
Code | Description |
5001 | No Bundle items present for the specified product id |
5002 | Invalid Delivery Mode: {DeliveryMode} for Product as IsShip/IsOnline/Instore Pickup is not set |
5003 | Invalid Delivery Mode: {DeliveryMode} for Location Id: {LocationId} |
5004 | ProductId is not available at the specified locationId |
5005 | Product with the specified ProductId is not available |
5006 | Product with the specified ProductId has type 'A’ which is not allowed. You cannot add an add-on product directly |
5007 | Invalid variant ProductId |
Add to Cart (Customized Deal)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"cart": {
"ShipCity": "846",
"ShipCountry": "KW",
"ShipState": "KW2",
"DelveryMode": "H",
"Item": [
"ProductID": 13047461,
"VariantProductID": 0,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"LocationId": 27299,
"Portion": "W",
"CartReferenceKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"Price": 3.25,
"ChildItem": [
"ProductID": 13047273,
"VariantProductID": 0,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13317,
"ChildItem": [
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047215,
"variantProductId": 9757487,
"quantity": 1,
"portion": "W",
"bundleProductId": 13047273,
"groupId": 13317
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047255,
"variantProductId": 9757701,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047273,
"bundleItemId": 88013,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Mozarella",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13129
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047267,
"variantProductId": 9757725,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047273,
"bundleItemId": 88019,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Sliced Black Olives",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13129
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047231,
"variantProductId": 9757689,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047273,
"bundleItemId": 88029,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Chargrilled Chicken",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13131
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047233,
"variantProductId": 9757695,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047273,
"bundleItemId": 88025,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Beef Pepperoni",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13131
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047235,
"variantProductId": 9757693,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047273,
"bundleItemId": 88027,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Calamari Catch",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13131
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047237,
"variantProductId": 9757691,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047273,
"bundleItemId": 88023,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Beef",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13131
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047241,
"variantProductId": 9757697,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047273,
"bundleItemId": 88031,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Chicken Pepperoni",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13131
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047257,
"variantProductId": 9757699,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047273,
"bundleItemId": 88039,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Pizza Sauce",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13133
"ProductID": 13047319,
"VariantProductID": 0,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13319,
"ChildItem": [
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047219,
"variantProductId": 9757497,
"quantity": 1,
"portion": "W",
"bundleProductId": 13047319,
"groupId": 13319
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047247,
"variantProductId": 9757709,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047319,
"bundleItemId": 88457,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Green Chillies",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13219
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047249,
"variantProductId": 9757711,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047319,
"bundleItemId": 88459,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Green Pepper Strips",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13219
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047251,
"variantProductId": 9757713,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047319,
"bundleItemId": 88461,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Jalapeno",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13219
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047255,
"variantProductId": 9757701,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047319,
"bundleItemId": 88465,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Mozarella",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13219
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047233,
"variantProductId": 9757695,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047319,
"bundleItemId": 88477,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Beef Pepperoni",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13221
"childItems": [],
"productId": 13047257,
"variantProductId": 9757699,
"quantity": 1,
"isBundle": false,
"bundleProductId": 13047319,
"bundleItemId": 88491,
"portion": "W",
"title": "Pizza Sauce",
"type": "V",
"groupId": 13223
Sample Response
"description":"BUY ONE GET ONE FREE- Medium",
"description":"Chicken Supreme",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chicken Supreme",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Sliced Black Olives",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chargrilled Chicken",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Beef Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Calamari Catch",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chicken Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Pizza Sauce",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Green Chillies",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Green Pepper Strips",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Beef Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Pizza Sauce",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
Lets you add customized deal products to the cart.
Resource Information
Parameter | Description |
URI | carts/AddCartItems/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ShipCity | string | Unique code of the shipping city (as saved in the system) to which the item has to be shipped. Example: 0562 (for Agra), and 250 (Victoria) |
ShipCountry | string | Alpha-2 code of the country of the shipping address. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
ShipState | string | State code associated to the shipping city |
DelveryMode | enum | The mode of delivery. Value: S for store pick up and H for home delivery |
ProductID | int | Unique id of the product that you want to add |
VariantProductID | int | Unique id of the variant product |
Quantity | int | Quantity of the current item that you want to add to cart |
Status | enum | Status of the cart item. Specify A to add item to cart, D to delete item from cart |
LocationId | int | Unique id of the delivery location |
Portion | enum | The portion of the current child item. Value: W for whole,L for left, R for right |
CartReferenceKey | string | Unique reference key associated to the cart item |
Price | float | Price of the current item |
ChildItem | json obj | All add-ons are child items of a bundle. For example, crust, sauce, and toppings |
GroupID | int | Unique user group id associated to the product group. One group can have only one type of item. For example, in a group you can either add only pizzas, drinks, appetizers or deserts |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
CartReferenceKey | string | Unique reference key of the specific cart item |
IsFreeProduct | boolean | Whether the item is a free gift item |
Por | enum | The portion of the product for which the topping is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
CartPromotionRules | array | The rules that are applied to the cart items |
DemandedDeliveryDate | date-time | Customer preferred delivery time |
RemainTotal | float | Deprecated |
ShippingZoneType | string | Dictionary containing merchant id mapping to the payment type. It is used in validations |
ComboSuggestion | array | Suggestions related to deal items based on the items in the cart |
ConvertedDeals | array | The cart items that are converted to deal items |
Add Items to Cart (Customized Bundle)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"cart": {
"ShipCity": "",
"ShipCountry": "",
"ShipState": "",
"DelveryMode": "H",
"Item": [
"ProductID": 13047325,
"VariantProductID": 0,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"LocationId": 27299,
"Portion": "W",
"CartReferenceKey": "027ea92e-65f2-408c-b78f-42d860b59d32",
"Price": 7.25,
"ChildItem": [
"ProductID": 13047223,
"VariantProductID": 9757573,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W"
"ProductID": 13047239,
"VariantProductID": 9757649,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13245
"ProductID": 13047245,
"VariantProductID": 9757653,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13245
"ProductID": 13047247,
"VariantProductID": 9757655,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13245
"ProductID": 13047255,
"VariantProductID": 9757645,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13245
"ProductID": 13047231,
"VariantProductID": 9757639,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13249
"ProductID": 13047233,
"VariantProductID": 9757641,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13249
"ProductID": 13047235,
"VariantProductID": 9757635,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13249
"ProductID": 13047237,
"VariantProductID": 9757637,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13249
"ProductID": 13047257,
"VariantProductID": 9757643,
"Quantity": 1,
"Status": "A",
"Portion": "W",
"GroupID": 13251
Sample Response
"description":"New Spicy Chicken Ranch",
"description":"New Spicy Chicken Ranch",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Green Chillies",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chargrilled Chicken",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Beef Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Store",
"description":"Calamari Catch",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Store",
"description":"Pizza Sauce",
"BrandName":"Pizza Store",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
Lets you add customized bundle items to the cart.
Resource Information
Parameter | Description |
URI | carts/AddCartItems/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ShipCity | string | Unique code of the shipping city (as saved in the system) to which the item has to be shipped. Example: 0562 (for Agra), and 250 (Victoria) |
ShipCountry | string | Alpha-2 code of the country of the shipping address. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
ShipState | string | State code associated to the shipping city |
DelveryMode | string | Mode of delivery. Value: S for store pick up, H for home delivery |
Item | obj | Details of each cart item |
ProductID | int | Unique id of the product |
VariantProductID | int | Unique id of the variant product |
Quantity | int | Number of the current items that you want to add to cart |
Status | enum | Status of the cart item. Specify A to add item to cart, D to delete item from cart |
LocationId | int | Unique id of the fulfillment location |
Portion | enum | The portion for which the child product is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
CartReferenceKey | string | Unique reference key of the cart item |
Price | float | Price of the current item |
ChildItem | obj | Details of each child item. Applicable for bundle products |
Portion | enum | The portion for which the child product is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
GroupID | int | Group id associated to the specific item. Applicable in case of a bundle or deal products |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
IsFreeProduct | boolean | Whether the item is a free gift item |
Por | enum | The portion of the product for which the topping is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
CartPromotionRules | array | The rules that are applied to the cart items |
DemandedDeliveryDate | date | Customer preferred date and time of delivery |
RemainTotal | float | -Deprecated- |
ShippingZoneType | string | Dictionary containing merchant id mapping to the payment type. It is being used in validations |
ComboSuggestion | array | Suggestions related to the deal items based on the cart items |
ConvertedDeals | array | The cart items that are converted to deal items |
Add Free Products to Cart
Lets you add free products to the cart.
Sample Request{merchantId}/{promotionruleid}
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Carts": {
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"ProductCost": 2.860596,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"VoucherDiscount": 0,
"PromotionDiscount": 0,
"TaxAmount": 0.29,
"OrderTotal": 3.150596,
"VoucherCode": "",
"UserSelectedCurrency": "OMR",
"Bill_FirstName": null,
"Bill_LastName": "",
"Bill_Address1": "",
"Bill_Address2": null,
"Bill_CountryCode": "",
"_Bill_StateCode": null,
"Bill_City": "Other",
"Bill_CityCode": "554",
"Bill_OtherCityName": null,
"Bill_Telephone": null,
"Bill_Mobile": null,
"Bill_PostCode": null,
"Bill_Email": "",
"Ship_FirstName": null,
"Ship_LastName": "",
"Ship_Address1": "",
"Ship_Address2": null,
"Ship_CountryCode": "OM",
"Ship_StateCode": "OM11",
"Ship_City": "29879",
"Ship_CityCode": "29879",
"Ship_OtherCityName": null,
"Ship_Telephone": null,
"Ship_Mobile": null,
"Ship_PostCode": null,
"Ship_Email": null,
"CartItems": [
"ProductId": 8278046,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"MRP": 5.17,
"WebPrice": 2.860596,
"Quantity": 1,
"description": "Hershey's cookie",
"SupplierId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"CartReferenceKey": "32f4332f-2e2e-4942-8c94-51149925835c",
"IsFreeProduct": false,
"PriceCapped": false,
"TotalCap": 0,
"CappedRefKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"CatalogpromotionDiscount": 0,
"BundleCartReferenceKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"IsPrimaryProduct": false,
"ItemPromotionDiscountAmount": 0,
"IsPromotionProduct": false,
"Por": "",
"IsDefaultBundleItem": false,
"ProductImage": "//;width=100;height=100;scale=canvas;anchor=bottomcenter",
"CartPromotionRules": [],
"CategoryId": "CU00215760",
"CategoryName": null,
"BrandId": "207264",
"BrandName": "PizzaHut",
"ParentCartItems": []
"Suppliers": [
"SupplierId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"SupplierName": "Pizza Hut",
"IsSelected": false,
"OrderStatus": null
"ShippingOptions": [
"SupplierId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"ShippingMode": "9284",
"ShippingModeId": 9284,
"isselected": true
"PaymentOptionsChannel": [
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"PaymentType": "COD",
"Paymentoption": "COD",
"GatewayId": "0",
"GatewayTitle": "COD",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"PaymentType": "Credit",
"Paymentoption": "<div style=\"padding-left:30px;\"><img src=\"/images/paymentoptions/Visa.jpg\"/><img src=\"/images/paymentoptions/Mastercard.jpg\" style=\"margin-left:4px;\" /><div >You can pay using Master or Visa Credit Card</div></div>",
"GatewayId": "14017",
"GatewayTitle": "Pay Fort",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"ErrorCollection": null,
"GiftMsg": "",
"DemandedDeliveryDate": "/Date(-2208988800000)/",
"RemainTotal": 0,
"ShippingZoneType": null,
"DeliverySlotID": 0,
"FailedProducts": null,
"PickupLastName": "",
"PickupEmail": "",
"LocationId": "13378",
"TaxDetail": [
"TaxCategory": " (5%) خدمة توصيل",
"TaxRate": "5",
"TaxAmount": 0.1430298,
"IsTaxRatePercentage": false,
"TaxCode": "0",
"TaxCategoryID": "6"
"TaxCategory": "(5%) ضريبة البلدية",
"TaxRate": "5",
"TaxAmount": 0.1430298,
"IsTaxRatePercentage": false,
"TaxCode": "0",
"TaxCategoryID": "2"
"ComboSuggestion": [],
"ConvertedDeals": [],
"BusinessRuleDescriptionView": [
"RuleId": 41689,
"RuleDescription": "Product Price",
"IsShowCaseCrietriaSet": true,
"RuleProductShowCase": {
"Attributes": [],
"Brands": [],
"Categories": [
"Groups": [],
"Products": [],
"Suppliers": [],
"Tags": [],
"Variants": []
"IsAutoAdd": false,
"IsFreeActionInstructionType": true
"AppliedPromotionDetailsList": null
"FailedItems": [],
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /AddFreeProducts/{merchantId}/{promotionruleid} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
DelveryMode | enum | Delivery mode of the product. Value: H for home delivery, S for takeaway |
Status | enum | Status of the cart item. Specify A to add an item to the cart, D to delete an item from cart |
VariantProductID | int | Variant id of the product that you want to add |
LocationId | int | Location id of the product |
CartReferenceKey | string | Unique GUID of the item in the cart as per AddCartItems |
ProductID | int | Unique id of the product that you want to add |
Quantity | int | Quantity of the item that you want to add the cart |
Location Add to Cart
Sample Request
Sample Response
"description":"Format Shirt 01",
"BrandName":"Allen Solly",
"description":"TShirt Product 01",
"description":"TShirt Product 01",
Adds products of a specific location to the cart.
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/LocationCart/{merchantId}/{productId}/{varProductId}/{quantity}/{locationId}/{currency} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
productId* | int | Unique id the parent product that you want to add to cart |
varProductId* | string | Unique variant id of the variant product |
quantity* | int | Quantity of items that you want to add |
locationId* | int | Location id of the current store location |
currency* | float | Currency code as per the store location |
Edit Cart Item
Lets you modify a current cart item with a different variant, quantity and bundle item.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"Value":"San Francisco"
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Pizza Sauce",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"SupplierName":"Pizza Hut",
Resource Information
URI | /carts/edit/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CartID* | string | Unique id of the current cart |
DeliveryMode | enum | Mode of delivery. Value: H for home delivery, S for takeaway |
ProductID | int | Unique id of the parent product that you want to add to cart |
VariantProductID | int | Unique id of the variant product that you want to add to cart |
Quantity | int | Number of the current item you want to add |
Status | enum | Status of the cart item. Specify A to add item to cart, D to delete item from cart |
LocationId | int | Unique id of the order fulfillment location |
Portion | enum | The portion for which the child product is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
CartReferenceKey | string | Unique reference id of the specific cart item |
ChildItem | obj | Similar to the parent product details, specify the details of child items that you want add to cart |
GroupID | string | The group id of the specific item. Applicable for bundle or deal products |
Update Quantity of a Cart Item
Sample Request
Sample Response
"description":"7Up Can",
"Description":"Sample description",
"Title":"Sample Rule",
"Paymentoption":"<div style=\"padding-left:30px;\"><img src=\"/images/paymentoptions/Payment_RazorPay.jpg\" style=\"margin-left:4px;\" /><div >You can pay using RazorPay</div></div>",
Updates the quantity of a specific item in the cart.
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/Update/{merchantId}/{cartReferenceKey}/{new quantity} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
{host}/developerapi/Carts/Update/{merchantId}/{cartReferenceKey}/{new quantity}
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant associated to the cart |
cartReferenceKey* | string | Unique reference id of the cart item that you want to update |
new quantity* | string | The new quantity of the current cart item. This will override the existing value |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
SupplierId | Unique GUID of the merchant (product supplier) | |
IsFreeProduct | boolean | Whether the product is a gift item or deal item available for free |
Update Cart Properties
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"DemandedDeliveryDate":"09-06-2018 15:15:00",
"Street":"MG Road",
"Street1":"Sham Plaza, Bangalore, India",
"Street":"MG Road",
"Street1":"Sham Plaza, Bangalore, India",
Sample Response
"Bill_Address1":"#103, MG Road",
"description":"Seafood Supreme",
"description":"Seafood Supreme Crust",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni Crust",
"SupplierName":"Capillary Pizza",
Updates existing checkout details such as Add delivery slot, add shipping address, add order attributes, and location id. However, country, state, and city code has to be as per the values specified by the customer before adding items to the cart.
Resource Information
Parameter | Description |
URI | /carts/UpdateCartProperties/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
DeliverySlotID* | string | The unique id of the delivery slot. Specify a valid id |
DemandedDeliveryDate* | date-time | The customer’s preferred delivery date in MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS format |
ShippingModeId | int | -NA for now- |
locationID | int | The location id of the fulfillment store |
BillingAddress | obj | Specify the billing address of the customer in the respective attributes |
ShippingAddress | obj | Specify the preferred shipping address of the customer in the respective attributes |
OrderAttributes | obj | Provide the details of order attributes that you want to add/update in the parameters explained below |
EntityFieldID | int | Specify the id of the order attribute that you want to update |
MerchantID | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant |
EntityFieldName | string | Specify the name of the order attribute that you want to update |
Type | enum | Specify the type of the field area. 1 for single select drop-down box, 2 for radio button, 3 for check-box type |
IsPredefined | boolean | Specify true if the order attribute is predefined in the Control Panel, specify false if free-flow values |
IsMandatory | boolean | Specify true if the order attribute is set as a mandatory field, else specify false |
SelectedValue | boolean | Specify true if the input for the order attribute is mandatory, else specify false |
lstOMSEntityFieldValues | string | For predefined order attribute values (IsPredefined is true) provide values of the attribute as per options configured on Control Panel |
EntityFieldValueID | string | Specify the unique id the order attribute value. Applicable for predefined only attribute names and values (IsPredefined is true) |
EntityFieldID | string | Specify the unique id the order attribute name that you want to input for predefined attribute name and values (IsPredefined is true) |
Value | string | Specify the value of the order attribute that you want to set for the customer. You can use this for free-flow attribute values (IsPredefined is false) |
IsSelected | boolean | Whether the selected attribute value is applicable for the customer or not |
Get Cart Items
Retrieves cart items of the user based on the current session.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"description":"BUY ONE GET ONE FREE- Medium",
"description":"Chicken Supreme",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chicken Supreme",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Sliced Black Olives",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chargrilled Chicken",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Beef Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Calamari Catch",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chicken Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Pizza Sauce",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Green Chillies",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Green Pepper Strips",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Beef Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Pizza Sauce",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"ComboSuggestion":[ ],
"ConvertedDeals": [],
"BusinessRuleDescriptionView": [],
"AppliedPromotionDetailsList": [
"PromotionId": 40981,
"PromotionTitle": "user group",
"VoucherCode": null,
"PromotionAction": 6,
"RuleMessage": "",
"Description": "",
"DiscountAmount": 18
"Token": {
"AccessToken": "5dp0j3mnzizmldsfb20lfnq5",
"issued_at": "/Date(1565263998649+0530)/",
"UserId": "5e9bd7d6-148b-496b-aa14-93a4b1bf662a",
"IsLoggedInUser": false,
"MerchantId": "efad5608-a459-449d-87a0-894082c2b6b0"
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/cart/{merchantId}?promotionDetails=true |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
languageCode | Specify the ISO language code to get cart promotion break-up details in your preferred language. For example, zh for Chinese, id for Indonesian, ar for Arabic. English is the default language. |
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
promotionDetails | boolean | Pass true to retrieve promotion break up details |
Get Cart Items (by AccessToken)
Retrieves cart items of the user based on the current session.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Chicken Pepperoni",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Pizza Sauce",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"description":"Pizza Sauce",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
"BrandName":"Pizza Hut",
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/cart/{merchantId}/{accesstoken} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Remove a Cart Item
Removes an item of a specific quantity from the current cart.
Sample Request{MerchantId}/{cartReferneKey}/{quantity}
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/Remove/{MerchantId}/{cartReferneKey}/{quantity} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
cartReferenceKey* | string | Unique reference key of the cart item that you want to remove |
quantity* | int | Quantity of the items that you want to remove |
Remove All Cart Items
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Removes all items of the current cart. This does not remove shipping address, billing address or location information.
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/RemoveAll/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Clear Cart Items
Removes entire cart details which include cart items, location, billing address and shipping address.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/clear/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Add Order Attributes
Adds order attributes to the cart items which will be reflected once the order is placed. Order attributes are custom fields of an order.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | /carts/AddOrderAttributes/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
EntityFieldID* | int | Unique id of the order attribute |
EntityFieldName | string | Name of the attribute |
Type | enum | Specify the type of the field area. 1 for single select drop-down box, 2 for radio button, 3 for check-box type |
IsPredefined | boolean | Whether the current attribute is predefined (true) or user defined (false) |
IsMandatory | boolean | Whether the current attribute is mandatory (true) or optional (false) |
SelectedValue | string | Value selected for the specified attribute |
Update Address
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"BillFirstName":"Tom Sawyer",
"BillAddress":"#103/1, MG Road",
"BillAddress1":"#31-220, Town Hall Road",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Carts": {
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"ProductCost": 60.528000000000006,
"ShippingCost": 12.9,
"VoucherDiscount": 0,
"PromotionDiscount": 0,
"TaxAmount": 0,
"OrderTotal": 73.428,
"VoucherCode": "",
"UserSelectedCurrency": "OMR",
"Bill_FirstName": "AutoTestNameBillg23fff",
"Bill_LastName": "AutoTestLastNameBill",
"Bill_Address1": "AutoTestAddres1Bill",
"Bill_Address2": "",
"Bill_CountryCode": "OM",
"_Bill_StateCode": "OM1",
"Bill_City": "AL KHUWAIR",
"Bill_CityCode": "2148",
"Bill_Telephone": "9967819918",
"Bill_Mobile": "9967819918",
"Bill_PostCode": "",
"Bill_Email": "",
"Ship_FirstName": "AutoTestNameBillg23fff",
"Ship_LastName": "AutoTestLastNameBill",
"Ship_Address1": "AutoTestAddres1Bill",
"Ship_Address2": "",
"Ship_CountryCode": "OM",
"Ship_StateCode": "OM1",
"Ship_City": "2148",
"Ship_CityCode": "2148",
"Ship_OtherCityName": "",
"Ship_Telephone": "9967819918",
"Ship_Mobile": "9967819918",
"Ship_PostCode": "",
"Ship_Email": "",
"CartItems": [
"ProductId": 12688208,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"MRP": 4.5,
"WebPrice": 0,
"Quantity": 1,
"description": "Seafood Supreme",
"SupplierId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"CartReferenceKey": "18e18f60-a1a9-44f0-b256-536e2fe0a3a7",
"IsFreeProduct": false,
"PriceCapped": false,
"TotalCap": 0,
"CappedRefKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"CatalogpromotionDiscount": 0,
"BundleCartReferenceKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"BundleCartItems": [
"ProductId": 12688172,
"VariantProductId": 9727843,
"MRP": 5.9,
"WebPrice": 4.5,
"Quantity": 1,
"description": "Seafood Supreme Crust",
"SupplierId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"CartReferenceKey": "752b5193-af86-43ea-86e4-b9e5ccb8a941",
"TotalCap": 0,
"CatalogpromotionDiscount": 0,
"BundleCartReferenceKey": "18e18f60-a1a9-44f0-b256-536e2fe0a3a7",
"ItemPromotionDiscountAmount": 0,
"IsPrimaryProduct": true,
"IsPromotionProduct": false,
"VariantsInfo": [
"PropertyName": "Crust",
"Value": "Pan"
"PropertyName": "Size",
"Value": "Medium"
"Por": "",
"IsDefaultBundleItem": true,
"CartPromotionRules": [],
"CategoryId": "CN00215782",
"CategoryName": null,
"BrandId": "311548",
"BrandName": "PizzaHut",
"GroupId": 0
"IsPrimaryProduct": false,
"ItemPromotionDiscountAmount": 0,
"IsPromotionProduct": false,
"Por": "",
"IsDefaultBundleItem": false,
"ProductImage": "//;width=100;height=100;scale=canvas;anchor=bottomcenter",
"CartPromotionRules": [],
"CategoryId": "CN00215794",
"CategoryName": null,
"BrandId": "311548",
"BrandName": "PizzaHut",
"ParentCartItems": null
"ProductId": 12688220,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"MRP": 90.567,
"WebPrice": 50.328,
"Quantity": 1,
"description": "Classic Pepperoni",
"SupplierId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"CartReferenceKey": "ff462a81-699f-4798-9b73-4f9d97536099",
"IsFreeProduct": false,
"PriceCapped": false,
"TotalCap": 0,
"CappedRefKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"CatalogpromotionDiscount": 0,
"BundleCartReferenceKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"BundleCartItems": [
"ProductId": 12688160,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"MRP": 5.7,
"WebPrice": 5.7,
"Quantity": 1,
"description": "Classic Pepperoni Crust",
"SupplierId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"CartReferenceKey": "ab59003f-81b5-45ea-8de8-4cd76f9be21e",
"TotalCap": 0,
"CatalogpromotionDiscount": 0,
"BundleCartReferenceKey": "ff462a81-699f-4798-9b73-4f9d97536099",
"ItemPromotionDiscountAmount": 0,
"IsPrimaryProduct": false,
"IsPromotionProduct": false,
"VariantsInfo": [],
"Por": "",
"IsDefaultBundleItem": true,
"CartPromotionRules": [],
"CategoryId": "CN00215782",
"CategoryName": null,
"BrandId": "311548",
"BrandName": "PizzaHut",
"GroupId": 0
"IsPrimaryProduct": false,
"ItemPromotionDiscountAmount": 0,
"IsPromotionProduct": false,
"Por": "",
"IsDefaultBundleItem": false,
"ProductImage": "//;width=100;height=100;scale=canvas;anchor=bottomcenter",
"CartPromotionRules": [],
"CategoryId": "CN00215792",
"CategoryName": null,
"BrandId": "311548",
"BrandName": "PizzaHut",
"ParentCartItems": null
"Suppliers": [
"SupplierId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1xxxx",
"SupplierName": "Pizza Hut test",
"IsSelected": false,
"OrderStatus": null
"ShippingOptions": [
"SupplierId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1xxxx",
"ShippingMode": "12174",
"ShippingModeId": 12174,
"isselected": true
"PaymentOptionsChannel": [
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1e288",
"PaymentType": "COD",
"Paymentoption": "COD",
"GatewayId": "0",
"GatewayTitle": "COD",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"ErrorCollection": null,
"GiftMsg": "",
"DemandedDeliveryDate": "/Date(1536228000000+0530)/",
"RemainTotal": 0,
"ShippingZoneType": null,
"DeliverySlotID": 0,
"FailedProducts": null,
"PickupFirstName": "AutoTestNameBillg23fff",
"PickupLastName": "AutoTestLastNameBill",
"PickupEmail": "",
"PickupMobile": "9967819918",
"LocationId": "22612",
"TaxDetail": [],
"ComboSuggestion": [],
"ConvertedDeals": []
"ErrorCode": 0
Updates shipping address and billing address of an order.
Resource Information
Parameter | Description |
URI | /carts/UpdateAddress/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
BillingAddress | obj | Specify the billing address of the customer in the respective attributes |
ShippingAddress | obj | Specify the preferred shipping address of the customer in the respective attributes |
BillMobile | string | Mobile number of the customer as per the billing address |
BillCountry | string | Full name of the country associated to the billing address |
BillZip | string | ZIP code of the billing address |
BillCity | string | City name of the billing address |
BillCountryCode | string | Alpha-2 code of the country with respect to the billing address. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
BillLastName | string | Last name of the customer as per the billing address |
BillState | string | Full name of the state associated to the billing address |
BillAddress | string | Specify door number, building name, street, area and and other details of the billing address |
BillAddress1 | string | Specify any missing information in the BillAddress . For example, landmark |
BillTelephone | string | Land line number associated to the billing address (without STD code) |
BillTelephoneCode | string | STD code of the land line number |
BillMobileCode, ShipLastName,ShipTelephone.. | obj | Similar to the billing address details, specify the shipping address in respective fields |
SkipDeliveryAreaValidation | boolean | Specify true to validate the delivery location before updating the details. Specify false to ignore shipping area validation |
IsShippingAddressDifferent | boolean | Specify true if shipping address is different from the billing address, specify false if shipping and billing addresses are same. You can just pass billing address details and make this attribute 'false’ to automatically consider billing address as shipping address |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
IsFreeProduct | boolean | If the item is a gift item and is given for free of cost |
PriceCapped | float | -Deprecated- |
TotalCap | float | -Deprecated- |
CappedRefKey | string | -Deprecated- |
SupplierId | string | Unique GUID of the merchant (product supplier) |
Por | enum | The portion of the product for which the topping is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
GroupId | int | Unique group id associated to the product. Applicable for bundle or deal products |
Apply Voucher to Cart Items
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Message":"Discount Voucher SAMPLE123 has been applied successfully",
"description":"7Up Can",
"Description":"Sample description",
"Title":"Sample Rule",
"Paymentoption":"<div style=\"padding-left:30px;\"><img src=\"/images/paymentoptions/Payment_RazorPay.jpg\" style=\"margin-left:4px;\" /><div >You can pay using RazorPay</div></div>",
Lets you redeem a voucher on the cart items. You can use either a discount voucher or rule based voucher.
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/ApplyVoucher/{merchantId}/{voucherCode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
voucherCode* | string | The voucher code that you want to apply |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
IsFreeProduct | boolean | If the item is a gift item and is given for free of cost |
PriceCapped | float | Deprecated |
TotalCap | float | Deprecated |
CappedRefKey | string | Deprecated |
SupplierId | string | Unique GUID of the merchant (supplier of the product) |
Por | enum | The portion of the product for which the voucher is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
GroupId | int | Determines the bundle group id of the nested cart item. Applicable for bundle products |
ComboSuggestion | array | Product suggestions based on the cart items to increase the basket/cart size |
Error Codes
The following tables shows error codes for different validation parameter. For example, mismatch in location, invoice number, user type and so on.
Case | Cart Voucher | Campaign Voucher |
Location | 3002 Voucher not applicable for your location {locationId} |
NA |
UserType | 3006 Invalid Customer type |
3006 Invalid Customer type |
Cart condition & action condition | 3012 Coupon not applicable |
3009 Minimum Cart amount not reached for this voucher |
Inactive | 3001 Invalid Coupon Code |
3001 Invalid Coupon Code |
CurrentDate > EndDate | 3001 Invalid Coupon Code |
3001 Invalid Coupon Code |
CurrentDate < StartDate | 3001 Invalid Coupon Code |
3008 Expired Coupon Code |
USerLimit exceeded | 3004 Coupon usage limit for user exceeded |
3004 Coupon usage limit for user exceeded |
VoucherLimit exceeded | 3005 Coupon usage limit exceeded |
3005 Coupon usage limit exceeded |
Vouchercode not exist | 3001 Invalid Coupon Code |
NA |
Remove Applied Voucher
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Message":"Discount Voucher SAMPLE123 has been Removed successfully",
"description":"7Up Can",
"Description":"Sample description",
"Title":"Sample Rule",
"Paymentoption":"<div style=\"padding-left:30px;\"><img src=\"/images/paymentoptions/Payment_RazorPay.jpg\" style=\"margin-left:4px;\" /><div >You can pay using RazorPay</div></div>",
Removes an applied voucher from the current cart.
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/RemoveVoucher/{merchantId}/{voucherCode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
voucherCode* | string | The applied voucher code that you want to remove from the cart |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ComboSuggestion | array | Suggestions related deal items based on the items in the cart |
ConvertedDeals | array | The cart items that are converted to deal items automatically based on the items in the cart |
Por | enum | The portion for which the product is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
IsDefaultBundleItem | boolean | Whether the current item is in the default bundle item (true) or customized bundle item (false) |
Get Cart Promotions
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"locationcode": "btm",
"deliverymode": "ship",
"promotiontype": "cart",
"hasvouchers": "true",
"fromdate": "2018-09-13",
"todate": "2018-09-13",
"activestatus": "true",
"channeltype": "",
"totime": "",
"externalcouponmapped": "",
"userid": ""
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"EligiblePromotions": [
"promotionid": 30136,
"promotionname": "CRMTest",
"promotionrefcode": "9903",
"description": "CRMTest",
"locationcodes": [
"starttime": "/Date(1526992440000+0530)/",
"endtime": "/Date(1582997160000+0530)/",
"repetitive": true,
"allowfurtherpromotions": true,
"voucherbased": true,
"firstactivevouchercode": ""
"promotionid": 30198,
"promotionname": "VoucherBasedPromotion",
"promotionrefcode": "VoucherBasedPromotion",
"description": "VoucherBasedPromotion",
"locationcodes": [
"starttime": "/Date(1536175860000+0530)/",
"endtime": "/Date(1538328600000+0530)/",
"repetitive": true,
"allowfurtherpromotions": true,
"voucherbased": true,
"firstactivevouchercode": "SmokeAutomation"
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves the list of offers of the merchant based on the input parameters.
Resource Information
Parameter | Description |
URI | /carts/GetAllPromotions/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
locationcode | string | The location code of the store to fetch offers associated to the specific store |
deliverymode | enum | Filter results (promotions) by delivery mode. Values: ship to get promotions applicable only to online orders, pickup to get promotions on store pickup orders |
promotiontype | enum | Filter results by promotion type. Values: cart for cart items based promotions, catalogue for catalogue based promotions |
hasvouchers | boolean | Specify true to get the list of promotions that have coupon codes, false to get promotions that do not have any coupon codes. You can leave it blank to see both kind of promotions |
fromdate | date | Get promotions available for a specific duration. Pass the duration in MM/DD/YY format in fromdate and todate respectively |
todate | date | Get promotions available for a specific duration. Pass the duration in MM/DD/YY format between fromdate and todate |
activestatus | boolean | Specify true to fetch the list of active promotions only, false to fetch both active and inactive coupons |
channeltype | string | The channel from which the order is placed. Channel types are predefined in promotions in CP. Example values: Amazon, Myntra, Web |
externalcouponmapped | boolean | Specify true to fetch promotions that are mapped to external coupons. For example, CRM coupons |
userid | string | The unique GUID of the customer to fetch the list of promotions available for that specific customer |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
starttime | date-time | Start date and time of the current promotion |
endtime | date-time | End date and time of the current promotion |
repetitive | boolean | Whether the promotion rules are repeated for each item or not |
allowfurtherpromotions | boolean | Whether further 'Cart Promotions’ is allowed to the cart item (even after applying a promotion) |
Get Cart Payment Options
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"PaymentOptionsChannel": [
"MerchantId": "2c7f2299-9129-4131-839f-b80663cec2e2",
"PaymentType": "5678",
"Paymentoption": "5678",
"GatewayId": "10957",
"GatewayTitle": null,
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"MerchantId": "2c7f2299-9129-4131-839f-b80663cec2e2",
"PaymentType": "Credit",
"Paymentoption": "NETWORKONLINE",
"GatewayId": "12309",
"GatewayTitle": "Visa/ Master Card",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"MerchantId": "2c7f2299-9129-4131-839f-b80663cec2e2",
"PaymentType": "OnlineBankTrans",
"Paymentoption": "OnlineBankTransfer",
"GatewayId": "10925",
"GatewayTitle": "Deposit to our Bank Account",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"MerchantId": "2c7f2299-9129-4131-839f-b80663cec2e2",
"PaymentType": "ChequeDD",
"Paymentoption": "ChequeDD",
"GatewayId": "10924",
"GatewayTitle": "Send Cheque/DD to us",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"MerchantId": "2c7f2299-9129-4131-839f-b80663cec2e2",
"PaymentType": "Credit",
"Paymentoption": "Capillary",
"GatewayId": "12542",
"GatewayTitle": "CRM Points",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"MerchantId": "2c7f2299-9129-4131-839f-b80663cec2e2",
"PaymentType": "Credit",
"Paymentoption": "NOONPAY",
"GatewayId": "12617",
"GatewayTitle": "NoonPay",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"MerchantId": "2c7f2299-9129-4131-839f-b80663cec2e2",
"PaymentType": "COD",
"Paymentoption": "COD",
"GatewayId": "0",
"GatewayTitle": "Pay Cash On Delivery",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"MerchantId": "2c7f2299-9129-4131-839f-b80663cec2e2",
"PaymentType": "Credit",
"Paymentoption": "NeoNetwork",
"GatewayId": "12659",
"GatewayTitle": "Visa/ Master Card",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"MerchantId": "2c7f2299-9129-4131-839f-b80663cec2e2",
"PaymentType": "GV",
"Paymentoption": "Gift Voucher",
"GatewayId": null,
"GatewayTitle": "Gift Voucher",
"PaidAmount": 0,
"EnalbeOTP": false
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves all the supported payment options of the current cart.
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/PaymentOptions/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
EnalbeOTP | boolean | Whether OTP based authentication is required for that particular payment option |
Update Shipping Mode
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Bill_City":"AL KHUWAIR",
"description":"Seafood Supreme",
"description":"Seafood Supreme Crust",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni",
"description":"Classic Pepperoni Crust",
"SupplierName":"Pizza Hut test",
Updates shipping mode of the cart for the current customer.
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/ShippingMode/{merchantId}/{shippingModeID}/Change/{ispickupshippingMode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
shippingModeID* | int | Unique id of the new shipment mode |
ispickupshippingMode* | boolean | Specify true for in store pickup, else specify false |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
IsFreeProduct | boolean | Whether the current item is a gift product that is given for free or along with other product |
PriceCapped | boolean | -NA- |
CatalogpromotionDiscount | float | Catalog promotion discount amount applied on the cart items |
Set Delivery Slot
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"DeliveryDate":"08-31-2018 09:00:00"
Sample Response
"Bill_Address1":"Hanuman tekdi",
"Ship_Address1":"Hanuman tekdi",
"description":"Sunday Refined Sunflower Oil",
"Value":"1L Pouch"
"SupplierName":"Hypercity Fresh",
"Paymentoption":"<div style=\"padding-left:30px;\"><img src=\"//\" alt=\"RazorPay - CC\" /></div>\n",
"GatewayTitle":"Credit/Debit Card",
"Paymentoption":"<div style=\"padding-left:30px;\"><img src=\"//\" alt=\"RazorPay - NetBanking\" /></div>",
"GatewayTitle":"Net Banking",
"Paymentoption":"<div style=\"padding-left:30px;\"><img alt=\"RazorPay _Wallets\" src=\"//\" /></div>\n",
"Paymentoption":"<div style=\"padding-left:30px;\"><img alt=\"RazorPay - PayTm\" src=\"//\" style=\"display:inline-block;\" /></div>",
"Paymentoption":"<div style=\"padding-left:30px;\"><img src=\"/images/paymentoptions/Payment_RazorPay.jpg\" style=\"margin-left:4px;\" /><div >You can pay using PaymentWallet</div></div>",
Lets you set delivery slot for the current cart.
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/SetDeliverySlot/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
DeliverySlotId* | int | Unique id of the delivery slot to which you want to set the delivery slot |
DeliveryDate* | date-time | Customer preferred delivery slot |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
IsFreeProduct | boolean | Whether the item is a free gift item |
Por | enum | The portion of the product for which the topping is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
ComboSuggestion | array | Deal item suggestions based on the cart items |
ConvertedDeals | array | The cart items that are converted to deal items |
Get Delivery Slots
Sample Request
Sample Response
"FormatedSlotRange":"10:00 AM - 01:00 PM",
"FormatedSlotRange":"01:00 PM - 04:00 PM",
"FormatedSlotRange":"04:00 PM - 07:00 PM",
"FormatedSlotRange":"07:00 PM - 10:00 PM",
"Day":"Tomorrow ",
"FormatedSlotRange":"10:00 AM - 01:00 PM",
"FormatedSlotRange":"01:00 PM - 04:00 PM",
"FormatedSlotRange":"04:00 PM - 07:00 PM",
"FormatedSlotRange":"07:00 PM - 10:00 PM",
"Day":"30 Nov, Fri",
"FormatedSlotRange":"10:00 AM - 01:00 PM",
"FormatedSlotRange":"01:00 PM - 04:00 PM",
"FormatedSlotRange":"04:00 PM - 07:00 PM",
"FormatedSlotRange":"07:00 PM - 10:00 PM",
Retrieves all the available delivery slots of the current cart items
Resource Information
URI | /Carts/DeliverySlots/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
accesstoken* | Access token of the logged in user to validate the session |
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
IsFreeProduct | boolean | Whether the item is a free gift item |
Por | enum | The portion of the product for which the topping is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
ComboSuggestion | array | Suggestions related the deal items based on the items in the cart |
ConvertedDeals | array | The cart items that are converted to deal items |
Get Product Recommendations
Sample Request
Sample Response
"ProductIds": [
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves product recommendations based on the cart items.
Resource Information
URI | Carts/TargetBlocks/{merchantId} |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header Required
Header | Description |
AccessToken* | Access token of the current session (you can generate using GET AccessToken API) |
Get Common Stores for Cart Items
Retrieves the details of stores in which the stock of a specific cart item is available. You can also search by he available stock quantity.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"products": [
"ProductId": "0",
"VariantProductId": "0",
"ProductSku": "61751356",
"Quantity": 1
"Longitude": "",
"Latitude": ""
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Locations received",
"Locations": [
"DistancefromInputLatLong": 0,
"ParentLocationID": 0,
"LocationId": 22880,
"LocationCode": "PIJ",
"LocationName": "7-PIJ-Justice Pondok Indah",
"Address1": "Pondok Indah Mall 2 2nd Floor, 210",
"Address2": "",
"City": "25676",
"CityName": null,
"Area": "",
"State": "ID10",
"StateName": null,
"Country": "ID",
"CountryName": null,
"Pin": "12310",
"Contact1": "021-75920875",
"Contact2": "",
"Description": "",
"Latitude": -6.26557,
"Longitude": 106.784,
"LocationType": null,
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"IsDistributionCenter": true,
"EmailId": "",
"IsParticipateInStock": true,
"IsDefaultLocation": false,
"IsOfflinneCheckoutEnabled": false,
"IsPointOfSale": false,
"IsOfflineDeals": false,
"IsInStorePickup": true,
"Remarks": null,
"CST": "",
"VAT": "",
"TINNo": "",
"GSTINNO": "",
"IsReversePickupEnabled": false,
"IsDefaultLNG_LocationName": true,
"IsDefaultLNG_Description": true,
"IsDefaultLNG_Address1": true,
"StoreTimings": null,
"HomeDeliveryTimings": null,
"TakeawayTimings": null
"DistancefromInputLatLong": 0,
"ParentLocationID": 0,
"LocationId": 22888,
"LocationCode": "KKJ",
"LocationName": "7-KKJ-Justice Kota Kasablanka ",
"Address1": "Level-2, 239A\r\n",
"Address2": "",
"City": "25676",
"CityName": null,
"Area": "",
"State": "ID10",
"StateName": null,
"Country": "ID",
"CountryName": null,
"Pin": "12870",
"Contact1": "021-29626167",
"Contact2": "",
"Description": "",
"Latitude": -6.22387,
"Longitude": 106.843,
"LocationType": null,
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"IsDistributionCenter": true,
"EmailId": "",
"IsParticipateInStock": true,
"IsDefaultLocation": false,
"IsOfflinneCheckoutEnabled": false,
"IsPointOfSale": false,
"IsOfflineDeals": false,
"IsInStorePickup": true,
"Remarks": null,
"CST": "",
"VAT": "",
"TINNo": "",
"GSTINNO": "",
"IsReversePickupEnabled": false,
"IsDefaultLNG_LocationName": true,
"IsDefaultLNG_Description": true,
"IsDefaultLNG_Address1": true,
"StoreTimings": null,
"HomeDeliveryTimings": null,
"TakeawayTimings": null
"DistancefromInputLatLong": 0,
"ParentLocationID": 0,
"LocationId": 25687,
"LocationCode": "LPJ",
"LocationName": "7-LPJ-Justice Lippo Puri",
"Address1": "Jl Puri Indah Raya Blok U 1, Puri Indah CBD, Jakarta Barat",
"Address2": "",
"City": "",
"CityName": null,
"Area": "",
"State": "ID-JK",
"StateName": null,
"Country": "ID",
"CountryName": null,
"Pin": "11610",
"Contact1": "",
"Contact2": "",
"Description": "",
"Latitude": -6.18758,
"Longitude": 106.739,
"LocationType": null,
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"IsDistributionCenter": true,
"EmailId": "",
"IsParticipateInStock": true,
"IsDefaultLocation": false,
"IsOfflinneCheckoutEnabled": false,
"IsPointOfSale": false,
"IsOfflineDeals": false,
"IsInStorePickup": true,
"Remarks": null,
"CST": "",
"VAT": "",
"TINNo": "",
"GSTINNO": "",
"IsReversePickupEnabled": false,
"IsDefaultLNG_LocationName": true,
"IsDefaultLNG_Description": true,
"IsDefaultLNG_Address1": true,
"StoreTimings": null,
"HomeDeliveryTimings": null,
"TakeawayTimings": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | Carts/GetCommonStoresforCartItems/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ProductId** | int | Unique id of the product to get the stores stocking that specific product |
ProductSKU** | string | Unique SKU of the product to get the stores stocking that specific product |
VariantProductSKU | string | Unique SKU of the variant product for which you want to fetch available stores. Default value: 0 |
Quantity | int | To get stores stocking a specific quantity of the product, specify the stock quantity |
Latitude | float | Get common stores in the specific latitude and longitude |
Longitude | float | Get common stores in the specific latitude and longitude |
Get Coupon Suggestions
Suggests coupons applicable on cart items.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"CouponSuggestions": {
"voucherSuggestions": [
"RuleDescription": "",
"NoOfUsesDonePerUser": 0,
"NoOfUsesconfiguredPerVoucher": -1,
"RuleCriteria": [
"RuleId": 41825,
"cartDiscountValue": 50,
"EndDate": "/Date(1688127300000+0530)/",
"NoOfUsesConfiguredPerUser": -1,
"NoOfUsesDonePerVoucher": 0,
"isSatisfied": true,
"RuleTitle": "CouponSuggestions1",
"isVoucher": true,
"voucherCode": "CouponSuggestions2"
"Message": "skip",
"messageCode": "skip",
"Token": {
"AccessToken": "skip",
"UserId": "skip",
"IsLoggedInUser": "skip",
"MerchantId": "skip",
"issued_at": "skip"
"ErrorCode": "skip"
Resource Information
URI | /CouponSuggestion/{{merchantid}} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Update Pricelist
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"Message":"Data update added to task queue. You can view the status of update in control panel. Also email will be send to merchant registered email after task completion.",
Updates price of a SKU or variant SKU in a particular price list.
Resource Information
URI | Product/Pricelist/{MerchantId}/{PricelistRefCode}/upload |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
sku* | string | SKU of the product of a specific location for which you want to update stock and price |
variantsku | string | The variant SKU of the current item |
Qty* | int | The quantity of the item for which you want to update the price |
MRP* | float | Retail price of the item |
WebPrice | float | Selling price of the item |
TokenPrice | float | Minimum amount required for the customer to reserve the item and purchase later on |
Delete Product Slab
Deletes the slab of the product in the pricelist.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (Raw)
Sample POST Request (x-www-form-urlencoded Payload)
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | Product/Pricelist/Details/Delete/{MerchantId}/{PricelistRefCode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
PricelistRefCode* | string | Unique reference code of the pricelist |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
productid* | int | Unique id of the product that you want to delete |
quantity* | int | Quantity of items that you want to delete |
Get Pricelist
Retrieves all locations for which pricelist is configured.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"PriceListDetails": [
"Id": 2498,
"Name": "India",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserGroupId": 0,
"LocationId": 17038,
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1469171538000+0530)/",
"Status": true,
"ReferenceCode": "IND"
"Id": 2500,
"Name": "International",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserGroupId": 0,
"LocationId": 17036,
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1469171604000+0530)/",
"Status": true,
"ReferenceCode": "INTL"
"Id": 2878,
"Name": "India",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserGroupId": 0,
"LocationId": 17038,
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1493272531000+0530)/",
"Status": true,
"ReferenceCode": "INDFK"
"Id": 2890,
"Name": "India",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserGroupId": 0,
"LocationId": 17038,
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1493368445000+0530)/",
"Status": true,
"ReferenceCode": "IndiaFK"
"Id": 2900,
"Name": "Telangana",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserGroupId": 0,
"LocationId": 18692,
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1494482769000+0530)/",
"Status": false,
"ReferenceCode": "Test111"
"Id": 2912,
"Name": "TestP",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserGroupId": 0,
"LocationId": 17038,
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1495716987000+0530)/",
"Status": true,
"ReferenceCode": "TEtst"
"Id": 3108,
"Name": "Delhi",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserGroupId": 0,
"LocationId": 16696,
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1509702432000+0530)/",
"Status": true,
"ReferenceCode": "delhi"
"Id": 3673,
"Name": "bang",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserGroupId": 0,
"LocationId": 17430,
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1547027898000+0530)/",
"Status": true,
"ReferenceCode": "bang001"
"Id": 3757,
"Name": "bang",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserGroupId": 8496,
"LocationId": 17430,
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1549448228000+0530)/",
"Status": true,
"ReferenceCode": "bang002"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Pricelist/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant for which you want to fetch available price lists |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | int | Unique pricelist id |
Name | string | Name of the location |
LocationId | int | Unique id of the location |
CreatedDate | date | Date when the price list is created |
Status | enum | Current status of the price list. Value: true for Active and false for inactive |
ReferenceCode | string | Unique location reference code |
Shopping List
Shopping list is a wish list or favorite list of a customer. This resource consists of APIs to add and manage a customer’s wish list.
Add Shopping List
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Creates a shopping list for a specific customer. This just creates a shopping list bucket and does not include any items in it. Use /ShoppingList/list
to add items.
Resource Information
URI | ShoppingList/add/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserId* | string | The unique user identifier of the customer whose wish list details need to be added |
ShoppingListName* | string | Specify a name for the current wish list |
privacyLevel | string | Specify whether to make the wish list public to make it to everyone or private to make it visible only for you (Value: Pr , Pu ). Default value: Pr |
refCode | string | Specify a reference code for your wish list. It is a free flowing text and accepts any string that you pass |
Get Shopping List Details
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ShoppingList": [
"ShoppingListId": 43787,
"ShoppingListName": "AWS1",
"PrivacyLevel": "Pr",
"UserId": "f4473f55-b6b0-4a4c-8ffa-fc1010abxxxx",
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1xxxx",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1535913000000+0530)/",
"ModifiedDate": "/Date(1535913000000+0530)/",
"UserGroupId": 0,
"AllowUserToAddItems": true,
"DisplayinMyAccount": true,
"CreatedBy": 1,
"RefCode": "0"
"ShoppingListId": 31852,
"ShoppingListName": "MyWishList",
"PrivacyLevel": "Pr",
"UserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1xxxx",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1457461800000+0530)/",
"ModifiedDate": "/Date(1457461800000+0530)/",
"UserGroupId": 0,
"AllowUserToAddItems": true,
"DisplayinMyAccount": true,
"CreatedBy": 0,
"RefCode": "0"
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves the details of a specific wish list of a customer.
Resource Information
URI | ShoppingList/{MerchantId}/{UserId}/{shoppingListId}/{GetDefaultWishlist} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant account from which you want to fetch customer’s wish list |
UserId* | string | The unique user identifier of the customer whose details need to be retrieved |
shoppinglistId | string | The shopping list id that you want to fetch |
GetDefaultWishlist | boolean | Specify true to retrieve default wish list, false to retrieve only the customer’s wish list and not default wish list |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserGroupId | int | Unique user group id associated to the user |
AllowUserToAddItems | boolean | Whether the user is allowed to add products to the shopping lsit |
DisplayinMyAccount | boolean | Whether the shopping list is shown to the end-user |
CreatedBy | int | The value is 1 for the created the shopping list and 0 for merchant has created the shopping list |
RefCode | string | Unique reference code of the specific shopping list |
Add Items to a Shopping List
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Adds items to an existing wish list of a customer
Resource Information
URI | ShoppingList/items/add/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserId* | string | The unique user identifier of the customer whose wish list details need to be added |
merchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant account in which the customer’s wish list is created |
ShoppingListId* | int | Specify a name for the current wish list |
ProductId | int | The unique product id that you want to add to the wish list |
VarProductId | int | The unique variant product id (if applicable) |
Quantity | int | The quantity of the item that you want to add to the wish list |
IsSelected | boolean | Value: true/false |
Get Shopping List Items
Sample Request
Sample Response
"ShoppingListItems": [
"ProductId": 12688208,
"VariantProductID": "9727843",
"ShoppingListId": 31852,
"ShoppingListItemId": 47465921,
"Quantity": 1,
"IsSelected": "False",
"Items": []
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves items of a specific wish list
Resource Information
URI | /ShoppingList/Items/{merchantId}/{shoppingListId}/{userId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant account from which you want to fetch customer’s wish list |
UserId* | string | The unique user identifier of the customer whose shopping list items need to be retrieved |
shoppinglistId | int | The shopping list id that you want to fetch |
An order is a completed purchase request of a customer. This resource consists of APIs related to creating and managing orders of a marketplace, PWA or storefront.
Create Bulk Order (Normal)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"customertype":"Guest User",
"shipaddress1":", plot.31",
"billaddress1":", ECIL",
"giftmsg":"Many happy returns of the day from James and family",
"storelocationcode": "",
"latitude": "28.7041",
"longitude": "-77.1025",
"checkouttype":"Online Payment",
Sample Response
"Message":"Data update added to task queue. You can view the status of update in control panel. Also email will be send to merchant registered email after task completion.",
This API lets you create batch orders. You can also capture vertical specific product attributes such as variants, bundle, and combo details.
Resource Information
URI | Order/BulkOrderCreation |
Response Formats | JSON |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
HTTP Method | POST |
Batch Support | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderrefno* | string | Reference number of the order |
orderdate* | date | Ordered date in mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd format |
deliveredon | date | Specify the estimated delivery of the item if applicable for the merchant in mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd or |
customertype | enum | Type of the user as per the Martjack system. Supported Values: Guest User (for all marketplace), Registered User (If registered on Martjack platform) |
userid | string | Registered identifier of the customer used for login. Required when customertype="Registered User" |
ordervalue | float | Net order amount |
orderstatus | enum | Status of the order. Values: Pending , Authorized |
orderconfirmationmail | enum | Specify Yes to send an order confirmation email to the customer, else set No |
paymentlinkstatus | enum | Whether payment link needs to sent to customer (Yes) or not (No). Use only if the Order status is Pending. A link for making the payment will be sent to the customer with all the available payment options |
Storelocationcode | string | Source location of the order from where the order was initiated |
calculateshippingtax | enum | Whether tax or shipping charges should be calculated based on CP Configuration. If Yes it will be calculated based on the CP Configuration rules. Specify No to consider input values from the payload |
shipfirstname, shiplastname, shipaddress1 … | obj | Specify the shipping address and name of the customer in the respective fields |
billfirstname, billlastname, billaddress1 … | obj | Specify the billing address and name of customer in the respective fields |
giftmsg | string | Specify the customer’s preferred personalized message for the recipient (for gift orders) |
locationcode | string | Location code of the order fulfillment location (Generally used for Location specific merchants) |
isselfship | boolean | If the order shipment is handled by marketplace such as Amazon or Flipkart specify False , if the shipment is handled by the merchant itself, set the value to True |
channelrefcode | string | Reference code of the channel from which the order has come from (specific to Sellerworx). A channel is an instance of marketplace. A seller can have multiple channels |
channelorderid | string | Order id as maintained by that specific channel (specific to Sellerworx) |
sellerwroxorderid | string | Order id generated at Sellerworx. Maps Channel order id to Sellerworx order id |
items* | obj | Specify the details of each line-item in item attribute |
Payments* | obj | Specify the payment details and orderrefno of the order in payment . The value of orderrefno at payment level and order level should be same |
paymentstatus | enum | The payment status of the current order. Value: Authorized , Pending |
paymentno | string | The reference number generated for order payment. This is provided by the respective payment gateway |
CheckOutType | string | Type of check out. Values: Online Payment, Cash on Delivery, Bank Transfer, Cheque/DD, Gift Voucher, Net Banking, Payback Points, Wallet |
vouchercode | string | Coupon code applied for the transaction, if any. This is just for viewing purpose and the API does not do any calculation based on the voucher code |
customfield | Pass this only if you have preconfigured custom fields at the order level | |
itemcustomfield | string | Pass line-item level custom field details if available |
deliveryslotcode | string | Pass the delivery slot code if you want to associate a delivery slot with the order |
shippingmode | string | Pass the shipping mode that you want to associate with the order. Note that the API does not validate the provided shipping mode |
shippingamount | float | Pass the shipping charge for the specific item (Order item level) |
shippingdiscount | int | Pass the discount amount availed on the shipping charge (Order item level discount) |
linediscount | int | Pass the line item level discount availed for the order |
latitude | float | Latitudinal distance of the store |
longitude | float | Longitudinal distance of the store |
Create Bulk Order (Deal & Bundle)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"customertype":"Guest User",
"shipcity":"Al Qurain",
"shipstate":"Kuwait City",
"billaddress1":"example address",
"billaddress2":"example address2",
"billcity":"Al Qurain",
"billstate":"Kuwait City",
"giftmsg":"Happy wedding anniversary",
"storelocationcode":"PH Adeliya",
"latitude": "28.7041",
"longitude": "-77.1025",
"checkouttype":"Cash on Delivery",
Sample Response
"Message":"Data update added to task queue. You can view the status of update in control panel. Also email will be send to merchant registered email after task completion.",
This API lets you create batch orders for deal and bundle products.
Resource Information
URI | Order/BulkOrderCreation |
Response Formats | JSON |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
HTTP Method | POST |
Batch Support | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderrefno* | string | Reference number of the order |
orderdate* | date | Ordered date in mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd format |
deliveredon | date | Specify the estimated delivery of the item if applicable for the merchant in mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd format |
customertype | enum | Type of the user as per the Martjack system. Supported Values: Guest User (for all marketplace), Registered User (If registered on Martjack platform) |
userid | string | Registered identifier of the customer used for login. Required when customertype:"Registered User" |
ordervalue | float | Net order amount |
orderstatus | enum | Status of the order. Value: Pending , Authorized |
orderconfirmationmail | enum | Specify Yes to send an order confirmation email to the customer, else set No |
paymentlinkstatus | enum | Whether payment link needs to sent to customer (Yes) or not (No). Use only if the Order status is Pending. A link for making the payment will be sent to the customer with all the available payment options |
calculateshippingtax | enum | Whether tax or shipping charges should be calculated based on CP Configuration. If Yes it will be calculated based on the CP Configuration rules. Specify No to consider input values from the payload |
shipfirstname, shiplastname, shipaddress1 … | - | Specify the customer’s shipping address related information in the respective fields |
billfirstname, billlastname, billaddress1 … | - | Specify the customer’s billing address related information in the respective fields |
giftmsg | string | Specify the customer’s preferred personalized message for the recipient (for gift orders) |
storelocationcode | string | Source location of the order from where the order was initiated |
locationcode | string | Location code of the order fulfillment location (Generally used for Location specific merchants) |
isselfship | boolean | If the order shipment is handled by marketplace such as Amazon or Flipkart specify False , if the shipment is handled by the merchant itself, set the value to True |
channelrefcode | string | Channel from which the order is received (specific to Sellerworx). A channel is an instance of marketplace. A seller can have multiple channels |
channelorderid | string | Order id as maintained by that specific channel (specific to Sellerworx) |
sellerwroxorderid | string | Order id generated at Sellerworx. Maps Channel order id to Sellerworx order id |
items* | obj | Specify the details of each line-item in item attribute |
bundleitems | obj | Details of bundle items |
Payments* | obj | Specify the payment details and orderrefno of the order in the payment object. The value of orderrefno at payment level should be same as that of the order level |
paymentstatus | enum | The payment status of the current order. Value: Authorized , Pending |
paymentno | string | The reference number for order payment provided by the respective payment gateway |
CheckOutType | string | Type of check out. Values: Online Payment, Cash on Delivery, Bank Transfer, Cheque/DD, Gift Voucher, Net Banking, Payback Points, Wallet |
vouchercode | string | Coupon code applied for the transaction if any. This is just for viewing purpose and the API does not do any calculation based on the voucher code |
customfield | json obj | Pass this only if you have preconfigured custom fields at the order level |
itemcustomfield | json obj | Pass line-item level custom field details if available |
deliveryslotcode | string | Pass the delivery slot code if you want to associate a delivery slot with the order |
latitude | float | Latitudinal distance of the store |
longitude | float | Longitudinal distance of the store |
shippingmode | string | Pass the shipping mode that you want to associate with the order. Note that the API does not validate the provided shipping mode |
shippingamount | float | Pass the shipping charge for the specific item (Order item level) |
shippingdiscount | int | Pass the discount amount availed for the order in shipping charge (Order item level discount) |
linediscount | int | Pass the line item level discount availed |
catalogcode | enum | Type of the product category, Value: D for deal, B for bundle |
unitprice | float | Price of a single item |
bundleparentproduct | string | SKU of the parent bundle product |
isdefault | enum | Is the item default for the bundle. Value: Yes , No |
portion | enum | The portion for which the child product is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
deliverymode | enum | Mode of delivery of the item. Values: H for home delivery, S for store pick-up |
Place Order (Single)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
Lets you add payment details and submit a transaction. You can use this API for checkout process.
Resource Information
URI | /Order/PlaceOrder/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Additional Header
Header | Description |
Access token* | The access token generated for the current user session |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant in which you want to place order |
PaymentOption* | string | The name of the payment gateway. Pass only the supported modes configured in the back-end. For example, RazorPay, EBS, OnlineBankTransfer, COD, CreditCard, ChequeDD, Wallet, and eGiftVoucher |
paymentType* | string | The payment type used for the order - OBT (Online bank transfer), TPG (Third party gateway), Credit, GV (Gift voucher) and so on |
gatewayId* | string | Gateway id through which the payment is made |
skipDeliveryAreaValidation | boolean | Specify true to validate delivery location before creating the order, false to ignore validation |
Sample Validation Messages
- Invalid Mobile Number
- Delivery area
- Delivery mode
- Discount voucher
- Gift voucher
- Payment transactions
- Order amount max min
- Missing payment params
- Allowing offline payments for an order with multiple payments
- Selected country is not supported for the payment option
- PIN code not serviceable
- ShippingModeValidator
- Invalid address parameters
- Zero shipping profile
- Invalid max order qty
"ValidationMessage":"Failed products"
- Zero inventory
"ValidationMessage":"Failed products"
- Delivery slot not in store time
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ValidationResponse | json obj | Response object received from the payment gateway |
Authorize Order
Authorizes a pending order (an order with pending payment status) or failed order.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
"merchantId": "fd986588-63df-4d76-9ddd-5d8b984518a5",
"OrderId": "7557689",
"Date": "03/12/2019",
"PaymentType": "Credit",
"BankInstrumentNumber": "12444",
"BankName": "KOTAK",
"PGResponse": "ewe23232323232"
Sample Response
"Code": "1005",
"Message": "Order Authorized successfully",
"ErrorCode": "0",
"AllocatedItems": "false"
Resource Information
URI | /order/Authorize |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
OrderID* | int | Unique id of the order that you want to authorize |
Date | date | Date of authorization |
Comment | string | Specify if you want to provide any comment related to the order authentication |
PaymentType* | string | The type of payment for the order. Only values predefined for the merchant in the back-end are supported. Example: OBT (Online bank transfer), TPG (Third party gateway), Credit, GV (Gift voucher) and so on |
bankInstrumentNumber | string | Instrument number generated for payment clearance |
bankName | string | Name of the bank |
PGResponse* | string | The response received from the payment gateway |
Process Transaction
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"Value":"{\r\n \"id\": \"order_Ap0o1g0hKYpxxx\",\r\n \"entity\": \"order\",\r\n \"amount\": 40425,\r\n \"amount_paid\": 0,\r\n \"amount_due\": 40425,\r\n \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n \"receipt\": \"3146817\",\r\n \"offer_id\": null,\r\n \"status\": \"created\",\r\n \"attempts\": 0,\r\n \"notes\": {\r\n \"MJOrderID\": \"3146817\",\r\n \"StoreID\": \"15648\"\r\n },\r\n \"created_at\": 1535043452\r\n}"
Processes pending transactions. When an order other than COD is placed, just an order instance is created and will be in Pending
status by default. An order is processed only when the payment details are validated against the transaction. This is not applicable for COD orders.
Resource Information
URI | /ProcessTransaction/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
OrderID* | int | The order id that you want to process |
ID | int | The transaction id of the order |
PaymentType* | string | The payment type used for the order. Only values predefined for the merchant in the back-end are supported. OBT (Online bank transfer), TPG (Third party gateway), Credit, GV (Gift voucher) and so on |
Provider* | string | The provider of the payment gateway service |
GatewayID* | string | The respective payment gateway id |
CPUserID | string | Unique CP user id generated by the system |
PaymentDetails* | json obj | Pass the payment details |
GVCode | string | The gift voucher code used for the transaction (if any) |
RespCode | string | The unique response code generated at the payment gateway for the transaction (to our system) |
RespMessage | string | The entire response payload generated at the payment gateway for the transaction (to our system) |
PointsBurned | int | The number of points redeemed for the transaction (if any) |
Update Transaction
Updates status of a specific transaction based on the input parameters.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1007",
"Message": "Updated Successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/UpdateTransaction/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderId* | int | Unique id of the order for which you want to update transaction details |
paymentStatus | enum | New status of the current transaction. Values: P for pending, A for authorized, F for failed |
respCode | string | Unique code generated for the transaction from the payment gateway |
txnID | long | Unique id of the specific transaction that you want to update. Required to update a specific transaction of an order |
respMsg | string | Response message received for the transaction from the payment gateway |
gVcode | string | Coupon code used for the order (to update gift voucher transaction ) |
pointsBurned | int | Number of points burned for the transaction (to update points based transaction) |
bankEMICharges | string | Monthly EMI charges for the transaction (for transaction through card EMI) |
pGReferenceId | string | Unique id generated for the transaction by the payment gateway |
Search Orders
Retrieves orders matching the specified inputs.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"OrderSearch": {
"Action": "",
"CheckOutType": "Online Payment",
"DateFrom": "09/15/2017",
"DateTo": "09/16/2017",
"DateType": "",
"EmailID": "",
"FristName": "",
"LastName": "",
"MobileNo": "8801312595",
"OrderNo": "",
"OrderPriceFrom": "",
"OrderPriceTo": "",
"OrderStatus": "A",
"ProductSku": "",
"store": "all",
"ShippingCostFrom": "",
"ShippingCostTo": "",
"RecordFrom": 0,
"RecordTo": 2
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | order/Search/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CheckOutType | string | Type of check out. Values: Online Payment, Cash on Delivery, Bank Transfer, Cheque/DD, Gift Voucher, Net Banking, Payback Points, Wallet |
DateFrom | date | Search orders of a specific duration between DateFrom and DateTo . The duration is considered on the basis of specified DateType'. Pass the date in MM/DD/YYYY` format |
DateTo | date | Search orders of a specific duration between DateFrom and DateTo . The duration is considered on the basis of specified DateType'. Pass the date in MM/DD/YYYY` format |
DateType | enum | Activity of the specified date range. Values: OD for Order Date, SD for Ship Date, RD for Return Date, DD for Delivered Date, DS for Dispatch Date |
EmailID | string | Specify registered email id of a customers to fetch all orders of that customer |
FristName | string | Search orders by customers’ first name. For example, if you specify Tom , it will fetch the list of all orders of customers whose first name is Tom |
LastName | string | Search orders by customers’ last name. For example, if you specify Sawyer , it will fetch the list of all orders of customers whose last name is Sawyer |
MobileNo | string | Search orders of a specific customer by mobile number |
OrderNo | int | Fetch details of a specific order by order number |
OrderPriceFrom | float | Search orders in a specific price range. Specify the price range in OrderPriceFrom and OrderPriceTo |
OrderPriceTo | float | Search orders in a specific price range. Specify the price range in OrderPriceFrom and OrderPriceTo |
OrderStatus | string | Search order by order status P for Pending, A for Authorized |
ProductSku | string | Search orders containing a specific item. Pass the item SKU |
store | string | Search orders of a store. Specify the store code to fetch orders of that specific store, specify all to fetch orders of all stores |
ShippingCostFrom | float | Search orders by shipping cost. Specify the shipping cost range in ShippingCostFrom and ShippingCostTo |
ShippingCostTo | float | Search orders by shipping cost. Specify the shipping cost range in ShippingCostFrom and ShippingCostTo |
RecordFrom | int | Filter the results by record range. Specify the range in RecordFrom and RecordTo . For example, out of 80 results you can prefer to see only records after 30 or between 30-60 |
RecordTo | int | Filter the results by record range. Specify the range in RecordFrom and RecordTo . For example, out of 80 results you can prefer to see only records after 30 or between 30-60 prefer to see first 30 records only or records between 30-70 |
Save Merchant Transaction
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
Saves the current merchant transaction.
Resource Information
URI | order/SaveMerchantTransaction/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
PaymentOption* | string | The name of the payment gateway. For example, RazorPay, EBS, OnlineBankTransfer, COD, CreditCard, ChequeDD, Wallet, and eGiftVoucher |
PaymentType* | PaymentOption | The mode of payment chosen for the transaction. Values could be OBT (Online bank transfer), TPG (Third party gateway), Credit, GV (Gift voucher) and so on |
OrderId* | int | The unique id of the order |
MerchantId* | PaymentOption | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant in which the order is registered |
status* | enum | The status of the current payment. Value: Pending, Authorized |
amount* | float | The amount paid through the current payment type for the transaction |
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"Bill_FirstName":"Tom Sawyer",
"Ship_FirstName":"Tom Sawyer",
"description":"Paneer Soya Supreme",
"description":"Paneer Soya Supreme",
"Value":"Personal | Serves 1"
"Value":"Personal | Serves 1"
"Value":"Personal | Serves 1"
"description":"Red Paprika",
"Value":"Personal | Serves 1"
"description":"Green Capsicum",
"Value":"Personal | Serves 1"
"description":"Masala Soya Chunk",
"Value":"Personal | Serves 1"
"Paymentoption":"<div style=\"padding-left:30px;\"><img src=\"/images/paymentoptions/Payment_RazorPay.jpg\" style=\"margin-left:4px;\" /><div >You can pay using RazorPay</div"
Adds an existing order items of a customer to the cart.
Resource Information
URI | order/ReOrder/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique merchant id (GUID) in which the order is placed |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
OrderId* | int | Existing Order id of the customer that you want to order again |
orderItemId | int | Specify the order item id to reorder a specific item; 0 to consider the entire order items |
UserId* | string | Unique GUID of the customer associated to the order |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
PriceCapped | float | -Deprecated- |
TotalCap | - | -Deprecated- |
CappedRefKey | - | -Deprecated- |
Por | enum | The portion for which the child product is applied. Value: W for whole, R for right, L for left (left, right usually applies for toppings) |
GroupId | int | Determines the bundle group id of the nested cart item |
IsFreeProduct | enum | Whether the current item is a free gift item. Value: Yes, No |
Get Order History
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"FromDate":"02-02-2018 16:08:45",
"ToDate":"20-02-2018 23:59:45"
Sample Response
"Message":"Successful ",
"BillAddress1":"#103 1st Street SE",
"BillAddress2":"MG Road",
"BillFirstname":"stagging first",
"BillLastname":"stagging last",
"OrderDate":"02-02-2018 16:08:45",
"ClientUserAgent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:16.0) Gecko\/20100101 Firefox\/16.0",
"PaymentResponse":"{\"TransactionType\":\"TPG\",\"Mode\":\"TPG\",\"Card\":\"xxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"ResponseMessage\":\"{\\\"MID\\\":\\\"CPWHOL99145646120719\\\",\\\"ORDERID\\\":\\\"6979181\\\",\\\"TXNAMOUNT\\\":\\\"7801.00\\\",\\\"CURRENCY\\\":\\\"INR\\\",\\\"TXNID\\\":\\\"70001001203\\\",\\\"BANKTXNID\\\":\\\"1233957\\\",\\\"STATUS\\\":\\\"TXN_SUCCESS\\\",\\\"RESPCODE\\\":\\\"01\\\",\\\"RESPMSG\\\":\\\"Txn Successful.\\\",\\\"TXNDATE\\\":\\\"2018-07-26 18:49:23.0\\\",\\\"GATEWAYNAME\\\":\\\"WALLET\\\",\\\"BANKNAME\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"PAYMENTMODE\\\":\\\"PPI\\\",\\\"CHECKSUMHASH\\\":\\\"qLXOxRBDS5SHAjZu1xLcQovmM4OLv7kYa93lZO76XqgXR8mHfK7KsxNIEYQA2KgU8B6eXf2ZzWf95k6DoKY34ZQa7S/TvP5gasePQDjS+fA=\\\",\\\"orderID\\\":\\\"6979181\\\"}\"}",
"ShipAddress1":"#001 Siva Enclave; MG Road",
"ShipAddress2":"Stagging1 #001",
"ShipFirstname":"stagging first",
"ShipLastname":"stagging last",
Retrieves order history of a merchant or customer based on the input parameters.
Resource Information
URI | Order/History/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserId | string | The unique GUID of the customer whose details need to be retrieved |
FromDate | date-time | Specify the duration for which you want to fetch the order history in FromDate and ToDate . Supported date format mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss |
ToDate | date-time | Specify the duration (in FromDate and ToDate ) for which you want to fetch the order history. Supported date format: mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss |
Status | enum | Filter the search results by order status. Values: P for Pending, F for Cancel, A for Approved) |
ShipDateFrom | date-time | Search orders shipped in a specific duration. Specify the shipped duration in ShipDateFrom and ShipDateTo in mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss . If ShipDateFrom is specified, then you also need to specify ShipDateTo |
ShipDateTo | date-time | FilSearch orders shipped in a specific duration. Specify the shipped duration in ShipDateFrom and ShipDateTo in mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss . If ShipDateFrom is specified, then you also need to specify ShipDateTo |
Sku | string | Fetch orders containing a specific product (SKU). You can also fetch with partial SKU to get the list of orders having SKUs that start with the keyword specified |
OrderId | int | Retrieves the details of a orders with order id starting starting with the specified keyword. For example, if you specify 5550, you will get the list of all orders with order ids starting with 5500. You can also fetch a specific order by passing the complete order id. |
FromOrder | string | The orderId sequence from which you want to fetch orders. For example, if you pass 34000, you will get all orders with orderId greater than or equal to 34000 |
store | string | Fetch orders based on the user role. Values: mystore, all, GUID and so on. For example, you can pass the GUID of a supplier to get all orders of the supplier |
WithRewards | boolean | Fetch orders with loyalty rewards. Specify ‘True’ if you require reward/loyalty details. The default value will be ‘False’ |
LocationId | string | Order fulfillment location id |
OperatorId | string | The logged in user id (of Anywhere Commerce’s Control Panel). |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
LeadTime | int | Minimum time period (in minutes) prior to the booking slot when the user is allowed for booking the slot. For example, if 60 minutes and booking slot is from 1 pm to 3 pm, user cannot book this slot anytime after 12 pm |
Get Invoice Details
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"InvoiceOrders": [
"OrderId": 7520003,
"InvoiceDate": "27-Mar-2019",
"ShipmentID": 5516645,
"InvoiceNumber": "invoice_hyc-00000576",
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d067",
"UserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"OrderTotalAmount": 549,
"externalInvoiceNumber": "HYC-123-1234",
"InvoiceAmount": 549,
"OrderDate": "27-Mar-2019",
"OrderRefNumber": "3550",
"BillFirstname": "Sana",
"BillLastname": "Ta Minh",
"BillCountry": "India",
"BillingState": "Karnataka",
"BillCity": "Bengaluru",
"BillEmail": "",
"BillZIP": "560078",
"BillPhone": "",
"BillMobile": "7411982768",
"BillAddress1": "Yen Lac",
"BillAddress2": "",
"BillCityCode": "19761",
"BillStateCode": "KA",
"BillCountryCode": "IN",
"ShipFirstname": "Sana",
"ShipLastname": "Ta Minh",
"ShipCountry": "India",
"ShipState": "Karnataka",
"ShipCity": "Bengaluru",
"ShipEmail": "",
"ShipZip": "560078",
"ShipPhone": "7411982768",
"ShipMobile": "7411982768",
"ShipAddress1": "Yen Lac",
"ShipAddress2": "Yen Lac",
"ShipOtherCity": "",
"ShipCityCode": "19761",
"ShipStateCode": "KA",
"ShipCountryCode": "IN",
"ShipLat": 0,
"ShipLong": 0,
"LocationCode": "1001",
"TaxTotal": 0,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"IsGift": false,
"Rewards": null,
"PromotionDiscount": 0,
"DemandedDeliveryDate": "01-Jan-1900",
"MerchantGSTIN": "",
"TaxableInvoiceNumber": null,
"BillofSupplyInvoiceNumber": "invoicebill_hyc-002194",
"deliveryslot": {
"StartTime": "12: 00 AM",
"EndTime": "12:00 AM",
"DeliverySlotId": null
"InvoiceLineItem": [
"ShipmentItemId": 22091385,
"OrderLineId": 26178585,
"OrderId": 7520003,
"ProductId": 11995626,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"Quantity": 1,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"ProductPrice": 549,
"PromotionDiscount": 0,
"TaxAmount": "0",
"DeliveryMode": "H",
"VendorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SKU": "100011145",
"VariantSku": null,
"ProductTitle": "Nestle Milkmaid - 400g Tin",
"HSNCode": "04029920",
"MRP": "115.000",
"CatalogDiscount": 0,
"UOM": "Pieces",
"AverageWeight": "0",
"IsTaxable": "False",
"TaxDetails": [],
"BatchNo": null,
"PickingPrice": 0,
"PickListCustomFields": [],
"TotalTaxOnDeliveryCharge": 0,
"ShipmentCustomFields": null
"ShippingStatus": "R"
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves details of a specific invoice.
Resource Information
URI | Order/Invoice/{merchantId}/{InvoiceNumber}/{LocationRefCode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantid* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant associated to the order invoice |
InvoiceNumber* | string | The invoice number that you want to fetch |
LocationRefCode* | string | The location code of the order fulfillment store |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
LeadTime | int | Minimum time period (in minutes) prior to the booking slot when the user is allowed for booking the slot. For example, if 60 minutes and booking slot is 1 pm to 3 pm, user cannot book this slot anytime after 12 pm |
ConversionFactor | float | The currency conversion ratio. Applicable for merchants with multiple currencies |
StockAction | string | Whether the item participates in reduction of stock or not. Value: UpdateStock ,Do Not UpdateStock , None |
IsBackOrder | enum | Can the item be ordered even when out of stock. Value: true , or false |
Get Order Details
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Message":"Successful ",
"Description":"Set of 3 lunch boxes",
Retrieves details of a specific order.
Resource Information
URI | Order/Details/{MerchantId}/{OrderId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant from which you want to fetch order details |
OrderId* | int | The order id that you want to fetch |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
VariantMasterProductId | int | Master product id of the variant product |
VariantProductId | int | Unique id of the variant product |
Get Order Information (V2)
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Orders": [
"OrderId": 3390199,
"Status": "S",
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1xxxx",
"UserId": "7b0873e5-e8ed-45b4-bee8-204489a2axxx",
"TotalAmount": 3.25,
"AmountPayable": 3.25,
"OrderDate": "/Date(1541771716000+0530)/",
"BillFirstname": "Tom",
"BillLastname": "Sawyer",
"BillCountry": "الكويت",
"BillingState": "حولي",
"BillCity": "السالمية",
"BillEmail": "",
"BillZIP": "0",
"BillPhone": "97175040",
"BillMobile": "97175040",
"BillAddress1": "Block 12, Abo Horaira Street",
"ShipFirstname": "Tom",
"ShipLastname": "",
"ShipCountry": "الكويت",
"ShipState": "حولي",
"ShipCity": "السالمية",
"ShipEmail": "",
"ShipZip": "0",
"ShipPhone": "97175040",
"ShipMobile": "97175040",
"ShipAddress1": "",
"ShipOtherCity": null,
"DeliveryOption": "pickup",
"TAXTotal": 0,
"VoucherCode": "",
"LeadTime": "",
"BillAddress2": "",
"ShipAddress2": "",
"IsGift": false,
"SupplierID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ConversionFactor": "1",
"cpuserid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"OrderLineId": [
"OrderLineId": 21160149,
"OrderId": 3390199,
"ProductId": 8303029,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"IsParentProduct": false,
"Description": "",
"Quantity": 1,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"ProductPrice": 0,
"TotalPromotionDiscount": 0,
"ReturnReason": "",
"ReturnAction": "",
"StockAction": "",
"ReturnQty": 0,
"IsBackOrder": false,
"TotalVoucherDiscount": 0,
"TotalTaxAmount": 0,
"ShippingVoucherDiscount": 0,
"CustomFields": "",
"VariantMasterProductId": 0,
"LocationCode": "111",
"ShippingStatus": "W",
"DeliveryMode": "S",
"VendorId": "2002cbfe-9adf-42ac-9bfd-8e013fee7gtr",
"ItemStatus": "S",
"SKU": "Dls-130031",
"VariantSku": "",
"ProductTitle": "BUY ONE GET ONE FREE- Medium",
"BundleProductId": "8303029",
"ParentReDetailsId": "0",
"IsPrimaryProduct": "false",
"Portion": "",
"MRP": "0.0000",
"TaxDetails": [],
"LocationId": 13360,
"CategoryId": "CU00215646",
"CategoryName": "Deals",
"CancelQuantity": 0,
"DerivedStatus": "Waiting for Collection - Instore",
"DerivedStatusCode": "W",
"EstimatedDeliveryTime": "01-Jan-0001 12:00:00 AM",
"PromotionIds": null,
"SubStatus": ""
"OrderLineId": 21160151,
"OrderId": 3390199,
"ProductId": 8303031,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"IsParentProduct": false,
"Description": "",
"Quantity": 1,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"ProductPrice": 0,
"TotalPromotionDiscount": 0,
"ReturnReason": "",
"ReturnAction": "",
"StockAction": "",
"ReturnQty": 0,
"IsBackOrder": false,
"TotalVoucherDiscount": 0,
"TotalTaxAmount": 0,
"ShippingVoucherDiscount": 0,
"CustomFields": "",
"VariantMasterProductId": 0,
"LocationCode": "111",
"ShippingStatus": "W",
"DeliveryMode": "S",
"VendorId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1xxxx",
"ItemStatus": "S",
"SKU": "Pz-New-Spicy-Chicken-Ranch",
"VariantSku": "",
"ProductTitle": "New Spicy Chicken Ranch",
"BundleProductId": "8303029",
"ParentReDetailsId": "21160149",
"IsPrimaryProduct": "false",
"Portion": "W",
"MRP": "0.0000",
"TaxDetails": [],
"LocationId": 13360,
"CategoryId": "CU00215656",
"CategoryName": "Chicken",
"BundleCartReferenceKey": "00b623ee-cc01-4aaf-8b02-69c047fb4c66",
"CancelQuantity": 0,
"DerivedStatus": "Waiting for Collection - Instore",
"DerivedStatusCode": "W",
"EstimatedDeliveryTime": "01-Jan-0001 12:00:00 AM",
"PromotionIds": null,
"SubStatus": ""
"PaymentDetails": [
"PointsBurned": "0",
"AgentId": "",
"GV": "",
"Channel": "W",
"CurrencyCode": "KWD",
"PaymentResponse": "",
"PaymentStatus": "A",
"Amount": "3.2500",
"PaymentDate": "11/9/2018 7:25:16 PM",
"PaymentType": "COD",
"OrderId": 3390199,
"PaymentDetailsId": 3395813,
"checkOutGroup": "",
"PaymentOption": "COD",
"clientIP": "",
"ResponseCode": "N",
"ClientUserAgent": "API"
"Rewards": null,
"ShippingDiscount": 0,
"VoucherDiscount": 0,
"PromotionDiscount": 0,
"OriginalOrderId": "",
"ReturnOrderId": "",
"ReferenceNo": "",
"DemandedDeliveryDate": "09-Nov-2018",
"deliveryslots": {
"StartTime": "08:00 PM",
"EndTime": "08:15 PM",
"DeliverySlotId": "14136"
"PickupFirstName": "",
"PickupLastName": "",
"PickupEmail": "",
"PickupMobile": "",
"Latitude": "0",
"Longitude": "0",
"GiftMessage": "جبن زيادة",
"LanguageCode": "ar",
"ShipCityCode": "39440",
"ShipStateCode": "KW13",
"BillCityCode": "39440",
"ShipCountryCode": "KW",
"BillStateCode": "KW13",
"BillCountryCode": "KW",
"RefundAmount": "0",
"ChannelID": "0",
"IsSelfShip": "False",
"ChannelOrderID": "0",
"Promotions": null,
"SubStatus": "IK",
"OrderAttributes": [
"OrderId": 3390199,
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1xxxx",
"AttributeID": 18,
"AttributeName": "IsImmediateOrder",
"Value": "true"
"OrderId": 3390199,
"MerchantId": "81e77da2-723b-483d-8c0d-49f800c1xxxx",
"AttributeID": 32,
"AttributeName": "channelid",
"Value": "PWA,android"
"SourceLocationID": "13360",
"SourceLocationCode": "111",
"OrderDateLocal": null,
"AutoUpdateTime": "/Date(1541781700000+0530)/"
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves the details of a specific order of a merchant.
URI | order/V2/{{MerchantId}}/{orderID} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant associated to the order |
orderID* | int | Order id for which you want to fetch details |
V2* | string | Supported API version |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
IsBackOrder | enum | Can the item be ordered even when out of stock. Value: true , or false |
VariantMasterProductId | int | Unique id of the master product for the current variant |
Get Order Details (by ReferenceNo)
Retrieves the details of a specific order based on the order reference number passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"OrderLines": [
"OrderLineId": 26808837,
"OrderId": 7804535,
"ProductId": 14105696,
"VariantProductId": 10175720,
"IsParentProduct": true,
"Description": "Size=10-11 yrs",
"Quantity": 1,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"ProductPrice": 8750,
"TotalPromotionDiscount": 0,
"ReturnReason": "0",
"ReturnAction": "",
"StockAction": "",
"ReturnQty": 0,
"IsBackOrder": false,
"TotalVoucherDiscount": 0,
"TotalTaxAmount": 0,
"ShippingVoucherDiscount": 0,
"CustomFields": null,
"VariantMasterProductId": 0,
"Orderrefreneceno": "order1",
"CancelQuantity": 0,
"PromotionIds": null,
"SubStatus": null,
"IsFreebie": 0,
"FreebieParent": null
"OrderLineId": 26493499,
"OrderId": 7664867,
"ProductId": 12973016,
"VariantProductId": 9929422,
"IsParentProduct": true,
"Description": "Size=FREE",
"Quantity": 1,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"ProductPrice": 8750,
"TotalPromotionDiscount": 0,
"ReturnReason": "1",
"ReturnAction": "RP",
"StockAction": "DS",
"ReturnQty": 1,
"IsBackOrder": false,
"TotalVoucherDiscount": 0,
"TotalTaxAmount": 0,
"ShippingVoucherDiscount": 0,
"CustomFields": null,
"VariantMasterProductId": 0,
"Orderrefreneceno": "order1",
"CancelQuantity": 0,
"PromotionIds": null,
"SubStatus": null,
"IsFreebie": 0,
"FreebieParent": null
"OrderLineId": 26105069,
"OrderId": 7483875,
"ProductId": 12973016,
"VariantProductId": 9929422,
"IsParentProduct": true,
"Description": "Size=FREE",
"Quantity": 1,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"ProductPrice": 8750,
"TotalPromotionDiscount": 0,
"ReturnReason": "0",
"ReturnAction": "",
"StockAction": "",
"ReturnQty": 0,
"IsBackOrder": false,
"TotalVoucherDiscount": 0,
"TotalTaxAmount": 0,
"ShippingVoucherDiscount": 0,
"CustomFields": null,
"VariantMasterProductId": 0,
"Orderrefreneceno": "order1",
"CancelQuantity": 0,
"PromotionIds": null,
"SubStatus": null,
"IsFreebie": 0,
"FreebieParent": null
"OrderLineId": 25927335,
"OrderId": 7400925,
"ProductId": 10997762,
"VariantProductId": 6740894,
"IsParentProduct": true,
"Description": "Colour=Yellow;Size=32",
"Quantity": 1,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"ProductPrice": 8750,
"TotalPromotionDiscount": 0,
"ReturnReason": "0",
"ReturnAction": "",
"StockAction": "",
"ReturnQty": 0,
"IsBackOrder": false,
"TotalVoucherDiscount": 0,
"TotalTaxAmount": 0,
"ShippingVoucherDiscount": 0,
"CustomFields": null,
"VariantMasterProductId": 0,
"Orderrefreneceno": "order1",
"CancelQuantity": 0,
"PromotionIds": null,
"SubStatus": null,
"IsFreebie": 0,
"FreebieParent": null
"OrderLineId": 24075722,
"OrderId": 6593334,
"ProductId": 11002174,
"VariantProductId": 6763842,
"IsParentProduct": true,
"Description": "Colour=Orange;Size=32",
"Quantity": 1,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"ProductPrice": 5000,
"TotalPromotionDiscount": 0,
"ReturnReason": "0",
"ReturnAction": "",
"StockAction": "",
"ReturnQty": 0,
"IsBackOrder": false,
"TotalVoucherDiscount": 0,
"TotalTaxAmount": 0,
"ShippingVoucherDiscount": 0,
"CustomFields": null,
"VariantMasterProductId": 0,
"Orderrefreneceno": "order1",
"CancelQuantity": 0,
"PromotionIds": null,
"SubStatus": null,
"IsFreebie": 0,
"FreebieParent": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/DetailsByRefCode/{merchantId}/{orderReferenceNo} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
orderReferenceNo* | string | Reference number of the order that you want to fetch |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
TotalPromotionDiscount | float | Total promotional discount received for the product |
ReturnReason | string | Reason for returning the item. Applicable for return items. Values: WID - Wrong item delivered BAQ - Bad Quality DLP - Did not like the product DPR - Defective/Damage product received RD - Received Damaged DP - Defective Product II - Incorrect Item received UW Unwanted Gift US - Unsuitable UP - Unlike Photo, TS - Too Small OT - Other FD - Fraud IE - Incorrect Size PDR - Product is damaged WPD - Product is not as per website description CR - Customer Remorse PWF - Product is not properly functioning |
IsBackOrder | boolean | Whether the item can be ordered even when it is out of stock |
ShippingVoucherDiscount | float | Discount amount, though voucher, availed on the shipment |
SubStatus | enum | Sub status of the order as configured in the CP. For example, RJ for rejected. You can find the order sub-statuses configured on the CP Settings > Application settings > Order settings > Order Substatus |
IsFreebie | enum | Whether the item is a free gift item or not. Value 0 for no, 1 for yes |
FreebieParent | string | Unique id of the freebie parent product |
Get Order Lineitem Details
Retrieves the details line items of a specific order.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"OrderLines": [
"OrderLineId": 24075722,
"OrderId": 6593334,
"ProductId": 11002174,
"VariantProductId": 6763842,
"IsParentProduct": true,
"Description": "Colour=Orange;Size=32",
"Quantity": 1,
"ShippingCost": 0,
"ProductPrice": 5000,
"TotalPromotionDiscount": 0,
"ReturnReason": "0",
"ReturnAction": "",
"StockAction": "",
"ReturnQty": 0,
"IsBackOrder": false,
"TotalVoucherDiscount": 0,
"TotalTaxAmount": 0,
"ShippingVoucherDiscount": 0,
"CustomFields": "",
"VariantMasterProductId": 0,
"LocationCode": "OCDEL",
"DeliveryMode": "H",
"VendorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ItemStatus": "IC",
"SKU": "RB3196",
"VariantSku": "RB3196-8903098726550",
"ProductTitle": "Chanderi Straight Suit Set By Rohit Bal(Colour=Orange;Size=32)",
"LocationId": 16696,
"CancelQuantity": 0,
"PromotionIds": null,
"SubStatus": null,
"IsFreebie": 0,
"FreebieParent": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/LineItem/{merchantId}/{orderLineId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
orderLineId* | int | Unique id of the order line item |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
TotalPromotionDiscount | float | Total promotional discount received for the item |
ReturnReason | string | Reason for returning the item. Applicable for return items. Values: WID - Wrong item delivered BAQ - Bad Quality DLP - Did not like the product DPR - Defective/Damage product received RD - Received Damaged DP - Defective Product II - Incorrect Item received UW Unwanted Gift US - Unsuitable UP - Unlike Photo, TS - Too Small OT - Other FD - Fraud IE - Incorrect Size PDR - Product is damaged WPD - Product is not as per website description CR - Customer Remorse PWF - Product is not properly functioning |
IsBackOrder | boolean | Can the item be ordered even when out of stock |
ShippingVoucherDiscount | float | Discount on shipping through voucher |
VendorId | string | Unique GUID of the supplier of the item |
ItemStatus | enum | Current status of the item. Authorized - A , Return Initiated - RI , Reverse Shipment Initiated - RS , Reverse Shipment Received - RR , Shipment Closed - RC , Shipment Created - S , RTO Initiated - I , RTO Received - O , RTO Lost - L , Others - X , Dispatched - R , In Transit - T , Out for Delivered - U , Delivered - D , RTO Closed - C , Refund - AF , Reverse Shipment Picked - RP , Returned - SR , Cancelled - IC , Failed - F , Partially Cancelled - PC , Pending - P , Picklist Created - PLC , Picklist Completed - PLCL , In Picking - PLIP , Cancelled - Refund Initiated - ICI , Cancelled & Refunded - ICC , Partial Cancelled & Refund Initiated - PCI , Partial Cancelled - Refunded - PCC , RTO - Refunded/Replacement Closed - E , Waiting for Collection - W , At Gate - G . |
SubStatus | enum | Sub status of the as configured in the CP. For example, RJ for rejected. You can find the order sub-statuses configured on the CP Settings > Application settings > Order settings > Order Substatus |
IsFreebie | enum | Whether the item is a free gift item. Value 0 , for no and 1 for yes |
FreebieParent | string | Unique freebie id of the parent product (parent product for which the item is free) |
Get Order Status
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": null,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"OrderStatus": {
"OrderId": 7506651,
"status": "D",
"subStatus": ""
Retrieves current status of an order based on the order id.
Resource Information
URI | Order/GetOrderStatus/{MerchantId}/{orderId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
orderId* | int | Order id for which you want to see the current status |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | enum | Current status of an order. Values: P for pending, C for canceled, F failed, A for authorized, S for shipped, D for delivered |
SubStatus | enum | Sub status of the order as configured in the CP. For example, RJ for rejected. You can find all available sub-statuses in CP Settings > Application settings > Order settings > Order Substatus |
Cancel Order
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"Comment":"Ordered wrong item",
"date":"01/24/2018 4:12:32 PM",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1002",
"Message": "Cancelled successfully"
Cancels a specific order of a customer placed on a merchant store. An order can be canceled only if the logged in user has sufficient permission to cancel the order and the order is not shipped at the time of cancellation.
However, you can cancel the order if
- it is either in Authorized (A) or Pending (P) Status
- the picklist is either created or completed for any of the order items
Resource Information
URI | Order/Cancel |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Merchant Id* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant associated to the order |
OrderId* | int | Provide the order id that you want to cancel |
Date* | date-time | Date and time when the order is created in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM format |
Comment | string | Specify the customer’s reason for the order cancellation |
DisplayCommentToUser | boolean | Value: True/False. Specify whether to make the custom comment visible (True) or invisible (False) to the end-customer |
PGResponse | string | The response received from the payment gateway |
OperatorID | string | Current user id - It could be store, admin, manager |
CancelReason* | string | Specify the predefined reason code for the order cancellation. Values: NDA : Order not in delivery AreaICI : Incorrect Contact informationODM : Order less than order delivery minimum valueOND: Order not delivered SLA : SLA expired in AcknowledgmentSLN : SLA expired in New OrderQMA : Order Expired due to Quantity Mismatch from AggregatorRDA : Retailer did Not allocate items to aggregatorCPR : Cancellation as per customer requestINA : Item Not available/UnsellelableOPM : Order placed by mistakeDTM : Order delivery Is taking too much timeOEQ : By mistake ordered extra quantityBFS : Bought it from somewhere elseCSA : I want to change my shipping addressCMP : I want to change my mode of paymentCHA : Product cost Is high compared to another websiteSCH : Shipping charges are too highPNR : Payment not received |
Cancel Order Lineitem
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"date":"11/08/2017 4:12:32 PM",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1002",
"Message": "Cancelled successfully"
Lets you cancel specific items of an order (partial cancellation). You can cancel an order item only if
- The logged in user has sufficient permission to cancel
- The order is either in Authorized (A) or Pending (P) Status
- The order item is not shipped
Resource Information
Parameter | Description |
URI | Order/CancelItem |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Merchant Id* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant in which the order is placed |
OrderId* | int | Provide the order id that you want to cancel |
Date* | date | Date and time when the order is created in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM format |
Comment | string | Specify the customer’s reason for the order cancellation |
DisplayCommentToUser | boolean | Value: True/False. Specify whether to make the comment visible (True) or hidden (False) to the end-customer |
PGResponse | string | The response received from the payment gateway for that specific order |
OperatorID | string | Current CP user id |
CancelReason* | string | Specify the predefined reason code for the order cancellation. Values: NDA : Order not in delivery AreaICI : Incorrect Contact informationODM : Order less than order delivery minimum valueOND: Order not delivered SLA : SLA expired in AcknowledgmentSLN : SLA expired in New OrderQMA : Order Expired due to Quantity Mismatch from AggregatorRDA : Retailer did Not allocate items to aggregatorCPR : Cancellation as per customer requestINA : Item Not available/UnsellelableOPM : Order placed by mistakeDTM : Order delivery Is taking too much timeOEQ : By mistake ordered extra quantityBFS : Bought it from somewhere elseCSA : I want to change my shipping addressCMP : I want to change my mode of paymentCHA : Product cost Is high compared to another websiteSCH : Shipping charges are too highPNR : Payment not received |
TobeCancelledOrderItems | obj | Specify the items that you want to cancel in OrderItemID and CancelQuantity |
Add Order Lineitem
Lets you add an item to an existing order.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/AddOrderLineItem/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
OrderID* | int | Unique id of the order to which you want to add items |
SKU* | string | SKU of the product that you want to add/update |
VarientSKU | string | Variant SKU of the item that you want to add. Required to add variant product |
Quantity* | int | Quantity of the current item (SKU/variantSKU) that you want to add. The value you mention herein will add to the existing quantity but not overrides the existing quantity |
LocationCode* | int | Location code of the item |
DeliveryMode* | enum | Mode of delivery of the current item. Values: H for home delivery, S for store pick-up |
ItemAction* | enum | Specify 1 to add items to the existing list. Only one value is supported currently |
Process Return
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"SubstatusChangeComments":"QC done"
"SubstatusChangeComments":"QC comment"
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1007",
"Message": "Updated Successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Lets you process return requests and change the sub-status of the return requests.
For return requests, a brand could configure multiple sub-statuses according to its work-flow.
Resource Information
URI | /Order/ProcessReturn/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
OrderId* | int | Order ID of the return items |
ReturnRequestId | int | Return Request ID. Leave this blank if you want to just modify the return details |
Substatus | string | Sub-status code of the return request (Preconfigured values only). Leave this blank if you want to just modify the return details |
SubstatusChangeComments | string | Specify the reason for return sub-status change. You can enter up to 50 characters |
Update Return Request Status
Lets you update the status of a return request.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"Message":"Updated Successfully",
Resource Information
URI | /Order/UpdateReturnRequestStatus/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
ReturnRequestID* | int | Unique id of the return request that you want to update |
Status* | enum | New status of the return request. Values: Refund Completed - RC , Initiated - I , Received - R , Picked - P , Pending Pickup - S , Closed - C |
OperatorId | string | Unique id of the store operator that is updating the status |
Ship Order (Create Shipment)
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"LogisticsType": "ConfiguredProvider",
"Comments":"Sample comment",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Shipments": [
"LocationId": 0,
"ShipmentType": null,
"ReceivedBy": null,
"DeliveredDate": null,
"ShipmentId": 5516207,
"OrderId": 0,
"ServiceProvider": null,
"DocketNumber": null,
"ShippingDate": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Lets you add shipment details for a specific order.
Resource Information
URI | /Order/Ship |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant in which the order is registered or placed |
OrderId* | int | The order id of the current shipment item |
AWBNumber* | string | The air way bill number generated for the shipment |
CourierName* | string | The courier service used for shipment |
LogisticsType | enum | Specify ConfiguredProvider if the logistic provider is configured for the merchant; else leave it blank. You need to pass the AWBNumber and CourierName if LogisticType is blank. If ConfiguredProvider , AWB number will be considered or assigned as per configured |
ShipDate* | date | The date on which the order is shipped in yyyy/mm/dd format |
ShipmentType* | enum | The type of shipment. Value: Normal for shipments from warehouse to customer, Reverse for return shipments, i.e., customer to warehouse |
LocationRefCode* | string | Location reference code of the order fulfillment store |
lineitems* | obj | The details of each line item. Specify OrderLineId and Quantity |
ShipmentTrip | obj | Provide more details of the shipment in the parameters specified below. Use this only if applicable for the current merchant |
RiderID | int | Specify the rider id as available in the merchant system |
RiderCode | string | Specify the rider code as available in the merchant system |
TripRefNo | string | Specify the trip reference number as per the merchant system |
VehicleNumber | string | Specify the vehicle number of the delivery vehicle |
Attributes | obj | Specify any additional information such as delivery guy’s mobile number |
Create Shipment Packages
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"CreateShipmentPackages": {
"OrderID": "6402591",
"ShipmentType": "Normal",
"AirwayBillNo": "123456",
"CourierName": "Custom",
"ShipmentPickupDate": "2018/10/30",
"LocationCode": "1001",
"ShipmentPackageInputs": [
"PackageCode": "FN322",
"PackingSupplyRefCode": "LOOSE",
"PackageID": "16",
"ShipmentPackageItems": [
"OrderItemId": "23356065",
"Quantity": 1
"OrderItemId": "23356068",
"Quantity": 1
"PackageCode": "NEW44",
"PackingSupplyRefCode": "HIGH",
"PackageID": "18",
"ShipmentPackageItems": [
"OrderItemId": "23356080",
"Quantity": 2
"OrderItemId": "23356088",
"Quantity": 1
Sample Response
Creates shipment packages for a specific order.
Resource Information
URI | /Order/CreateShipmentPackages/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
OrderID* | int | The order id for which you want to create shipment packages |
ShipmentType* | string | Type of shipment. Value: Normal for shipments from warehouse to customer, Reverse for shipments customer to warehouse (return pickup) |
AirwayBillNo* | string | Airway bill number provided by the courier service |
CourierName* | string | Name of the courier service used for shipment |
ShipmentPickupDate* | date-time | Pickup date of the shipment in YYYY/MM/DD format |
LocationCode* | string | Location code of the order fulfillment location (Generally used for Location specific merchants) |
PackageCode | string | Unique code generated for the package |
PackingSupplyRefCode | string | Unique reference code generated for the package while creating |
PackageID | int | Unique id of the package |
OrderItemId* | int | Order line item id of that specific item |
Quantity* | int | Quantity of the current order item |
Change Order Sub-status
Lets you modify the sub-status of an order or item to rejected (to trigger the allocation rules again).
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"Comment":"Sample comment",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/ChangeSubStatus/{MerchantId}/{OrderId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the order |
OrderId* | int | Order id for which you want to update sub-status |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
OperatorId | string | Unique id of the staff updating the order substatus. |
OrderLineId* | int | Line item id of the order for which you want to update status |
SubStatus* | enum | New status of the order or order line item as configured in the CP. These can be predefined or user defined. You can either pass it at the order level or line-item. For example, EX for Order Expired, SE for Successful to ERP/POS, RJ for Order Rejected, FE for Failed to ERP/POS, IP for In Progress. |
You can find the predefined and user defined sub-statuses in the CP Settings > Application settings > Order settings > Order Substatus comment | string | Any comments for the order sub-status change.
Update Shipment Trip Details
Lets you update the trip details of a specific shipment. For example, you can provide rider details, vehicle number, contact details, tracking URL and so on.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"ShipmentId": 123456,
"RiderId": 0,
"RiderCode": "PH001",
"VehicleNumber": "MH01123456",
"TripRefNo": "123456",
"Comments": "Shipment is on vehicle for final delivery",
"OperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ShipmentTripAttributes": [
"Name": "Mobile",
"Value": "6362245119"
"Name": "Name",
"Value": "Jane Doe"
"Name": "Map URL",
"Value": ""
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Shipment Trip Information is saved successfully.",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/UpdateShipmentTripDetails/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ShipmentId* | int | Unique id of the shipment that you want to update |
RiderId** | int | Unique id of the rider who delivers the shipment. Rider ID has to be preconfigured for the merchant. Either RiderId or RiderCode is mandatory |
RiderCode** | string | Unique code of the rider who delivers the shipment. Rider Code has to be preconfigured for the merchant. Either RiderId or RiderCode is mandatory |
VehicleNumber | string | Vehicle number of the delivery vehicle |
TripRefNo | string | Unique trip reference number |
Comments | string | Specify any comments that need to be specified for the shipment |
OperatorID | string | Unique CP user GUID who updates the shipment trip details |
ShipmentTripAttributes | obj | Provide additional details of the shipment in each obj Name-Value (key-value) pairs. You can pass your preferred combination of attribute name and value as applicable |
Update Shipment Status
Updates the status of a shipment.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"ShippingMessage":"Shipment is completed",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1007",
"Message": "Updated Successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | Order/UpdateShipmentStatus/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ShipmentId* | string | Unique id of the shipment that you want to update |
Shippingstatus* | enum | New status of the current shipment. Values: I - RTO initiated, O - RTO Received, L - RTO Lost, X - Others, S - Shipment created, R - Dispatched, T - In transit, U - Out for delivery, D - Delivered, C - RTO Closed, F - Cancelled, E - RTO Refunded/Replacement closed, W - Waiting for Collection (in-store), G - At Gate |
ShippingMessage | string | Message that you want to provide for the shipment |
reason | string | Reason that you want to specify for the shipment update |
userId | string | Unique id of the operator who is updating the status |
Get Shipment Packages
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ShipmentPackages": [
"PackageId": 38,
"PackageType": "HYC",
"LWH": "1X1X1",
"Weight": 10,
"UOM": "Kgs",
"PackingSupplyRefCode": "36478"
"PackageId": 18,
"PackageType": "test",
"LWH": "",
"Weight": 100,
"UOM": "Gms",
"PackingSupplyRefCode": "test"
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves all shipment packages of the merchant.
Resource Information
URI | /Order/ShipmentPackages/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
PackageType | string | Name of the package supply |
PackingSupplyRefCode | string | Unique reference code generated for the package while creating |
UOM | string | Unit of measurement of the product. Values: ltrs, kgs, gms, pieces |
Get Shipment Details
Sample Request
Sample Response
"externalInvoiceNumber": "HYC-123-1234",
Retrieves the details of a specific shipment.
Resource Information
URI | /Order/ShipmentDetails/{merchantId}/{shipmentId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
shipmentId* | int | Unique id of the shipment that you want to retrieve |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
DocketNumber | string | AWB number of the shipment |
Get Order Activity History
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"ConversationText":"Order ID: 7401121 has been created successfully. ",
"ConversationText":"Payment through 'RAZORPAY' mode has been saved successfully.",
"ConversationText":"Inventory for SKU 100140259 has been reduced against the Order ID: 7401121 ",
"ConversationText":"Order ID: 7401027 has been created successfully. (Processed by -",
"ConversationText":"Payment through COD has been Saved successfully.Remarks:jjh(Processed by -",
"ConversationText":"Inventory for SKU 100152015 has been reduced against the Order ID: 7401027 ",
Resource Information
URI | /Order/GetOrderActivityHistory/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderfieldchangehistory | boolean | Specify true to retrieve the history of change in order or order item attributes. Default value is false |
activityhistory | boolean | Specify true to retrieve activity log of an order such as order authorized, order shipped, and payment authorized |
orderids* | int | Specify the order id(s) that you want to fetch. You can specify multiple order ids separating each by a comma |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ConversationLogId | int | Unique id of the activity for internal reference |
RETransactionId | int | Unique Order id for which you want to get activity history |
LogAction | enum | Action associated to the log. For example, P (payment), and S (shipment) |
ConversationType | - | -Deprecated- |
Get Order Shipments
Retrieves shipment details of a specific order.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Shipments": [
"LocationId": 14856,
"ShipmentType": "Normal",
"ReceivedBy": "",
"DeliveredDate": "26-Feb-2019",
"ShipmentId": 5516837,
"OrderId": 7508407,
"externalInvoiceNumber": "HYC-123-1234",
"ServiceProvider": "BMSP",
"DocketNumber": "AWB3399204",
"ShippingDate": "26-Feb-2019",
"ShippingCharges": "0",
"ShipmentItems": [
"OrderLineId": 26156133,
"Quantity": 1,
"ShipmentCustomFields": null
"CollectableAmount": "0"
"LocationId": 14856,
"ShipmentType": "Normal",
"ReceivedBy": "",
"DeliveredDate": "26-Feb-2019",
"ShipmentId": 5516839,
"OrderId": 7508407,
"ServiceProvider": "BNPS",
"DocketNumber": "awb6385902",
"ShippingDate": "26-Feb-2019",
"ShippingCharges": "0",
"ShipmentItems": [
"OrderLineId": 26156123,
"Quantity": 2,
"ShipmentCustomFields": null
"CollectableAmount": "0"
"LocationId": 14856,
"ShipmentType": "Normal",
"ReceivedBy": "",
"DeliveredDate": "26-Feb-2019",
"ShipmentId": 5516841,
"OrderId": 7508407,
"ServiceProvider": "BMPS",
"DocketNumber": "AWB9972903",
"ShippingDate": "26-Feb-2019",
"ShippingCharges": "0",
"ShipmentItems": [
"OrderLineId": 26156131,
"Quantity": 2,
"ShipmentCustomFields": null
"CollectableAmount": "0"
"LocationId": 14856,
"ShipmentType": "Normal",
"ReceivedBy": "",
"DeliveredDate": "26-Feb-2019",
"ShipmentId": 5516843,
"OrderId": 7508407,
"ServiceProvider": "BMPS",
"DocketNumber": "AWB77920023",
"ShippingDate": "26-Feb-2019",
"ShippingCharges": "0",
"ShipmentItems": [
"OrderLineId": 26156129,
"Quantity": 2,
"ShipmentCustomFields": null
"CollectableAmount": "0"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/{merchantId}/{orderId}/Shipments |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
orderId* | int | Unique id of the order for which you want to fetch shipments |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are self explanatory or already in the request body.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ShipmentType | enum | Type of shipment. Value: Normal for shipments from warehouse to customer, Reverse for shipments from customer to warehouse |
ReceivedBy | string | Customer who received the shipment |
ServiceProvider | string | Name of the logistic provider |
CollectableAmount | int | Amount to be collected from the receiver (used for COD orders) |
Get Shipments
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Shipments": [{
"LocationId": 18576,
"ShipmentType": "normal",
"ReceivedBy": "",
"DeliveredDate": "01-Jan-1900",
"ShipmentId": 4908822,
"OrderId": 6564132,
"ServiceProvider": null,
"DocketNumber": null,
"ShippingDate": "15-Apr-2018",
"ReferenceNumber": "",
"ShippingCharges": "0",
"ShipmentItems": [{
"ShipmentId": "4908822",
"OrderLineId": 23995066,
"Quantity": 1,
"ShippingDetailsID": "20734158",
"ShipmentCustomFields": null
"CourierName": "",
"AWBNumber": "",
"ShippingStatus": "S",
"StatusUpdatedDate": "15-Apr-2018",
"UseMailBoxAddress": "False",
"DeliveryMode": "H",
"VerificationMethod": "",
"VerificationValue": "",
"Remarks": "",
"ProviderCode": "",
"CMSID": "0",
"Width": "0",
"Length": "0",
"Height": "0",
"Weight": "0.00",
"ReturnRequestId": "0",
"InvoiceNumber": "00001320",
"InvoiceAmount": "9995",
"externalInvoiceNumber": "HYC-123-1234",
"CollectableAmount": "0",
"IslabelReady": "False",
"LogisticID": "",
"LogisticResponse1": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves shipment details of a specific order
Resource Information
URI | Order/getshipments/{merchantId}/{orderID} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
orderID* | int | Unique id the order for which you want to track shipment details |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
UseMailBoxAddress | boolean | Whether the user’s mail address of the location is used or not |
VerificationMethod | string | Verification type used for item delivery or return pick-up. Currently we support OTP |
VerificationValue | string | Value of the specified VerificationMethod |
Get Shipment History
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"CreatedDateTo": "2018-12-17",
"ShippingStatus": "S,R,D",
"CreatedDateFrom": "2018-12-17"
Sample Response
Retrieves shipment ids and order ids of the merchant based on the input parameters.
Resource Information
URI | Order/GetShipmentHistory/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CreatedDateFrom | date | Get shipments created in a specific duration. Specify the duration in CreatedDateFrom and CreatedDateTo |
CreatedDateTo | date | Get shipments created in a specific duration. Specify the preferred duration in CreatedDateFrom and CreatedDateTo |
ShippingStatus | enum | Get shipments of a specific shipment status(s). You can pass multiple values separated by comma. Values: I - RTO initiated, O - RTO Received, L - RTO Lost, X - Others, S - Shipment created, R - Dispatched, T - In transit, U - Out for delivery, D - Delivered, C - RTO Closed, F - Canceled, E - RTO Refunded/Replacement closed, W - Waiting for Collection (in-store), G - At Gate |
Update Shipment Courier Details
Updates courier details of a specific shipment.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"Shipment": {
"ShipmentId": "4230982",
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"UserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"AWBNumber": "1234567890",
"IslabelReady": "false",
"ProviderId": "FedEx",
"externalInvoiceNumber": "HYC-123-1234"
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1007",
"Message": "Updated Successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/UpdateShipmentCourierDetails/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
shipmentId | long | New shipment id that you want to update with |
aWBNumber | string | New AWB number that you want to update with |
islabelReady | enum | Specify true only if the merchant uses invoice or dispatch note and the the label is ready, else specify false . You will get an option to download the shipment label as PDF if available |
userId | string | Logged in user id of the CP who is updating shipment details |
providerId | int | Unique id of the shipment provider |
externalInvoiceNumber | string | Specify the invoice number of the shipment |
dispatchLabelContentType |
Calculate Tax (Normal Product)
Calculates tax amount for a product on the basis of source and destination location.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"SourceCityName":"New Delhi",
"ShipCityName":"New Delhi",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ProductTaxDetails": {
"TotalTaxAmount": 2.85,
"Items": [
"Sku": "IN-DR-Pepsi",
"VariantSku": null,
"Quantity": "1",
"UnitPrice": 57,
"TotalTaxAmount": 2.85,
"DeliveryMode": "H",
"BundleItem": null,
"TaxDetails": [
"TaxCategory": "C-GST",
"TaxAmount": 1.425,
"TaxCodeId": "35868",
"IsTaxOnShipping": false,
"IsPercentage": true
"TaxCategory": "S-GST",
"TaxAmount": 1.425,
"TaxCodeId": "35868",
"IsTaxOnShipping": false,
"IsPercentage": true
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | Order/CalculateTax/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantID* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
SourceLocationCode | int | Location code of the order fulfillment location (Generally used for Location specific merchants) |
SourceLocationId | int | Unique location id of the product |
SourceCityName | string | City name of the product location |
SourceCityCode | string | Unique city code of the product location |
SourceCountryName | string | Country name of the product location |
SourceCountryCode | string | Alpha-2 code of the country of the product location . Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
SourceStateName | string | State name of the product location |
SourceStateCode | string | State code of the product location |
ShipCityName | string | City name of the product delivery location |
ShipCityCode | string | Unique city code of the product delivery location |
ShipCountryName | string | Country name of the product delivery location |
ShipCountryCode | string | Alpha-2 code of the country of the product delivery location. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
ShipStateName | string | State name of the product delivery location |
ShipStateCode | string | State code of the product delivery location |
SKU* | string | SKU of the product for which you want to calculate tax (Required for variant product) |
VarientSKU | string | SKU of the variant product for which you want to calculate tax |
Quantity* | int | Number of items for which you want to calculate tax |
DeliveryMode* | enum | Mode of delivery of the current item. Values: H for home delivery, S for store pick-up |
UnitPrice* | float | Price of a single item |
Sample Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
BundleItem | json obj | Applicable for bundle products |
TaxCategory | string | Category of tax |
TaxCodeId | int | Unique id of the tax code |
IsTaxOnShipping | boolean | Whether tax is applied on shipping charges |
IsPercentage | boolean | If true, tax rate is calculated on the percentage of the price and false for flat amount tax |
Calculate Tax (Bundle Product)
Calculates tax (amount) for a product on the basis of source and destination location.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"SourceCityName":"New Delhi",
"ShipCityName":"New Delhi",
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ProductTaxDetails": {
"TotalTaxAmount": 25.75,
"Items": [
"VariantSku": null,
"Quantity": "1",
"UnitPrice": 0,
"TotalTaxAmount": 0,
"DeliveryMode": "H",
"BundleItem": [
"Sku": "IN-Crt-Tndripnr",
"VariantSku": null,
"Quantity": "1",
"UnitPrice": 515,
"TotalTaxAmount": 25.75,
"DeliveryMode": "H",
"BundleItem": null,
"TaxDetails": [
"TaxCategory": "C-GST",
"TaxAmount": 12.875,
"TaxCodeId": "35868",
"IsTaxOnShipping": false,
"IsPercentage": true
"TaxCategory": "S-GST",
"TaxAmount": 12.875,
"TaxCodeId": "35868",
"IsTaxOnShipping": false,
"IsPercentage": true
"TaxDetails": [
"TaxCategory": "C-GST",
"TaxAmount": 0,
"TaxCodeId": "35868",
"IsTaxOnShipping": false,
"IsPercentage": true
"TaxCategory": "S-GST",
"TaxAmount": 0,
"TaxCodeId": "35868",
"IsTaxOnShipping": false,
"IsPercentage": true
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | Order/CalculateTax/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantID* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
SourceLocationCode | int | Location code of the product |
SourceLocationId | int | Unique location id of the product |
SourceCityName | string | City name of the product location |
SourceCityCode | string | Unique city code of the product location |
SourceCountryName | string | Country name of the product location |
SourceCountryCode | string | Alpha-2 code of the country of the product location. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
SourceStateName | string | State name of the product location |
SourceStateCode | string | State code of the product location |
ShipCityName | string | City name of the product delivery location |
ShipCityCode | string | Unique city code of the product delivery location |
ShipCountryName | string | Country name of the product delivery location |
ShipCountryCode | string | Alpha-2 code of the country of the product delivery location. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
ShipStateName | string | State name of the product delivery location |
ShipStateCode | string | State code of the product delivery location |
BundleItem | obj | Details of the bundle product |
SKU* | string | SKU of the product for which you want to calculate tax (Required for variant product) |
VarientSKU | string | SKU of the variant product for which you want to calculate tax |
Quantity* | int | Number of the items for which you want to calculate tax |
DeliveryMode* | enum | Mode of delivery of the current item. Values: H for home delivery, S for store pick-up |
UnitPrice* | float | Price of a single item |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
TaxCategory | string | Category of tax |
TaxCodeId | int | Unique id of the tax code |
IsTaxOnShipping | boolean | Whether tax is applied on shipping charges |
IsPercentage | boolean | If true, tax rate is calculated on the percentage of the price and false flat amount tax |
Balance Enquiry
Retrieves the wallet balance of a customer of a specific service. For example, balance of loyalty card, RazorPay and so on.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"merchantId": "276f9496-0e5c-4465-b9ce-784514788ae9",
"Provider": "RazorPayWallet",
"GatewayId": "34",
"UserId": "0d7ded82-fcf4-4931-9216-32a9cb85864e",
"CardNumber": "",
"CardPin": ""
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | Order/BalanceEnquiry/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
provider* | string | Service provider for which you want to fetch the wallet balance. Example: RazorPayWallet |
userId* | string | Unique GUID of the user for which you want to fetch the wallet balance |
Update Order Custom Attribute Values
Lets you update values of custom attributes of an order.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"isupdated": true,
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "All orderItem custom fields updated",
"updateOrderCustomResponses": [
"OrderID": 8283199,
"isupdated": false,
"Message": null,
"updateOrderItemCustomResponses": [
"OrderLineID": 51796945,
"isupdated": true,
"Message": "All orderitem custom fields are updated for the above OrderLineID"
Resource Information
URI | Order/UpdateOrderCustomAttributesValues/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
OrderID | int | Order id for which you want to update custom field values. |
OrderLineID | int | Order line item id for which you want to update custom field values. |
OrderItemCustomFieldValues | obj | Pass the attribute names that you want to update with the new attribute values as key:value pairs. |
Update Order Reference
Updates external reference number of an order.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"Message":"Order Reference =11751201-success has been applied successfully",
Resource Information
URI | Order/UpdateOrderReference/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
orderID* | string | Order id for which you want to update reference number |
referenceNumber* | string | Preferred reference number for the order |
Create Return Request
Lets you create a new return request - A request made by a customer to return partial or complete items of an order that are delivered.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"ReturnRequest": {
"MerchantId": "e04386d8-7ca8-4fa3-b8b8-6c606844d257",
"OrderId": "6102899",
"Comments": "Return Order",
"Source": "2",
"Status": "I",
"RequestType": "CU",
"RefundStatus": "A",
"PaymentMode": "",
"BankName": "",
"IFSCCOde": "",
"AccountNumber": "",
"AccountName": "",
"BranchName": "",
"FirstName": "Tom",
"Address1": "A-501, symphony towers, new link road",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"CountryName": "India",
"StateCode": "OR",
"StateName": "Odisha",
"CityCode": "60",
"CityName": "Bhubaneshwar",
"OtherCity": "",
"PostCode": "751018",
"Email": "",
"TelephoneCode": "1",
"Telephone": "",
"MobileCode": "91",
"Mobile": "9005657048",
"RefundAmount": "0",
"RefundedAmount": "0",
"ConfirmedRefundAmount": "0",
"IsSelfShip": "",
"ShipmentId": "4437188",
"ReturnRequestShipmentDetails": {
"CourierName": "Test",
"AirWayBillNo": "123456"
"ReturnRequestDetails": {
"Sku": "101432375",
"Reason": "OT",
"SuggestedReturnAction": "RF",
"ReturnQty": "1",
"IsReceived": "False",
"ReceivedQty": "0",
"CreatedDate": "11-21-2017",
"RefundAmount": "0",
"ConfirmedRefundAmount": "0"
"Sku": "201001-1000",
"Reason": "BAQ",
"SuggestedReturnAction": "RF",
"ReturnQty": "1",
"IsReceived": "False",
"ReceivedQty": "0",
"CreatedDate": "11-21-2017",
"RefundAmount": "0",
"ConfirmedRefundAmount": "0"
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ReturnRequestDetail": {
"ReturnRequestId": 22931,
"CustomMessage": "Return Request has been generated for the order : 5257435Return Request ID :22931"
Resource Information
URI | /DeveloperAPI/Order/CreateReturnRequest/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
OrderId* | int | Unique order id for which you want to create return request |
Comments | string | Any comment related to the return request |
Source | enum | Source from which the return request is made. Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Example, 1 stands for storefront |
Status | enum | Current status of the return request. Values: I for initiated, C for closed |
RequestType | enum | Type of the return request. R for return to origin (RTO) C for customer return and CU for Return created due to item cancellation |
RefundStatus | enum | Current status of the refund, I for refund initiated, A for refund approved |
PaymentMode | string | Mode of refund. Values: NEFT Cheque/DD, Credit Card, eVoucher |
BankName | string | Bank name to which the refund will be made(for refund through NEFT payment) |
IFSCCOde | string | IFSC code of the specified bank (for refund through NEFT payment) |
AccountNumber | string | Account number to which the return amount needs to be refunded (for refund through NEFT payment) |
AccountName | string | Name of the customer account as per the specified bank (for refund through NEFT payment) |
BranchName | string | Branch name of the specified account (for refund through NEFT payment) |
FirstName | string | First name of the customer associated to the order |
Address1 | string | Complete shipping address of the customer |
CountryCode | string | Alpha-2 code of the country of the shipment address. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
CountryName | string | Name of the country of the shipment address |
StateCode | string | State code of the shipment location |
StateName | string | Name of the state as per the shipping address |
CityCode | string | Unique city code of the product shipment location |
CityName | string | City name of the product shipment location |
PostCode | string | ZIP Code of the shipment location |
string | Registered email id of the customer | |
TelephoneCode | string | Land line number area code |
Telephone | string | Land line number of the customer excluding the country code |
MobileCode | string | Country code for the mobile number |
Mobile | string | Mobile number of the customer excluding country code |
RefundAmount | float | Total amount to be refunded to the customer (once the item return is initiated) |
RefundedAmount | float | Actual amount refunded to the customer |
ConfirmedRefundAmount | float | Refund amount confirmed by the staff (at the warehouse) |
IsSelfShip | enum | Specify Yes if the user will ship the return package to the merchant, No if the merchant has to pickup the package from the user |
ShipmentId | int | Unique id of the return shipment |
ReturnRequestShipmentDetails | obj | Details of each return item |
CourierName | string | Name of the courier service chosen for return shipment |
AirWayBillNo | string | Airway bill number of the return shipment |
ReturnRequestDetails | obj | Details of return shipment |
Sku | string | Unique SKU of each return item |
Reason | string | Return reason code. Values: WID - Wrong item delivered BAQ - Bad Quality DLP - Did not like the product DPR - Defective/Damage product received RD - Received Damaged DP - Defective Product II - Incorrect Item received UW Unwanted Gift US - Unsuitable UP - Unlike Photo, TS - Too Small OT - Other FD - Fraud IE - Incorrect Size PDR - Product is damaged WPD - Product is not as per website description CR - Customer Remorse PWF - Product is not properly functioning |
SuggestedReturnAction | string | Reason for item return |
ReturnQty* | int | Return quantity of the current item initiated by the customer |
IsReceived* | boolean | Whether the current item is received at the warehouse or not |
ReceivedQty** | int | Quantity of the current item received at the warehouse |
CreatedDate* | date | Date when the return request is created in MM-DD-YYYY format |
Search Return Requests
Returns the order ids that are returned based on the input parameters.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | Order/GetReturnRequestHistory/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
fromDate | date | Duration for which you want to fetch return orders (fromDate - toDate) |
toDate | date | Duration for which you want to fetch return orders (fromDate - toDate) |
refundStatus | string | Status of the refund. Value: I for refund initiated, C for refund complete |
status | string | Status of the return. Value: RC for Refund completed, I for initiated, R received, P for picked up, S pending pickup, C closed |
orderId | int | Unique id of the order |
paymentMode | string | Fetch return orders by mode of payment(refund). Values: NEFT Cheque/DD, Credit Card, eVoucher |
Get Return Request Details (by RequestId)
Retrieves the details of a specific return request based on the return request id passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ReturnRequest": {
"ReturnRequestId": 211003,
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"ShipmentId": 5392397,
"OrderId": 7238823,
"InvoiceNumber": "invoice_hyc-00000460",
"DateInitiated": "08-Oct-2018 07:45:12 AM",
"DateReceived": "08-Oct-2018 07:47:27 AM",
"BillOfSupplyCreditNoteNumber": "",
"TaxableCreditNoteNumber": "HYCCNTV_009741",
"Source": "2",
"RequestStatus": "C",
"RequestType": "C",
"RefundStatus": "C",
"RefundedAmount": 113.66,
"ConfirmedRefundAmount": 113.66,
"IncludeShippingCost": "False",
"IsSelfShip": "False",
"ReturnRequestDetail": [
"ReturnRequestDetailId": 330945,
"ReturnRequestId": 211003,
"OrderItemId": 25601069,
"SuggestedReturnAction": "RF",
"Reason": "BAQ",
"ReturnQty": "1",
"IsReceived": "True",
"ReceivedQty": "1",
"MRP": 114,
"ProductPrice": 113.66,
"PromotionDiscount": 0,
"UOM": "Pieces",
"AverageWeight": 0,
"IsTaxable": "True",
"TaxDetails": [
"TaxCategory": "SGST",
"TaxRate": "9",
"TaxAmount": 8.66,
"IsTaxRatePercentage": true,
"TaxCode": "SGI18",
"TaxCategoryID": "3580"
"TaxCategory": "CGST",
"TaxRate": "9",
"TaxAmount": 8.66,
"IsTaxRatePercentage": true,
"TaxCode": "CGI18",
"TaxCategoryID": "3578"
"RefundAmount": 113.66,
"ConfirmedRefundAmount": 113.66,
"SKU": "100011145",
"VariantSKU": null,
"ProductID": 11995626,
"VariantProductID": 0,
"ProductTitle": "Nestle Milkmaid - 400g Tin",
"SubStatus": "'",
"SubStatusComments": "'"
"RequestedPaymentMode": {
"PaymentMode": "GV",
"BankName": "",
"BranchName": "",
"IFSCCOde": "",
"AccountNumber": "",
"AccountName": "",
"CityName": ""
"ReturnRequestPayments": [
"ReturnRequestId": 211003,
"PaymentDate": "08-Oct-2018 12:00:00 AM",
"PaymentMode": "GV",
"ReferenceNumber": "ref444333",
"Amount": "113.66",
"Remarks": "test333",
"BankName": null,
"IFSCCOde": null,
"AccountNumber": "",
"AccountName": "",
"BranchName": null
"PickupDetails": {
"Address1": "kandavali malad west",
"Address2": "",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"CountryName": "India",
"StateCode": "MH",
"StateName": "Maharashtra",
"CityCode": "554",
"CityName": "",
"PostCode": "400064",
"Email": "",
"FirstName": "Vijay ",
"LastName": "",
"Mobile": "91-9885296960"
"SubStatus": "",
"SubStatusComments": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | Order/GetReturnRequest/{merchantId}/{returnRequestId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
returnRequestId* | int | Unique id of the return request that you want to fetch |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
BillOfSupplyCreditNoteNumber | string | Credit note is generated for a customer returned item received at the merchant warehouse. Non-taxable items will have “Bill of supply Credit note number” |
TaxableCreditNoteNumber | string | Credit note is generated for any customer returned item received to merchant warehouse. Taxable Items will have this “Taxable credit note number” |
Source | int | values from 1-5. Source from which the return request is made. Example, 1 stands for storefront |
RequestStatus | enum | Current status of the return request. Values: I for initiated, C for closed |
RequestType | enum | Type of the return request. R for return to origin (RTO) C for customer return and CU for Return created due to item cancellation |
RefundStatus | enum | Current status of the refund. Values: I for initiated, C for closed |
IncludeShippingCost | enum | The value will be Yes if the shipping cost is included in the return item, No if shipping cost is not included |
IsSelfShip | enum | The value will be ‘Yesif the user will ship the return package to the merchant, No`, if the merchant has to pickup the package from the user |
SubStatus | string | The sub-status code of the return request |
Get Return Request (by Order ID)
Returns all return request details of a specific order.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ReturnRequests": [
"ReturnRequestId": 201782,
"MerchantId": "9403244b-2231-4550-ae96-2dbb5d0c1694",
"ShipmentId": 0,
"OrderId": 7124734,
"InvoiceNumber": "",
"DateInitiated": "10-Sep-2018 12:34:26 PM",
"DateReceived": "10-Sep-2018 12:34:26 PM",
"BillOfSupplyCreditNoteNumber": "",
"TaxableCreditNoteNumber": "",
"Source": "2",
"RequestStatus": "R",
"RequestType": "CU",
"RefundStatus": "I",
"RefundedAmount": 0,
"ConfirmedRefundAmount": 1019,
"IncludeShippingCost": "False",
"IsSelfShip": "False",
"ReturnRequestDetail": [
"ReturnRequestDetailId": 317918,
"ReturnRequestId": 201782,
"OrderItemId": 25364654,
"SuggestedReturnAction": "RF",
"Reason": "NDA",
"ReturnQty": "1",
"IsReceived": "True",
"ReceivedQty": "1",
"MRP": 1695.000,
"ProductPrice": 1019,
"PromotionDiscount": 0,
"UOM": "Pieces",
"AverageWeight": 0,
"IsTaxable": "False",
"TaxDetails": [
"RefundAmount": 1019,
"ConfirmedRefundAmount": 1019,
"SKU": "103694029",
"VariantSKU": null,
"ProductID": 13133426,
"VariantProductID": 0,
"ProductTitle": "USHA STEAM IRON TEFLON3713",
"SubStatus": "'",
"SubStatusComments": "'"
"RequestedPaymentMode": {
"PaymentMode": "",
"BankName": "",
"BranchName": "",
"IFSCCOde": "",
"AccountNumber": "",
"AccountName": "",
"CityName": ""
"ReturnRequestPayments": [
"ReturnRequestId": 201782,
"PaymentDate": "19-Sep-2018 10:51:44 AM",
"PaymentMode": "PAYTM",
"ReferenceNumber": "20180919111212801300168654405302427",
"Amount": "1,019",
"Remarks": "Refund request was raised for this transaction. But it is pending state.",
"BankName": null,
"IFSCCOde": null,
"AccountNumber": "",
"AccountName": "",
"BranchName": null
"PickupDetails": {
"Address1": "",
"Address2": "",
"CountryCode": "",
"CountryName": "",
"StateCode": "",
"StateName": "",
"CityCode": "",
"CityName": "",
"PostCode": "",
"Email": "",
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Mobile": ""
"SubStatus": "",
"SubStatusComments": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/GetReturnRequestByOrderID/{MerchantId}/{OrderId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
OrderId* | int | Unique order id for which you want to fetch return request details |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
BillOfSupplyCreditNoteNumber | string | Credit note is generated for a customer returned item that is received at the merchant warehouse. Non-taxable items will have “Bill of supply Credit note number” |
TaxableCreditNoteNumber | string | Credit note is generated for a customer returned item that is received at the merchant warehouse. Taxable Items will have “Taxable credit note number” |
Source | int | Source from which the return request is made. values from 1-5. Example, 1 stands for storefront |
RequestStatus | enum | Current status of the return request. Values: I for initiated, C for closed |
RequestType | enum | Type of the return request. Values: R for return to origin (RTO) C for customer return and CU for Return created due to item cancellation |
RefundStatus | enum | Current status of the refund. Values: I for initiated, C for closed |
IncludeShippingCost | enum | Yes if the shipping cost is included in the return item, No if shipping cost is not included |
IsSelfShip | enum | ‘Yesif the user will ship the return package to the merchant, No` if the merchant has to pickup the package from the user |
SubStatus | string | The sub-status code of the return request |
Edit Order Lineitem Price
Lets you modify the price of an existing order item.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"ReasonForPriceOverride":"check price override"
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/EditOrderLineItem/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
OrderID* | int | Unique id of the order for which you want to update an item price |
OrderItemID | int | Unique id of the order item that you want to update |
Price | float | New price of the order item |
MRP | float | New maximum retail price of the order item |
ConsiderCurrentPriceandMRP | boolean | Specify False to use the new prices specified, True to consider the prices as per the CP |
ReasonForPriceOverride | string | Specify the reason for updating the order item price |
Get Document
Generates either a dispatch or invoice document.
Sample Request
Response: You will see an option to download the document.
Resource Information
URI | /Order/GetDocument/{MerchantId}/{OrderId}/{objectType}/{objectValue} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
orderId* | int | Order id for which you want to generate the required document |
objectType* | enum | Specify Invoice to generate invoice of the order, Shipment to get the dispatch document of the order |
objectValue* | string | Specify invoice id or shipment id that you want to fetch based on the objectType passed |
Add Manifest
Adds shipping manifest details for multiple shipments.
Sample Request{merchantId}
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ManifestIds": {
"ManifestId": 149069,
"ManifestMessages": [
"ShipmentID": 6123456,
"Message": "Success"
"ShipmentID": 2123456,
"Message": "Success"
"ShipmentID": 9123456,
"Message": "No record found"
"ErrorMessages": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/AddManifest/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
ShippingProvider* | string | Name of the shipping service |
UserId | string | Unique GUID of the current user that updates the manifest details |
LocationId | int | Unique location id of the shipment |
LocationCode | string | Unique location code of the shipment |
ChannelId* | int | Channel id of the marketplace |
shipmentId* | long | Unique id of each shipment |
TripId | string | Unique id of the shipment trip. A trip is a shipment containing multiple orders assigned to a delivery associate which need to be delivered to end customers. Each trip will have a unique trip id |
Update Manifest Status
Lets you update the status of a manifest.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | /Order/UpdateManifest/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ManifestId* | int | Unique id of the manifest that you want to update |
status | enum | New status of the manifest. Values: Created , Closed |
tripId | string | Unique id of the shipment trip. A trip is a shipment containing multiple orders assigned to a delivery associate which need to be delivered to end customers. Each trip will have a unique trip id |
Get Manifest Details
Retrieves the details of a specific shipping manifest.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Manifests": [
"ManifestId": 138931,
"ManifestNo": "00005604",
"NoOfItems": 1,
"LocationId": 14908,
"LocName": "Holisol Delhi",
"ShippingProvider": "FedEx",
"CreatedDate": "/Date(1549889694000+0530)/"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/GetManifest/{MerchantId}/{ManifestId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
ManifestId* | int | Unique id of the shipping manifest for which you want to fetch details |
Get Advance Tax Voucher
Retrieves Advance Tax Voucher (ATV) details of a specific order.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"TaxVouchers": [
"TaxVoucherNumber": "atv_biba/001052",
"OrderId": 7704209,
"BillFirstname": "Tom",
"LocationCode": null,
"BillLastname": null,
"VoucherItems": [
"OrderLineId": 26578947,
"sku": "AFROFUSION10302",
"VariantSku": "AFROFUSION10302-8903098887787",
"ProductPrice": 599,
"HSNCode": "62114210",
"Qty": 1,
"MRP": 999,
"TaxDetails": [
"TaxCategory": "CGST",
"TaxRate": "2.5",
"TaxAmount": 15.72,
"IsTaxRatePercentage": true,
"TaxCode": "GST_TEST"
"TaxCategory": "SGST",
"TaxRate": "2.5",
"TaxAmount": 15.72,
"IsTaxRatePercentage": true,
"TaxCode": "GST_TEST"
"UOM": "Pieces",
"BuyingWeight": 0
"BillCountry": "India",
"BillingState": "Telangana",
"GSTBillingStateUTCode": "36",
"BillCity": "Hyderabad",
"BillEmail": "",
"BillZIP": "500033",
"BillPhone": "",
"BillMobile": "9422996500",
"BillAddress1": "sample address",
"ShipFirstname": "Tom",
"ShipLastname": "Sawyer",
"ShipCountry": "India",
"ShipState": "Telangana",
"GSTShipStateUTCode": "36",
"ShipCity": "Hyderabad",
"ShipEmail": "",
"ShipZip": "500033",
"ShipPhone": "",
"ShipMobile": "9422000000",
"ShipAddress1": "sample address1",
"ShipOtherCity": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/TaxVoucher/{merchantId}/{orderId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
orderId* | int | Unique id of the order for which you want to fetch advanced tax details |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
TaxVoucherNumber | string | Advance tax voucher number (as generated through the Document Series in Advanced Settings) |
LocationCode | int | Location code of the order fulfillment location (Generally used for Location specific merchants) |
OrderLineId | int | Unique id of the order line item |
HSNCode | string | The HSN code is the ‘Harmonized System Nomenclature code number’ that is required for GST. The 'HSN code’ is shown at item level |
TaxCategory | string | Category of the current tax. For example: STT, VAT, GST, and CST |
IsTaxRatePercentage | enum | True for percentage based tax rates and false for flat rate tax |
TaxCode | string | Unique tax code that you want to associate to the product. Tax code should be configured in the CP first to associate to products. |
UOM | string | Unit of measurement of the current item |
BuyingWeight | float | Weight of the current item if UOM is kgs or gms |
Lead Search
Searches leads based on the input parameters.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"fromDate": "03-15-2019",
"toDate": "03-28-2019",
"status": "P",
"leadId": "12345",
"userName": "",
"mobileNumber": "9999991234",
"sKU": "123456",
"firstName": "jane",
"lastName": "done",
"locationIds": "371,372",
"callForActionId": ""
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Leads": [
"LeadId": 771559,
"UserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"TotalAmount": 0.0,
"Status": "P",
"LeadDate": "2019-03-27T12:21:45",
"FirstName": "Tom Sawyer",
"Email": "",
"MobileNumber": "",
"Address": null,
"City": "",
"State": null,
"Country": null,
"ZipCode": null,
"TAXTotal": 0.0,
"CustomDescription": "First Name:Tom,Last Name:Sawyer,Email,Country Code:,Mobile Number:551133160,Date of Birth:08/29/1989,Nationality:India,Anniversary:02/10/2019,Gender:Male,Emirate:Dubai,Occupation:Private_Corporate,Status:Married,Children:No,Address:3904| Capillary technologies| One Lake Plaza\r\nJLT Cluster T\r\nJumeirah Lake towers,Please select your offer preference/s:Select All,Skin Care,Hair Care,Personal Care,Baby and Mother,Nutrition,Medical Equipments,Rehab,First Aid and SupportPO Box:,",
"CheckOutId": 7134,
"UpLoadedFiles": "",
"LeadLines": [
"LeadLineId": 754073,
"LeadId": 771559,
"ProductId": 0,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"IsParentProduct": false,
"Description": "",
"Quantity": 0.0,
"ProductPrice": 0.0,
"_locationid": 0
"LeadId": 771421,
"UserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"TotalAmount": 0.0,
"Status": "P",
"LeadDate": "2019-03-27T08:40:47",
"FirstName": "James Diyas",
"Email": "",
"MobileNumber": "",
"Address": null,
"City": "",
"State": null,
"Country": null,
"ZipCode": null,
"TAXTotal": 0.0,
"CustomDescription": "First Name:James,Last Name:Diyas,Email,Country Code:,Mobile Number:504929486,Date of Birth:26/12/1960,Nationality:Sri Lanka,Anniversary:28/05/1988,Gender:Female,Emirate:Abu_Dhabi,Occupation:Private_Corporate,Status:Married,Children:Yes,Address:Hamdan street Abu dhabi,Please select your offer preference/s:NutritionPO Box:3658,",
"CheckOutId": 7134,
"UpLoadedFiles": "",
"LeadLines": [
"LeadLineId": 753935,
"LeadId": 771421,
"ProductId": 0,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"IsParentProduct": false,
"Description": "",
"Quantity": 0.0,
"ProductPrice": 0.0,
"_locationid": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/LeadSearch/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
fromDate | date | Search leads created in a specific duration. Specify the date-range in fromDate and toDate (in MM-DD-YYYY format) |
toDate | date | Search leads created in a specific duration. Specify the date-range in fromDate and toDate (in MM-DD-YYYY format) |
status | enum | Search by current lead status. Values: P - Uninitiated, I - Initiated, R - Rejected, C - Converted |
leadId | int | Specify unique id of the lead that you want to fetch |
userName | string | Search leads by a customer’s username (email id) |
mobileNumber | string | Search leads by a customer’s mobile number |
SKU | string | Specify the SKU of the product for which you want to see generated leads |
firstName | string | Search leads by customer’s first name |
lastName | string | Search leads by customer’s last name |
locationIds | string | Fetch leads of your preferred locations. You can pass multiple location ids separating each by a comma (,) |
callForActionId | string | Unique id associated to the call-for-action for leads. For example, Call for actions could be Get-a-Call, Reserve Product & Visit Store, Proforma Invoice, and Get-a-Call |
Edit Shipping/Billing Address
Lets you modify billing and shipping address of an order before one of the order items is dispatched. Once the item is dispatched, you cannot modify the address.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | /Order/edit/address/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
Get Available Delivery Slots
Retrieves the available delivery slot details for a given date range, location, and delivery mode.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
Resource Information
URI | /Order/AvailableDeliverySlots/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
deliveryMode | enum | Get available delivery slots by delivery mode. Values: H for home delivery, S for takeaway. Leave it blank to get slots of both modes. |
fromDate* | date | Get delivery slots for a specific duration. Pass the duration in fromDate and toDate in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
locationId | int | Get available slots for a specific location. If this is left blank, you will get available slots for all location IDs. |
toDate* | date | Get delivery slots for a specific duration. Pass the duration in fromDate and toDate in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Cancel Return
Lets you cancel a return request by return request ID.
Sample Request
Sample Response
# If order in initiated stage
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Return request has been cancelled successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Sample Response
# If order not in initiated stage
"messageCode": "1027",
"Message": "Cancellation of Merchant pickup returns is allowed only in Initiated stage",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Order/CancelReturn/{merchantId}/{returnRequestid} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST (No body required) |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Query Parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
returnRequestId* | int | Unique id of the return request to cancel. |
Picklist is a document that contains the list of order items to be picked up from inventory for further processing. Picklist is maintained by shippers with large inventory or multiple orders. This resource provides all APIs related creating and managing picklist.
Create Picklist
Lets you create order picklist for a specific location.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"PicklistCreate": {
"PickerName": "Test",
"LoginUserID": "fd986588-63df-4d76-9ddd-5d8b984518a5",
"CreatedBy": "Test",
"ZoneID": 0,
"PickerID": "c70640f3-6a9f-471d-aeac-895089846e0f",
"LocationId": "26191",
"DeliverySlotID": 0,
"MerchantId": "fd986588-63df-4d76-9ddd-5d8b984518a5",
"DeliveryDate": "2018/04/27",
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"PicklistCreateOrderDetails": [{
"PicklistCreateItemDetails": [{
"ChildProductId": "0",
"IsBundleParentProduct": "False",
"LocationId": "26191",
"Quantity": "1",
"ProductId": "14497553",
"OrderItemID": "28141571"
"OrderId": "7676691"
"PicklistName": "test"
Sample Response
"Message": "Successful",
"PicklistID": 195095,
"messageCode": "1004",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /picklist/createPicklist/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
PickerName | string | Specify a name for the picklist |
LoginUserID | string | Unique GUID of the current logged in user |
CreatedBy | string | Name of the operator who is creating the picklist |
ZoneID | int | Unique id of the zone. Default value is 0 |
PickerID* | string | Unique picker id assigned to the picklist |
LocationId* | int | Unique id of the order fulfillment location |
DeliverySlotID | int | Unique id of the delivery slot. Specify a valid id |
DeliveryDate | date | Specify the estimated delivery date of the items of the picklist in YYYY/MM/DD format |
PicklistOperatorID | string | Unique GUID of the picklist operator |
ChildProductId | int | Unique id of the variant product or child product of the bundle |
IsBundleParentProduct | boolean | Whether the item is a parent product of a bundle |
Quantity | int | Quantity of the current item that you want to add |
ProductId | int | Unique id of the parent product |
OrderItemID | int | Unique order line-item id of the current product |
OrderId* | int | Order id associated to the current item |
PicklistName | string | Specify a name for the current picklist |
Confirm Picklist
Lets you update picklist of an order item.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"PickListOrderLines": {
"PickListOrderLine": [
"picklistOrderDetailId": "3236041",
"PickListItemStatus": "C",
"PickListId": "173273",
"UserId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"Weight": "1",
"ActualPrice": "30",
"isVariance": true
Sample Response
"Code": "1007",
"Message": "Updated Successfully",
"ErrorCode": "0",
"AllocatedItems": "false"
Resource Information
URI | /PickList/ConfirmPicklist/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
picklistOrderDetailId* | int | Unique picklist id of the item |
PickListItemStatus* | enum | The status of the current item. F for found, N for not found, C for cancel. If no value is passed, not found is considered as the default value |
PickListId* | int | Unique id of the picklist |
UserId* | string | Unique GUID of the user associated to the order item |
Weight | int | Weight of the item |
ActualPrice | float | Net price of the item. The item price can be changed if isVariance is set to true |
isVariance* | boolean | Whether there is change in the price of the current item while creating picklist. If there is a difference, the item price can be changed by passing the ActualPrice of the item |
Process Picklist
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"Comments":"please start QC",
"Comments":"QC started for item",
"Comments":"QC started for item",
"Comments":"QC started for item",
Sample Response
"Code": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": "0",
"AllocatedItems": "false"
Process the picklist once created from verification to confirmation.
Resource Information
URI | /PickList/ProcessPicklist/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantID* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
PickListId* | int | Unique id of the picklist |
SubStatus* | enum | Unique 2 character code of the sub-status of the picklist or picklist item. Values are as per configured in the CP for that merchant |
PicklistOperatorID* | string | Unique id of the staff that confirms the picklist |
Comments | string | Any comments related to the picklist at the request level/item level |
ConfirmPicking* | enum | Specify 1 to confirm pick up, 0 if not confirmed. The default value is ‘0’ |
OrderPickListDetailId* | int | Unique internal reference id generated for each picklist item |
RetransactionID* | int | Order id of the item for which you want to update picklist |
PicklistID* | int | Unique id of the picklist |
RedetailsID* | int | Unique item id as in the REtransaction table |
PicklistOperatorID | string | Unique id of the operator |
PickListItemStatus | enum | The status of the current item. Values: F for found, N for not found, C for cancel. If no value is passed, not found is considered as the default value |
Weight | int | Weight of the item if applicable |
ActualPrice | float | Net price of the item. The item price can be changed if isVariance is set to true |
isVariance* | boolean | Whether there is change in the price of the current item when picklist is created. If there is a price difference, the item price can be changed by passing the ActualPrice of the item |
PickingPrice* | int | Additional price charged for packing (if applicable). For example, in restaurants additional charge will be levied on takeaway orders for packing |
PicklistCustomFields | obj | Picklist level custom field details - key and value pairs |
Get Picklist Summary
Retrieves the details of a specific picklist.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"PickList": {
"PickListId": 168891,
"PickListName": "FabTest",
"PickListCode": "PK168890",
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62e546",
"PickerName": "Tim James",
"PickListStatus": "Completed",
"CreatedBy": "",
"CreatedOn": "/Date(1549867811000+0530)/",
"ModifiedOn": "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
"ModifiedBy": null,
"LocationId": 18340,
"PickListOrder": [
"ChannelId": 0,
"OrderPickListId": 1586811,
"PickListId": 168891,
"PickListOrderItems": [
"ProductTitle": "Onion Red",
"ProductSKU": "100556",
"VariantSKU": "100556-1kg",
"CategoryCode": "CU00373956",
"PickListCode": null,
"BarCodes": [
"BarCode": "100556-123"
"BarCode": "100556-1kg"
"CategoryName": "MID",
"ProductCost": 0,
"variantDescription": "Weight=1000gm",
"MRP": 1009,
"CurrencyCode": null,
"UOM": "Gms",
"OrderPickListDetailId": 3114155,
"PickListId": 168891,
"OrderId": 7506553,
"OrderLineId": 26152287,
"ProductId": 14106036,
"ChildProductId": 10178766,
"Quantity": 1,
"PickQuantity": 0,
"OrderItemPickStatus": "N",
"LocationID": 18340,
"ShelveCode": "",
"IsHold": "False",
"Weight": 1000,
"variantattributevalue": null,
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": "",
"Comments": ""
"ProductTitle": "Onion Red",
"ProductSKU": "100556",
"VariantSKU": "100556-1kg",
"CategoryCode": "CU00373956",
"PickListCode": null,
"BarCodes": [
"BarCode": "100556-123"
"BarCode": "100556-1kg"
"CategoryName": "MID",
"ProductCost": 0,
"variantDescription": "Weight=1000gm",
"MRP": 1009,
"CurrencyCode": null,
"UOM": "Gms",
"OrderPickListDetailId": 3114157,
"PickListId": 168891,
"OrderId": 7506553,
"OrderLineId": 26152287,
"ProductId": 14106036,
"ChildProductId": 10178766,
"Quantity": 1,
"PickQuantity": 0,
"OrderItemPickStatus": "N",
"LocationID": 18340,
"ShelveCode": "",
"IsHold": "False",
"Weight": 1000,
"variantattributevalue": null,
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": "",
"Comments": ""
"ProductTitle": "Go Buttermilk - Masala Chaas Ginger & Jeera",
"ProductSKU": "1000681",
"VariantSKU": "101101241",
"CategoryCode": "CU00333530",
"PickListCode": null,
"BarCodes": [
"BarCode": "101101241"
"BarCode": "8906001028352"
"CategoryName": "Flavoured Milk",
"ProductCost": 0,
"variantDescription": "Volume=1L Tetra Pack",
"MRP": 50,
"CurrencyCode": null,
"UOM": "Pieces",
"OrderPickListDetailId": 3114159,
"PickListId": 168891,
"OrderId": 7506553,
"OrderLineId": 26152289,
"ProductId": 12322046,
"ChildProductId": 9076978,
"Quantity": 1,
"PickQuantity": 0,
"OrderItemPickStatus": "N",
"LocationID": 18340,
"ShelveCode": "",
"IsHold": "False",
"Weight": 0,
"variantattributevalue": null,
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": "",
"Comments": ""
"ProductTitle": "Go Buttermilk - Masala Chaas Ginger & Jeera",
"ProductSKU": "1000681",
"VariantSKU": "101101241",
"CategoryCode": "CU00333530",
"PickListCode": null,
"BarCodes": [
"BarCode": "101101241"
"BarCode": "8906001028352"
"CategoryName": "Flavoured Milk",
"ProductCost": 0,
"variantDescription": "Volume=1L Tetra Pack",
"MRP": 50,
"CurrencyCode": null,
"UOM": "Pieces",
"OrderPickListDetailId": 3114161,
"PickListId": 168891,
"OrderId": 7506553,
"OrderLineId": 26152289,
"ProductId": 12322046,
"ChildProductId": 9076978,
"Quantity": 1,
"PickQuantity": 0,
"OrderItemPickStatus": "N",
"LocationID": 18340,
"ShelveCode": "",
"IsHold": "False",
"Weight": 0,
"variantattributevalue": null,
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": "",
"Comments": ""
"Status": "PICKING",
"TotalAmount": 2118,
"TotalNoOfItems": 4,
"channelName": null
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": "",
"Comments": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /PickList/GetPickListSummary/{MerchantId}/{pickListId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
pickListId* | int | Unique id of the picklist to fetch the summary |
Get PickLists of a Merchant
Lets you fetch picklists of the merchant based on the input parameters. By default, the details of the picklists of the last one week will be retrieved.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"PickListCode": "",
"status": ""
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"PickLists": [
"PickListId": 176599,
"PickListName": "FabTest",
"PickListCode": "PK176598",
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"PickerName": "James",
"PickListStatus": "Completed",
"CreatedBy": "",
"CreatedOn": "/Date(1550023525000+0530)/",
"ModifiedOn": "2/13/2019 7:35:48 AM",
"ModifiedBy": "2/13/2019 7:35:48 AM",
"LocationId": 18340,
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": "",
"Comments": ""
"PickListId": 176597,
"PickListName": "FabTest",
"PickListCode": "PK176596",
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"PickerName": "James",
"PickListStatus": "Completed",
"CreatedBy": "",
"CreatedOn": "/Date(1550023438000+0530)/",
"ModifiedOn": "2/13/2019 7:34:25 AM",
"ModifiedBy": "2/13/2019 7:34:25 AM",
"LocationId": 18340,
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": "",
"Comments": ""
"PickListId": 176565,
"PickListName": "FabTest",
"PickListCode": "PK176564",
"MerchantId": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"PickerName": "Malad Picker1",
"PickListStatus": "Created",
"CreatedBy": "",
"CreatedOn": "/Date(1550020430000+0530)/",
"ModifiedOn": "2/13/2019 6:43:50 AM",
"ModifiedBy": "2/13/2019 6:43:50 AM",
"LocationId": 18340,
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": "",
"Comments": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /PickList/GetPickLists/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
status | string | Fetch picklists by status. Values: Created , In Picking (in progress), Completed or Picked (picked up) |
picklistCode | string | Unique code of the picklist to fetch details by picklist code |
createdOn | date | Fetch picklists created on a specific date. Pass the date in MM/DD/YYYY format |
locationId | int | Fetch picklists of a specific location by location id |
searchFromDate | date | Get picklists created on and after a specific date. Pass the date in MM/DD/YYYY format |
searchSku | string | Fetch picklists consisting a specific SKU. |
pageNumber | int | If results are too long and displayed in multiple pages, specify the page number to see the picklist of that particular page |
pageSize | int | Specify the number of results to be shown per page |
pickerId | string | Picker id assigned to the picklist |
picklistOperatorID | string | Fetch picklists of a specific operator. Pass the unique GUID of the operator |
subStatusCode | enum | Unique 2 character code of the picklist item sub-status. Values are as per configured in the CP |
channelId | string | Channel id of the marketplace to get the picklists of that specific channel |
Get PickList with Order Info
Retrieves details of a picklist along with the order details based on the input parameters.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
"PickListCode": "",
"status": ""
Sample Response
"PickerName":"s animesh",
"CreatedOn":"2/13/2019 7:35:25 AM",
"ModifiedOn":"1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
"DeliverySlotEndTime":"9:30 PM",
"DeliverySlotStartTime":"7:00 PM",
"OrderDate":"2/13/2019 7:29:54 AM",
"ProductTitle":"Onion Red",
"ProductTitle":"Onion Red",
"PickerName":"s animesh",
"CreatedOn":"2/13/2019 7:33:58 AM",
"ModifiedOn":"1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
"DeliverySlotEndTime":"9:30 PM",
"DeliverySlotStartTime":"7:00 PM",
"OrderDate":"2/13/2019 7:29:52 AM",
"ProductTitle":"Onion Red",
"ProductTitle":"Onion Red",
Resource Information
URI | /PickList/GetPickListswithOrdersInfo/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
status | string | Fetch picklists by status. Values: Created , In Picking (in progress), Completed or Picked (picked up) |
picklistCode | string | Specify the unique picklist code to fetch |
createdOn | date | Fetch picklists created on a specific date. Pass the date in MM/DD/YYYY format |
locationId | int | Fetch picklist of a specific location. Pass the location id |
searchFromDate | date | Get picklists created on and after a specific date. Pass the date in MM/DD/YYYY format |
searchSku | string | Fetch picklists containing a specific SKU |
pageNumber | int | If the results are too long and appear in multiple pages, you can specify a page number to see the results on that particular page |
pageSize | int | Specify the number of results to be shown per page |
pickerId | string | Picker id assigned to the picklist |
picklistOperatorID | string | Fetch picklists of a specific operator. Pass the unique GUID of the operator |
subStatusCode | enum | Unique 2 character code of the picklist item sub-status. Values are as per configured in the CP |
channelId | string | Channel id of the marketplace to get picklists of that specific channel |
Get PickList Items
Retrieves items of a specific picklist by item status.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"Code": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": "0",
"PickListOrderItems": [
"ProductTitle": "Blue Straight Cotton Jacket",
"ProductSKU": "WINTERW12140BLU",
"VariantSKU": "8907319139341",
"CategoryCode": "CU00302566",
"PickListCode": "PK168916",
"CategoryName": "Jackets",
"ProductCost": "0",
"variantDescription": "Size=34",
"MRP": "2599.0000",
"UOM": "Pieces",
"OrderPickListDetailId": "3114191",
"PickListId": "168917",
"OrderId": "7507597",
"OrderLineId": "26154847",
"ProductId": "11481094",
"ChildProductId": "7800898",
"Quantity": "1",
"PickQuantity": "0",
"OrderItemPickStatus": "A",
"LocationID": "0",
"ShelveCode": [],
"IsHold": "False",
"Weight": "0",
"BarCodes": [],
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": [],
"Comments": []
"ProductTitle": "Blue Straight Cotton Jacket",
"ProductSKU": "WINTERW12140BLU",
"VariantSKU": "8907319139341",
"CategoryCode": "CU00302566",
"PickListCode": "PK168916",
"CategoryName": "Jackets",
"ProductCost": "0",
"variantDescription": "Size=34",
"MRP": "2599.0000",
"UOM": "Pieces",
"OrderPickListDetailId": "3114193",
"PickListId": "168917",
"OrderId": "7507597",
"OrderLineId": "26154847",
"ProductId": "11481094",
"ChildProductId": "7800898",
"Quantity": "1",
"PickQuantity": "0",
"OrderItemPickStatus": "A",
"LocationID": "0",
"ShelveCode": [],
"IsHold": "False",
"Weight": "0",
"BarCodes": [],
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": [],
"Comments": []
"ProductTitle": "Blue Straight Cotton Jacket",
"ProductSKU": "WINTERW12140BLU",
"VariantSKU": "8907319139334",
"CategoryCode": "CU00302566",
"PickListCode": "PK168916",
"CategoryName": "Jackets",
"ProductCost": "0",
"variantDescription": "Size=32",
"MRP": "2599.0000",
"UOM": "Pieces",
"OrderPickListDetailId": "3114195",
"PickListId": "168917",
"OrderId": "7507597",
"OrderLineId": "26154849",
"ProductId": "11481094",
"ChildProductId": "7800896",
"Quantity": "1",
"PickQuantity": "0",
"OrderItemPickStatus": "A",
"LocationID": "0",
"ShelveCode": [],
"IsHold": "False",
"Weight": "0",
"BarCodes": [],
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": [],
"Comments": []
"ProductTitle": "Blue Straight Cotton Jacket",
"ProductSKU": "WINTERW12140BLU",
"VariantSKU": "8907319139334",
"CategoryCode": "CU00302566",
"PickListCode": "PK168916",
"CategoryName": "Jackets",
"ProductCost": "0",
"variantDescription": "Size=32",
"MRP": "2599.0000",
"UOM": "Pieces",
"OrderPickListDetailId": "3114197",
"PickListId": "168917",
"OrderId": "7507597",
"OrderLineId": "26154849",
"ProductId": "11481094",
"ChildProductId": "7800896",
"Quantity": "1",
"PickQuantity": "0",
"OrderItemPickStatus": "A",
"LocationID": "0",
"ShelveCode": [],
"IsHold": "False",
"Weight": "0",
"BarCodes": [],
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": [],
"Comments": []
"ProductTitle": "Blue Straight Poly Cotton Kurta",
"ProductSKU": "WINTERW13282AW17BLU",
"VariantSKU": "8907319271133",
"CategoryCode": "CU00302566",
"PickListCode": "PK168916",
"CategoryName": "Jackets",
"ProductCost": "0",
"variantDescription": "Size=M",
"MRP": "4995.0000",
"UOM": "Pieces",
"OrderPickListDetailId": "3114199",
"PickListId": "168917",
"OrderId": "7507597",
"OrderLineId": "26154851",
"ProductId": "12407946",
"ChildProductId": "9186262",
"Quantity": "1",
"PickQuantity": "0",
"OrderItemPickStatus": "A",
"LocationID": "0",
"ShelveCode": [],
"IsHold": "False",
"Weight": "0",
"BarCodes": [],
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": [],
"Comments": []
"ProductTitle": "Blue Straight Poly Cotton Kurta",
"ProductSKU": "WINTERW13282AW17BLU",
"VariantSKU": "8907319271133",
"CategoryCode": "CU00302566",
"PickListCode": "PK168916",
"CategoryName": "Jackets",
"ProductCost": "0",
"variantDescription": "Size=M",
"MRP": "4995.0000",
"UOM": "Pieces",
"OrderPickListDetailId": "3114201",
"PickListId": "168917",
"OrderId": "7507597",
"OrderLineId": "26154851",
"ProductId": "12407946",
"ChildProductId": "9186262",
"Quantity": "1",
"PickQuantity": "0",
"OrderItemPickStatus": "A",
"LocationID": "0",
"ShelveCode": [],
"IsHold": "False",
"Weight": "0",
"BarCodes": [],
"PicklistOperatorID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SubStatus": [],
"Comments": []
"AllocatedItems": "false"
Resource Information
URI | /PickList/GetPickListItems/{MerchantId}/{pickListId}/{orderItemStatus} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
pickListId* | int | Unique id of the picklist to see the picklist items |
orderItemStatus* | string | Get picklist items by item status. Values: P for Pending, F for Found, N for Not Found, R for Removed, C for Canceled |
Get Substitutes of Picklist Item
Retrieves the list of alternative products of a specific picklist item by product id.
Substitutes are the product alternatives used during pickup in case of unavailability or insufficient quantity of actual product.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"SubstituteViews": [
"Merchantid": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45ea9631",
"ProductId": 11989616,
"VariantProductId": 0,
"ProductSKU": "101356308",
"VariantSKU": "",
"ProductTitle": "Pepsi Mini Can-150 ml",
"Sequence": 1,
"UOM": "Pieces",
"BuyingWeight": 0,
"ProductImage": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /PickList/GetItemsubstitutes/{merchantId}/{productId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
ProductId* | int | Unique product id for which you want to fetch substitutes |
Store is a physical location in which a merchant operates business. This resource consists of APIs related to accessing store details.
Get Supported Countries
Sample Request
Sample Response
"CountryName":"ALAND ISLANDS",
"CountryName":"AMERICAN SAMOA",
"CountryName":"BOUVET ISLAND",
"CountryName":"BURKINA FASO",
"CountryName":"COCOS ISLANDS",
"CountryName":"COOK ISLANDS",
"CountryName":"COSTA RICA",
"CountryName":"FAROE ISLANDS",
Retrieves all the countries (with country code and phone code) supported for the merchant.
Resource Information
URI | /Store/Countries/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameter
Attribute | Description |
merchantId* | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant for which you want to see supported countries |
Get Cities
Sample Request
"CityName":"Chamaraj Nagar",
"CityName":"Dakshina Kannada",
"CityName":"Hospet Patel Nagar",
"CityName":"Uttara Kannada",
Retrieves all the supported cities of a specific state for the merchant.
Resource Information
URI | /Store/Cities/{MerchantId}/{StateCode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameter
Attribute | Description |
merchantId* | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant for which you want to see the supported cities |
StateCode* | The state code for which you want to see the supported cities list |
Get Cities by State Code
Retrieves all the available cities of a specific state based on the state code passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"City": [
"CityId": 83,
"CityName": "Chandigarh",
"DefautPinCode": "160001",
"StateCode": "CH1"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Store/Cities/{merchantId}/{statecode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
statecode* | string | Specify the state code for which you want to fetch cities |
Get Country Details
Retrieves the details of a specific country of the merchant based on the country code passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Country": [
"CountryName": "India",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"PhoneCode": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Store/Countries/{merchantid}/{countrycode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
countrycode* | string | Specify a valid country code of the merchant that you want to fetch |
Get Store Information
Retrieves the details of the store of the current merchant.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"PhysicalStoreName":"Saamag Retail Pvt Ltd",
"StoreDescription":"<p class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"line-height: 12pt;\"><span style=\"font-size: small;\"><span style=\"font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 255);\">hyctest Store Hyderabad</span>, is among the leading ones in to the business of <span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 255);\">XXX </span>for the last few years. We<span style=\"color: black;\"> offer a broad and varied range of products and services to our customers.</span>All the products offered are according to International standards of quality, comfort and value. </span></span></p> <p class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"line-height: 12pt;\"><span style=\"font-size: small;\"><span style=\"font-family: Arial;\">Strict quality checks at every processing stage have enabled us to provide our customers with the best of our products at affordable prices.</span></span></p>",
Resource Information
URI | /Store/Information/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ChildrenPlayArea | boolean | Whether the store has children play area or not |
GiftPacking | boolean | Whether gift packing is available for items purchased at the store |
PhysicalStoreAdd | string | Address of the physical store |
Get State Details
Retrieves the details of a specific state based on the state code passed.
Sample Request{merchantId}/{stateCode}
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"State": [
"StateName": "Chandigarh",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "CH1",
"USPSCode": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Store/State/{merchantId}/{stateCode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
stateCode* | string | State code for which you want to fetch details |
Get States of a Country
Retrieves the details all available states in a country for the specific merchant.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"State": [
"StateName": "Andhra Pradesh",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "AP",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Arunachal Pradesh",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "AR",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Daman And Diu",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "DD",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Goa",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "GA",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Gujarat",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "GJ",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Jammu And Kashmir",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "JK",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Jharkhand",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "JH",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Karnataka",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "KA",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Kerala",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "KL",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Lakshadweep",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "LD",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Madhya Pradesh",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "MP",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Maharashtra",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "MH",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Manipur",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "MN",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Meghalaya",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "ML",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Mizoram",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "MZ",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Nagaland",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "NL",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Odisha",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "OR",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Orissa",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "OR400",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Tamil Nadu",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "TN",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "Telangana",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "TG",
"USPSCode": ""
"StateName": "West Bengal",
"CountryCode": "IN",
"StateCode": "WB",
"USPSCode": ""
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Store/States/{merchantId}/{Countrycode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Countrycode* | string | Country code for which you want to fetch available states |
Get Channel Information
Retrieves the details of a specific channel based on the channel id or channel code passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ChannelDetails": [
"APPID": "0",
"AppName": null,
"ChannelID": "3404",
"ChannelName": "APIChannelRefCode",
"ChannelRefCode": "Auto227332",
"ChannelType": "Web",
"ChannelTypeID": "1",
"MerchantID": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"UserID": "68bb81e1-e7be-4bbc-bffd-afeb9ad041c0"
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Store/getchannelinfo/{merchantid}/{channelid or channelcode}/{channelrefcode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
channelid** | int | Specify the unique id of the channel that you want to fetch. Either pass channelid or channelcode but not both |
channelcode** | string | Specify the unique channel code that you want to fetch. Either pass channelid or channelcode but not both |
channelrefcode** | string | Specify the unique reference code of the channel that you want to fetch. Pass channelid as 0 if you use channelrefcode as mentioned in the Request URL |
Update Channel (Archive)
Archives a specific channel of the merchant based on the channel reference code passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Channel updated successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Store/UpdateChannel/{merchantid}/{channelrefcode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
channelrefcode* | string | Unique reference code of the channel that you want to archive |
Get Vendor Details
Retrieves the details of a specific vendor of the merchant based on the vendor id passed.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"VendorDetails": [
"MerchantId": "164b706c-a357-42d2-98ef-ec51e23e297b",
"VendorId": "ecbeec1b-8317-4e04-b9ef-42fb80fe4bf3",
"VendorName": "MJ Enterprise PVt Ltd",
"ContactPerson": "Jim Martin",
"Address": "26-1, KC Road",
"ZipCode": "560028",
"Country": "IN",
"State": "",
"City": "195",
"value": "",
"Mobile": "91-7842700000",
"Fax": "",
"Email": "",
"Active": true,
"SupplierEmailConfiguration": false,
"IsDropShipping": false,
"OrderReturn": false,
"Availability": true,
"VendorReferenceCode": "MJE234",
"RequestState": null,
"EnableEmailNotification": false
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Store/GetVendorDetails/{merchantId}/{vendorId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
vendorId* | string | Unique GUID of the vendor that you want to fetch |
Location is a determination of the place where a product is available or shipped from. It could be a physical store or just a warehouse. This resource contains APIs related to accessing and managing store/warehouse location details.
Store Delivery Area Mapping
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"FailedStoreDeliveryAreaMapping": [
"LocationRefCode": null,
"DeliveryType": null,
"AreaRefCode": null,
"Operation": null,
"ErrorMessage": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Maps a store location to a delivery area
Resource Information
URI | /Location/StoreDeliveryAreaMapping/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
LocationRefCode | string | The location reference code that you want to map to a delivery area |
DeliveryType | string | The type of delivery of the location. Value: H if the type is Home delivery, S for store pickup, N if the store supports both pickup and delivery |
AreaRefCode | string | Delivery area reference code that you want to assign |
Operation | string | Specify add to add delivery area to a location, remove to delete the delivery area from a location |
Update Store Location
Sample Request
Sample PATCH Request
"value":"Near Silky Board1"
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Updates location of a specific store
Resource Information
URI | /Location/UpdateLocation/{MerchantId}/{LocationrefCode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | PATCH |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Header Modification Required
Pass content-type
as application/json-patch+json
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
op* | string | Specify replace to update the existing information |
path | string | Path of the key |
value | string | New value of the current path |
Update Store Timings
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1007",
"Message": "Updated Successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Updates the operation timings of a store location.
Resource Information
URI | /Location/UpdateStoreTimings/{MerchantId}/{Locationrefcode} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | Yes |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant for which you want to update location timings |
Locationrefcode* | string | The reference code of the location for which you want to update timings |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
DelveryMode | enum | Specify the mode of delivery for the location. S for store pick up and H for home delivery, L for store |
OpenLeadTime | int | The maximum possible delay (in minutes) in the store open time (on-time) |
CloseLeadTime | int | The maximum possible delay (in minutes) in the store close time (off-time) |
WeekDayId | int | Specify for which day of the week the current timing is configured. Supported values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Where 0 for Sunday and 6 for Saturday (Multiple values not supported) |
OnTime | time | Store open time in HH:MM:SS format |
OffTime | time | Store close time in HH:MM:SS format |
userId | string | CP user id who is updating the store timing |
Search Locations
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW TEXT)
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Locations": [
"DistancefromInputLatLong": 0,
"ParentLocationID": 0,
"LocationId": 16696,
"LocationCode": "OCDEL",
"LocationName": "Holisol Delhi",
"Address1": "Holisol Logistics Pvt. Ltd, Plot No. #434/2, Phirni Road (Budh Bazar Road), Mundka New Delhi - 110041\r\n",
"Address2": "",
"City": "19759",
"CityName": null,
"Area": "",
"State": "DL",
"StateName": null,
"Country": "IN",
"CountryName": null,
"Pin": "110019",
"Contact1": "91-9266604xxx",
"Contact2": "",
"Description": "Holisol Warehouse",
"Latitude": 28.6826,
"Longitude": 77.022,
"LocationType": null,
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsDistributionCenter": true,
"EmailId": "",
"IsParticipateInStock": true,
"IsDefaultLocation": true,
"IsOfflinneCheckoutEnabled": false,
"IsPointOfSale": true,
"IsOfflineDeals": false,
"IsInStorePickup": true,
"Remarks": null,
"IsReversePickupEnabled": true,
"IsDefaultLNG_LocationName": false,
"IsDefaultLNG_Description": false,
"IsDefaultLNG_Address1": false,
"StoreTimings": null,
"HomeDeliveryTimings": null,
"TakeawayTimings": null
"DistancefromInputLatLong": 0,
"ParentLocationID": 0,
"LocationId": 17430,
"LocationCode": "OCBLR",
"LocationName": "Holisol Bangalore",
"Address1": "Holisol logistics Pvt Ltd - BIBA Apparels Pvt Ltd ,C/O Garuda Polyflex Foods Pvt. Ltd.No.11, Bommasandra Jigani Link Road, Anekal Taluk,Bangalore",
"Address2": "",
"City": "32",
"CityName": null,
"Area": "",
"State": "KA",
"StateName": null,
"Country": "IN",
"CountryName": null,
"Pin": "560105",
"Contact1": "011-39585715",
"Contact2": "",
"Description": "Holisol Warehouse Bangalore",
"Latitude": 12.8032,
"Longitude": 77.661,
"LocationType": null,
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsDistributionCenter": true,
"EmailId": "",
"IsParticipateInStock": true,
"IsDefaultLocation": false,
"IsOfflinneCheckoutEnabled": false,
"IsPointOfSale": true,
"IsOfflineDeals": false,
"IsInStorePickup": true,
"Remarks": null,
"CST": "",
"VAT": "",
"TINNo": "",
"GSTINNO": "",
"IsReversePickupEnabled": false,
"IsDefaultLNG_LocationName": false,
"IsDefaultLNG_Description": false,
"IsDefaultLNG_Address1": false,
"StoreTimings": null,
"HomeDeliveryTimings": null,
"TakeawayTimings": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves locations of a specific delivery area.
Resource Information
URI | /Location/{MerchantId}/Search |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
zipcode* | string | Area PIN code that you want to fetch. Example value: 110019 |
deliveryarea* | string | Name of the delivery area. Example: Karnataka |
deliveryareaId* | int | Unique id of the delivery area. Example: 234 |
outputfield | enum | Pass additional to include additional details in the response, deliveryarea to include delivery areas in the response |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
DistancefromInputLatLong | float | Distance of the location from the latitude and longitude. Available only if latitude and longitude are set for the location |
IsParticipateInStock | boolean | Whether the location is participating in stock. The location appears on the storefront only if this is set to true |
IsOfflinneCheckoutEnabled | boolean | Whether offline ordering is available for the location |
IsOfflineDeals | boolean | Whether promotions are applied offline for the location |
Search Delivery Areas
Fetches delivery areas of a specific city.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
"DeliveryAreaName":"TRİO PARK ÇORLU",
"DeliveryRefCode":"TRİO PARK ÇORLU",
Resource Information
URI | /Location/{merchantid}/SearchDeliveryAreas |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
cityid* | int | Unique city id for which you want to fetch delivery locations |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
DeliveryAreaID | int | Unique id of the delivery area |
DeliveryAreaName | string | Name of the respective delivery area |
AreaType | enum | cn for delivery type country, ct for city, and st for state |
IsArchive | boolean | Whether the delivery area is active or archived |
AreaTypeIDs | string |
Get Location Information
Sample Request
Sample Response
"LocationName":"Example Mumbai Store",
"Address1":"Capillary Retail India Ltd.Malad Link Road, Malad West, Mumbai",
"Value":"1/1/2000 12:00:00 PM"
"Value":"1/1/2000 12:00:00 PM"
"Value":"1/1/2000 12:00:00 PM"
"Mode":"Home Delivery",
"Mode":"Pickup Timings",
Retrieves the details of a specific store location such as parent location, address, contact details, recent activities, supported delivery modes, and business hours.
Resource Information
URI | /Location/Information/{MerchantId}/{{LocationId}} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant for which you want to fetch location details |
LocationId* | int | Location id for which you want to see the details |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
DistancefromInputLatLong | float | Distance of the location from latitude and longitude. Available only if latitude and longitude are set for the location |
IsParticipateInStock | boolean | Whether the location is participating in stock. The location appears on the storefront only if this is set to true |
IsOfflinneCheckoutEnabled | boolean | Whether offline ordering is available for the location. For example, orders placed through phone calls are offline orders. |
IsDefaultLNG_LocationName | boolean | Whether the language is the default language of the current location or not |
IsReversePickupEnabled | boolean | Whether reverse pickup is applicable for the product in case of returns |
Get Delivery Cities
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"DeliveryCities": [
"DeliveryAreaID": 2654,
"DeliveryCityID": 32,
"DeliveryCityName": "Bangalore"
"DeliveryAreaID": 2824,
"DeliveryCityID": 195,
"DeliveryCityName": "Hyderabad"
"DeliveryAreaID": 3226,
"DeliveryCityID": 241,
"DeliveryCityName": "Karimnagar"
"DeliveryAreaID": 3004,
"DeliveryCityID": 250,
"DeliveryCityName": "Khammam"
"DeliveryAreaID": 2824,
"DeliveryCityID": 263,
"DeliveryCityName": "Kothagudem"
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves all the delivery cities configured for the merchant including the details such as city id, city name, and delivery area id.
Resource Information
URI | /Location/{MerchantId}/GetCities |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant for which you want to fetch location details |
Add Delivery Area
Adds delivery areas to a city, state or country.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Location/AddDeliveryArea/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
pincodes | string | PIN codes that you want to associate to the delivery area. Specify each PIN code separating with comma |
deliveryAreaName | string | Name of the delivery area without space |
areaType | enum | Type of delivery area. Value: cn for country, ct for city, st for state |
areaTypeIDs | string | |
isArchive | boolean | Specify false to make the delivery area active |
deliveryAreaID | int | Unique id of the delivery area |
Get Delivery Areas
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"DeliveryAreas": [
"DeliveryAreaID": 3746,
"DeliveryAreaName": "Holisol_Delhi",
"AreaType": "ST",
"MerchantID": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsArchive": false,
"DeliveryRefCode": "Holisol_Del",
"AreaTypeIDs": null
"DeliveryAreaID": 2498,
"DeliveryAreaName": "jammu and kashmir",
"AreaType": "ST",
"MerchantID": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsArchive": false,
"DeliveryRefCode": "J & K",
"AreaTypeIDs": null
"DeliveryAreaID": 2500,
"DeliveryAreaName": "Haryana",
"AreaType": "ST",
"MerchantID": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsArchive": false,
"DeliveryRefCode": "haryana",
"AreaTypeIDs": null
"DeliveryAreaID": 2516,
"DeliveryAreaName": "Uttar pradesh",
"AreaType": "ST",
"MerchantID": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsArchive": false,
"DeliveryRefCode": "UP",
"AreaTypeIDs": null
"DeliveryAreaID": 2520,
"DeliveryAreaName": "uttarakhand",
"AreaType": "ST",
"MerchantID": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsArchive": false,
"DeliveryRefCode": "uttarakhand",
"AreaTypeIDs": null
"DeliveryAreaID": 2524,
"DeliveryAreaName": "himachal pradesh",
"AreaType": "ST",
"MerchantID": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsArchive": false,
"DeliveryRefCode": "HP",
"AreaTypeIDs": null
"Pincodes": [
"DeliveryAreaID": 2502,
"DeliveryAreaName": "Telangana",
"AreaType": "ST",
"MerchantID": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsArchive": false,
"DeliveryRefCode": "TS",
"AreaTypeIDs": null
"Pincodes": [
"DeliveryAreaID": 2506,
"DeliveryAreaName": "Karnataka",
"AreaType": "ST",
"MerchantID": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsArchive": false,
"DeliveryRefCode": "KA",
"AreaTypeIDs": null
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves delivery areas of a specific location.
Resource Information
URI | /Location/DeliveryAreas/{merchantId}/{locationId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant for which you want to fetch location details |
locationId* | int | Unique id of the location for which you want to get delivery areas |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
DistancefromInputLatLong | float | Distance of the location from latitude and longitude. Available only if latitude and longitude are set for the location |
IsParticipateInStock | boolean | Whether the location is participating in stock. The location appears on the storefront only if this is set to true |
AdditionalDetails | json obj | Details of custom fields configured for the location |
Get Location Information
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Location": {
"DistancefromInputLatLong": 0,
"ParentLocationID": 0,
"LocationId": 16696,
"LocationCode": "OCDEL",
"LocationName": "Holisol Delhi",
"Address1": "Holisol Logistics Pvt. Ltd, Plot No. #434/2, Phirni Road (Budh Bazar Road), Mundka New Delhi - 110041\r\n",
"Address2": "",
"City": "19759",
"CityName": "New Delhi",
"Area": "",
"State": "DL",
"StateName": "Delhi",
"Country": "IN",
"CountryName": "India",
"Pin": "110019",
"Contact1": "91-9266604xxx",
"Contact2": "",
"Description": "Holisol Warehouse",
"Latitude": 28.6826,
"Longitude": 77.022,
"LocationType": null,
"MerchantId": "9820eca5-d11f-4df1-9b20-983a45eaxxxx",
"IsDistributionCenter": true,
"EmailId": "",
"IsParticipateInStock": true,
"IsDefaultLocation": true,
"IsOfflinneCheckoutEnabled": false,
"IsPointOfSale": true,
"IsOfflineDeals": false,
"IsInStorePickup": true,
"Remarks": null,
"IsReversePickupEnabled": true,
"IsDefaultLNG_LocationName": false,
"IsDefaultLNG_Description": false,
"IsDefaultLNG_Address1": false,
"AdditionalDetails": [
"Key": "LocationId",
"Value": "16696"
"Key": "IsDispatchEnable",
"Value": "False"
"Key": "StoreAuthKey",
"Value": ""
"Key": "LastSeen",
"Value": "1/1/2000 12:00:00 PM"
"Key": "StoreOnTime",
"Value": "00:00:00"
"Key": "StoreOffTime",
"Value": "00:00:00"
"Key": "Lastlogout",
"Value": "1/1/2000 12:00:00 PM"
"Key": "VendorId",
"Value": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"Key": "lastloginafterStoreOn",
"Value": "1/1/2000 12:00:00 PM"
"Key": "isEnablePromotion",
"Value": "False"
"Key": "isEnablePrivatelabel",
"Value": "False"
"Key": "MaxPromotionPerDay",
"Value": "0"
"Key": "isDineIn",
"Value": "False"
"Key": "LocationPrefix",
"Value": "HD"
"Key": "EnableReversePickup",
"Value": "False"
"Key": "AdvanceTaxPrefix",
"Value": "HOLDATV"
"Key": "isKDS",
"Value": "False"
"Key": "isDriverTracking",
"Value": "False"
"Key": "isStoreManagerApp",
"Value": "False"
"Key": "JDECode",
"Value": ""
"Key": "ChamsId",
"Value": ""
"Key": "TechnologyCode",
"Value": ""
"Key": "HomeDeliveryETA",
"Value": "{\"StartTime\":\"01\",\"EndTime\":\"0\",\"ETAType\":0,\"ETAUnits\":\"HOURS\"}"
"Key": "TakeAwayETA",
"Value": "{\"StartTime\":\"0\",\"EndTime\":\"0\",\"ETAType\":0,\"ETAUnits\":\"MIN\"}"
"Key": "PickupPointsETA",
"Value": "{\"StartTime\":\"0\",\"EndTime\":\"0\",\"ETAType\":0,\"ETAUnits\":\"MIN\"}"
"DeliveryModes": [
"Mode": "Home Delivery Timings",
"State": "False",
"ReasonCode": ""
"StoreTimings": [
"CloseLeadTime": 0,
"Deliverymode": "L",
"ID": 9388,
"Locationid": 16696,
"OffTime": "23:00:00",
"OnTime": "00:00:00",
"OpenLeadTime": 0,
"WeekDayId": 0
"CloseLeadTime": 0,
"Deliverymode": "L",
"ID": 9390,
"Locationid": 16696,
"OffTime": "23:00:00",
"OnTime": "00:00:00",
"OpenLeadTime": 0,
"WeekDayId": 1
"CloseLeadTime": 0,
"Deliverymode": "L",
"ID": 9392,
"Locationid": 16696,
"OffTime": "23:00:00",
"OnTime": "00:00:00",
"OpenLeadTime": 0,
"WeekDayId": 2
"CloseLeadTime": 0,
"Deliverymode": "L",
"ID": 9394,
"Locationid": 16696,
"OffTime": "23:00:00",
"OnTime": "00:00:00",
"OpenLeadTime": 0,
"WeekDayId": 3
"CloseLeadTime": 0,
"Deliverymode": "L",
"ID": 9396,
"Locationid": 16696,
"OffTime": "23:00:00",
"OnTime": "00:00:00",
"OpenLeadTime": 0,
"WeekDayId": 4
"CloseLeadTime": 0,
"Deliverymode": "L",
"ID": 9398,
"Locationid": 16696,
"OffTime": "23:00:00",
"OnTime": "00:00:00",
"OpenLeadTime": 0,
"WeekDayId": 5
"CloseLeadTime": 0,
"Deliverymode": "L",
"ID": 9400,
"Locationid": 16696,
"OffTime": "23:00:00",
"OnTime": "00:00:00",
"OpenLeadTime": 0,
"WeekDayId": 6
"HomeDeliveryTimings": [
"CloseLeadTime": 10,
"Deliverymode": "H",
"ID": 20588,
"Locationid": 0,
"OffTime": "17:00:00",
"OnTime": "12:00:00",
"OpenLeadTime": 1,
"WeekDayId": 1
"TakeawayTimings": []
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves the details of a specific location.
Resource Information
URI | /Location/Information/{merchantId}/{locationId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant |
locationId* | int | Unique id of the location that you want to fetch |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
DistancefromInputLatLong | float | Distance of the location from latitude and longitude. Available only if latitude and longitude are set for the location |
AdditionalDetails | json obj | Details of custom fields configured for the location |
IsParticipateInStock | boolean | Whether the location is participating in stock. The location appears on the storefront only if this is set to true |
IsOfflinneCheckoutEnabled | boolean | Whether offline ordering is available for the location |
IsDefaultLNG_LocationName | boolean | Whether the language is default language of the location or not |
Get Reason Codes
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ReasonCodes": [
"Description": "Operational Reasons",
"ReasonCode": "OR"
"Description": "Technical Reasons",
"ReasonCode": "TR"
"ErrorCode": 0
Retrieves configured reason codes for updating delivery modes of a store - open for available and close for unavailable. For example, you need to pass the specific reason code while updating the availability of a delivery mode of a store such as home delivery, or in-store pickup.
Resource Information
URI | /Location/ReasonCodes/{merchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | The unique id (GUID) of the merchant |
Update Order ETA
Sample Request
Sample POST Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Location ETA details Updated Successfully",
"ErrorCode": 0
Lets you add or update order ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for a location including the type of delivery location with location code.
Resource Information
URI | /Location/UpdateLocationETA/{merchantId}/{OrderDeliveryType} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
OrderDeliveryType | enum | Type of order delivery. Supported values: H for Home Delivery, T for Takeaway, P for store pickup, and ALL if all types are supported |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
LocationCode* | string | Location code for which you want to update order ETA |
HomeDeliveryETA* | obj | Updates ETA for home delivery orders |
TakeAwayETA | obj | Updated ETA for take away orders |
PickupPointsETA | obj | Updates ETA for store pick up orders |
StartTime* | string | Estimated minimum delivery time as per the selected ETA units |
EndTime* | string | Estimated maximum delivery time as per the selected ETA units |
ETAType* | enum | Specify 0 for a fixed ETA. For example 2 days from the ordered date. Specify 1 for ETA within a specified period from the ordered date. For example, 5-7 days |
ETAUnits* | enum | Preferred unit for time - minutes, hours, or days. Value: Min , Hours , Days |
Get Location ETA
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"LocationETA": {
"HomeDeliveryETA": {
"ETAType": 1,
"ETAUnits": "MIN",
"EndTime": "20",
"StartTime": "10"
"LocationCode": "BTM",
"PickupPointsEta": {
"ETAType": 1,
"ETAUnits": "MIN",
"EndTime": "30",
"StartTime": "15"
"TakeAwayETA": {
"ETAType": 0,
"ETAUnits": "MIN",
"EndTime": "0",
"StartTime": "45"
Retrieves Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) of an order for a specific location and the type of location delivery with location code.
Resource Information
URI | /Location/Information/{merchantId}/{LocationCode}/{OrderDeliveryType} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
LocationCode* | string | Location code for which you want to fetch order ETA details |
OrderDeliveryType* | string | Specific order type for which you want to fetch ETA. Values H for HomeDelivery, T for TakeAway, P for Pickup, ALL for all types |
Response Parameters
Following table contains descriptions of a few response parameters that require more information. It does not include the parameters that are already in the request body or self explanatory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ETAType | enum | Specifies whether a fixed ETA or not. 0 for a fixed ETA and 1 for ETA between StartTime and EndTime |
ETAUnits | enum | The unit of measurement of time for the ETA for StartTime and EndTime . It could be Min (for minutes), Hours , or Days |
Get Delivery Area PINCodes & Area Details
Retrieves the details of delivery areas along with PINCodes based on the input parameters.
Sample Request
Sample POST Request (RAW)
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"DeliveryAreas": [
"Pincodes": [
"DeliveryAreaID": 3088,
"DeliveryAreaName": "Mumbai",
"AreaType": "State",
"MerchantID": "f48fdd16-92db-4188-854d-1ecd9b62d066",
"IsArchive": false,
"DeliveryRefCode": "mumbai",
"AreaTypeIDs": null
Resource Information
URI | /Location/{MerchantId}/SearchDeliveryPincodes |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | POST |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
countryid | string | Alpha-2 code of the country for which you want to fetch delivery areas. Example: IN (for India), AU (for Australia), and BR (for Brazil) |
stateid | string | Fetch delivery areas by State code. For example, KA for Karnataka, AR for Arunachal Pradesh, TS for Telangana |
cityid | int | Fetch delivery areas by city id. Pass the unique id of the city |
pincodes | string | Fetch delivery areas by area pincodes |
deliveryareaid | string | Specify the delivery area id to fetch the details of that specific delivery area |
Get Location Log
Retrieves logs of the merchant for a specific location.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"StoreLog": [
"locationname": "Sample Mumbai store1",
"locationcode": "1001",
"logtype": "StoreTime",
"logdetails": "Home Delivery Timings",
"logdetailsvalue": "",
"logdatetime": "11/20/2018 6:29:14 PM",
"user": "",
"reasoncode": "",
"weekdayid": "0",
"weekdayname": "Sunday",
"starttime": "17:00:00",
"endtime": "02:30:00",
"startleadtime": "30",
"endleadtime": "30"
"locationname": "Sample Mumbai store1",
"locationcode": "1001",
"logtype": "StoreTime",
"logdetails": "Home Delivery Timings",
"logdetailsvalue": "",
"logdatetime": "11/20/2018 5:57:45 PM",
"user": "",
"reasoncode": "",
"weekdayid": "0",
"weekdayname": "Sunday",
"starttime": "17:00:00",
"endtime": "02:30:00",
"startleadtime": "30",
"endleadtime": "30"
Resource Information
URI | /Location/Log/{merchantId}/{locationCode}/{fromDate}/{toDate} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
locationCode* | string | Location code for which you want to see the logistics |
fromDate* | date | Specify the duration for which you want to see the log in fromDate and toDate . Specify the date in MM-DD-YYYY format |
toDate* | date | Specify the duration for which you want to see the log in fromDate and toDate . Specify the date in MM-DD-YYYY format |
Merchant is an entry associated with the Capillary that runs their business on the Capillary Anywhere Commerce Platform. This resource lets Capillary Admin users manage merchant accounts in different countries as per needed.
Merchant users can use the resource to access their Blob server and merchant details.
Get Signed URL{MerchantId}
Sample Response
"Code": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": "0",
"Url": "",
"AllocatedItems": "false"
Provides authentication to the Merchant to access the Blob server.
Resource Information
URI | Merchant/GetSignedUrl/{MerchantId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Category is a group used to organize products. Products are categorized in a tree structure based on any parameters such as product types.
Get Category Information
Retrieves the details of a specific category.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"Category": {
"CategoryId": "CU00216534",
"CategoryName": "Desserts",
"ParentCategoryId": "CU00216530",
"Lineage": "/CU00216530/CU00216534/",
"Depth": 1,
"IsLeaf": true,
"ReferenceCode": "CU00216534",
"ProductCount": 2
"ErrorCode": 0
Resource Information
URI | /Category/Information/{MerchantId}/{CategoryId} |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
MerchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
CategoryId* | string | Unique id of the category to fetch details |
Get Variant Properties
Retrieves all the variant properties associated to a specific category.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"messageCode": "1004",
"Message": "Successful",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"VariantProperties": [
"VariantId": 13068,
"VariantPropertyName": "Weight",
"MulticolumnDisplay": null,
"Rank": 1,
"DataType": "String",
"NoOfColumn": 1,
"PropertyCode": "",
"isDisplaySwatch": false,
"VariantImageType": 0,
"Description": "",
"VariantPropertyValues": [
"VariantPropertyValueId": 326232,
"VariantPropertyId": 13068,
"VariantValue": "1000gm",
"Rank": 50087,
"ImageName": "",
"Description": ""
Resource Information
URI | /Category/{MerchantId}/{cateogryId}/variantproperties |
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Yes |
Response Formats | JSON |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Batch Support | No |
- Rate limiter controls the number of incoming and outgoing traffic of a network
- Authentication verifies the identity of the current user or integration. See Introduction > Authentication (Merchant Setup on Admin Portal) for more details
Request URL
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantId* | string | Unique GUID of the merchant |
cateogryId* | string | Unique category id for which you want to fetch variant properties |
Response Codes
The following are different success and error codes pertaining to the Anywhere Commerce APIs:
Code | Meaning |
429 | Rate limit exceeded |
440 | Session expired |
500 | Server error |
1000 | Unhandled exception. Please contact support desk |
1001 | Order canceled already |
1002 | Order canceled successfully |
1003 | Authentication failed. This could be due either due to invalid token, social login authentication failed, or API authentication failed |
1004 | Successful |
1005 | Order authorized |
1006 | Order ID is not available |
1007 | Updated successfully |
1008 | Update failed |
1009 | No record found |
1011 | Order is not ready for shipping |
1012 | Username is required |
1013 | Voucher name is required |
1014 | Voucher already exists |
1015 | Invalid campaign ID |
1016 | Invalid input |
1017 | User does not exist |
1018 | Data update added to the task queue. You can view the status of the update in the Control Panel. An email will be sent to the merchant’s registered email ID after the task is completed. |
1019 | Data update added to the task queue. You can view the status of update using ‘GetProductInformation’ |
1020 | No common shipping |
1021 | Warning |
1022 | Products not available |
1023 | Invalid city. Please select a valid address |
1024 | PIN code is not serviceable for the selected location |
1025 | PIN code not serviceable for the given address |
1027 | Update failed |
1028 | Invalid page number |
1030 | Authorization failed. |
1031 | Your account approval is still in process. You cannot access your account until approved. |
1032 | Your account has been locked because of multiple failed login attempts. Please contact customer support. |
1033 | Invalid inputs provided. Please provide correct input |
1034 | Product is added already |
1035 | Shipment created already |
1036 | No default self return found |
1037 | Your account has been locked because of multiple failed login attempts. To reactivate your account, email the support team. If you try with wrong passwords for 9 consecutive times, your account will be locked. |
1038 | Invalid OTP |
1039 | Your password has been expired or on the verge of expiry due to multiple attempts. This occurs when you try with the wrong password continuously for the 7th and 8th time. To prevent your account from being locked, reset the password using Forgot Password . |
1040 | Invalid password. Please enter correct password. If you enter wrong password for 6 consecutive times, you need to reset your password. |
1041 | No user account exists with the provided details. |
1042 | Your account has not been activated yet. Please try later. |
1043 | Order is already authorized. |
1044 | Invalid delivery slot. |
1045 | Invalid merchant ID. |
1046 | Invalid location ID |
5001 | Invalid user information |
5001 | No Bundle items present for the specified product ID |
5002 | Invalid Delivery Mode: {DeliveryMode} for Product as IsShip/IsOnline/Instore Pickup is not set |
5003 | Invalid Delivery Mode: {DeliveryMode} for Location Id: {LocationId} |
5004 | ProductId is not available at the specified locationId |
5005 | Product with the specified ProductId is not available |
5006 | Product with the specified ProductId has type 'A’ which is not allowed. You cannot add an add-on product directly |
5007 | Invalid variant ProductId |
6220 | Invalid ETA start/end time |
6221 | Invalid ETA range |
6222 | Invalid ETA units |
6223 | Invalid end range |
6224 | End date is greater than start date |
6225 | Invalid ETA details |
6226 | No location code passed |
6227 | Invalid location |
6228 | Invalid ETA |